Corpus Linguistics Research Call for Papers
Corpus Linguistics Research Call for Papers
The Korean Association for Corpus Linguistics (KACL) will publish the first issue of Corpus Linguistics Research in September 2015. The KACL editors are pleased to consider manuscripts for publication in Corpus Linguistics Research providing the manuscript has not already been published elsewhere. Papers which contribute to corpus-based theory or methodology (e.g. building, annotation, tools, analysis,etc.) will be given precedence over those that access a corpus in order to study some aspect of linguistics. Corpus Linguistics Research is an open access and double blind peer reviewed international journal published by the Korean Association for Corpus Linguistics (KACL), South Korea. The journal will be published in both print and online.
Manuscripts should be submitted by email. The electronic file(s) should be .doc.only.
Please send your manuscript to the editor at: kaclgeneral@gmail.com