

重庆与世界 2015年6期


亚欧会议(Asia-Europe Meeting,简称ASEM)成立于1996年,是亚洲和欧洲间重要的跨区域政府间论坛,旨在通过政治对话、经济合作和社会文化交流,增进了解,加强互信,推动建立亚欧新型、全面伙伴关系。





















亚欧基金(Asia-Europe Foundation,简称ASEF)成立于1997年,是亚欧会议框架下唯一常设机构,负责开展亚欧学术、文化和人员交流活动,致力于加强亚欧相互了解,资金来源以亚欧会议各成员自愿捐款为主。办事机构设在新加坡,为推动亚欧民间交流的重要渠道。


Asia-Europe Meeting

The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM for short) was launched in 1996 and has served as an important transregional intergovernmental forum for dialogue and cooperation between Asia and Europe.It aims at enhancing mutual understanding,strengthening mutual trust,and promoting the establishment of new Asia-Europe comprehensive partnership through political dialogue,economic cooperation and social and cultural exchange.

[Initiation]The 1st ASEM Summit was held in Bangkok,Thailand on March 1 to 2,1996.The leaders from 25 Asian and European countries and from the European Commission attended this summit.The Asian countries include Thailand,Malaysia,Philippines,Indonesia,Brunei,Singapore,Vietnam,China,Japan and Korea and the European countries include 15 European Union countries — Italy,Germany,France,Netherlands,Belgium,Luxembourg,Denmark,Ireland,UK,Greece,Spain,Portugal,Austria,Finland,and Sweden and the European Commission.Key issues under discussion at this summit included the significance of ASEM,cooperation of Asia and Europe in such fields as politics,economy and culture and follow-up actions of ASEM.At this summit,the Chairman's Statement was passed and it was determined the summit be held every two years.

[Members]At the 5th ASEM Summit held in Hanoi,Vietnam,October 2004,three Asian countries - Cambodia,Laos and Myanmar and 10 new EU member countries - Cyprus,Czech Republic,Estonia,Hungary,Latvia,Republic of Lithuania,Malta,Poland,Slovakia,and Slovenia formally joined,witnessing the 1st expansion of ASEM.In September 2006,it was decided at the 6th ASEM Summit held in Helsinki,Finland to admit such 6 new members as Mongolia,India,Pakistan,the ASEAN Secretariat,Bulgaria and Rumania.Till then,the ASEM members had increased to 45.In October 2010,three new members,including Russia,Australia and New Zealand were admitted at the 8th ASEM Summit held in Brussels,Belgium,with the members increased to 48.In November 2012,Bangladesh,Switzerland and Norway were admitted at the 9th ASEM Summit held in Vientiane,Laos,with the members increased to 51.In October 2014,Kazakhstan and Croatia were admitted formally at the 10th ASEM Summit held in Milan,Italy,with the members increased to 53.

[Objectives and Principles]In accordance with the Chairman's Statement passed at the 1st ASEM,the ASEM is intended to establish a new comprehensible partnership between Asia and Europe with a purpose of promoting growth,enhancing mutual dialogue,understanding and cooperation,creating favorable conditions for social and economic development and maintaining world peace and stability.

ASEM observes the following principles: the dialogue between all the members shall be on the basis of mutual respect,equality,promotion of basic rights,compliance with the obligations specified in the International Law and no interference with the internal affairs of other countries;the cooperation shall be open and progressive and followup actions shall be taken on the basis of consensus;a new member must firstly win the regional support and then obtain the unanimous decision at the summit for admittance.

[Cooperation]The ASEM includes three pillars: political dialogue,economic and trade cooperation,exchange of social culture and other fields.In terms of political dialogue,all Asia-Europe members shall carry out political dialogue at each level to enhance mutual understanding and trust;in terms of economic and trade cooperation,they shall actively conduct dialogues on macroeconomic and financial policies,formulate and implement the Hanoi Declaration on Closer ASEM Economic Partnership,and jointly contribute to promoting the steady economic and trade growth of two regions;in terms of cultural exchange and dialogue among cultures,they have built greater consensus,passed ASEM Declaration on Dialogue among Cultures and Civilizations and developed a planning document for medium and long term Asia – Europe culture cooperation.Each member has also cooperated in such fields as science & technology,energy,labor,anti-terrorist,law enforcement,environment and youth affairs.

[Mechanism]The ASEM consists of ASEM Summit,ASEM Foreign Ministers' Meeting,ASEM Ministerial Meeting of other professional fields and the like.Daily affairs are negotiated through ASEM Senior Officials' Meeting.

ASEM Summit: It is responsible for determining the guiding principle and development direction of ASEM and is held in Asia and Europe in turn every other year.So far,it has been held 10 sessions and the 11th ASEM Summit will be held in Ulan Bator,Mongolia,in July 2016.

ASEM Foreign Ministers' Meeting: It is responsible for overall coordination and policy planning of ASEM activities and for passing of related guiding documents and approval of new initiatives.This meeting is held every two years and has so far been held 11 sessions.The 12th ASEM Foreign Ministers' Meeting will be held in Luxembourg and in November 2015.

ASEM Senior Officials' Meeting: It is responsible for coordination and management of ASEM activities in each field and for preparations of ASEM Summit and ASEM Foreign Ministers' Meeting,including review of new initiatives,discussion of documents and initial exchange of views on mutually concerned international and regional issues.This meeting is held in turn in an Asia or European country irregularly (twice to three times every year).

ASEM Coordinators: It is responsible for daily coordination and composed of two members from Asia and two members from Europe.

ASEM also includes the ministerial meeting for Minister of Economic Affairs,Finance Minister,Minister of Culture,the Director of Customs and the ministers of such other professional fields like science and technology,environment,education,transportation,agriculture,SME and labor.The ministerial meeting is responsible for implementing the decisions of ASEM summit in their respective field and formulating cooperative planning and carrying out relevant activities.

Asia-Europe Business Forum: As a regular dialogue mechanism of business community ASEM members,it aims at enhancing mutual understanding,promoting interenterprise trade,investment and technical cooperation,and submitting to the summit and related ministerial conference related business views and suggestions on major issues.So far,it has been held 14 sessions.

Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership Meeting: It consists of ASEM Member's Parliament and European Parliament and is a BBS between informal parliamentary system,aiming to strengthen the dialogue between ASEM members of parliament,to promote understanding between Asian and European people,and to promote the ASEM process.So far,it has been held 8 sessions.

Asia-Europe People's Forum: It is a NGO forum initiated and joined by ASEM members of civil society to mainly discuss the issues of such three fields like peace and security,economy and society,democracy and human rights.So far,it has been held 10 sessions.

[Asia-Europe Foundation]Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF for short),founded in 1997,is the only standing body under the framework of the ASEM and is responsible for conducting Asia-Europe academic,cultural and personnel exchanges to strengthen Asia-Europe mutual understanding.The funds are mainly from voluntary contributions of ASEM members.The working body is based in Singapore and functions as an important channel to promote Asia-Europe non-governmental exchange.

Zhang Yan,former ambassador to India,took office as the sixth director-general of ASEF in November 2012 with the term of office to the end of October 2016.


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