International Journal of Learner Corpus Research: Call for papers
The International Journal of Learner Corpus Research (IJLCR) is a forum for researchers who collect, annotate, and analyse computer learner corpora and/or use them to investigate topics in Second Language Acquisition and linguistic theory in general, inform foreign language teaching, develop learner-corpus-informed tools(e.g. courseware, proficiency tests, dictionaries and grammars) or conduct natural language processing tasks (e.g. annotation, automatic spell- and grammar-checking , L1 identification). IJLCR aims to highlight the multidisciplinary and broad scope of practice that characterizes the field and publishes original research covering methodological,theoretical and applied work in any area of learner corpus research.
IJLCR features research papers, shorter research notes and reviews of books,corpora and software tools. The language of the journal is English. The journal will also publish special issues. All contributions are peer-reviewed.
IJLCR is now inviting submissions for Vol. 2 No. 1 (to be published in spring 2016).
For more information, visit the official website of the journal: https://benjamins.com/#catalog/journals/ijlcr
Marcus Callies and Magali Paquot
IJLCR General editors