

管子学刊 2015年2期



(山东理工大学 科技信息研究所,山东 淄博 255049)








齐国古都,文化名城,为灿烂辉煌的中华文明增添多少瑰宝珠玑。管仲,世称“管子”,孔子有高评,诸葛亮崇拜,“每自比于管仲、乐毅”(《三国志·蜀志·诸葛亮传》)。难怪管子纪念馆, 游人如织, 摩肩接踵;汉语文字说明, 精雕细琢, 但对应的英文,却不尽人意,特别是涉及的几个专名的翻译,有许多值得商榷之处。而准确完整的英文介绍,是弘扬博大精深的以“管子”为代表的齐文化的一个重要窗口。下面以“管仲纪念馆前言”“管仲、齐桓公”简介的翻译等文本为例, 就相关的问题逐一探讨, 疑义相与析。



管仲(?—前645年),名夷吾,字仲,世称管子,春秋时颍上人,是中国古代著名的政治家、思想家、经略家与军事家,同时也是一位卓有成效的改革家。管仲相齐40年,辅佐齐桓公内行改革,兴邦安民,富国强兵;外抚天下,尊王攘夷,存亡续绝,使齐国成为春秋五霸之首。其思想与业绩影响之大,远远超出了齐国,而对整个华夏文明都有深远的影响。孔子曾赞之曰:“管仲相桓公, 霸诸侯, 一匡天下, 民到如今受其赐。微管仲,吾其披发左祍矣。”梁启超高度评价说:“其事业所影响,不徒在区区一齐。而能为中国历史上开一新生面耶!”“如管子者,可以光国史矣!”

管仲纪念馆因纪念齐国贤相管仲, 并以弘扬其思想和精神为现实服务而兴建。该馆以牛山为背景,以管仲墓为依托,以管仲的生平为主线,运用传统和现代相结合的陈列形式展示一代名相博大精深的思想及治齐、佐主成霸的丰功伟业,并依此为契点综合展现宰相文化的渊源及发展。

Guan Zhong(?-645B.C)named Yiwu, styled Zhong, respectfully called Guangzi by people. was born in Yingshang during the Spring and Autumn Period. He was a famous statesman, thinker, economist, Strategist as well as a successful reformer. Guan Zhong had been the prime minister in ancient Qi state for 40 years, during which he assisted Qi Huangong the king of the Qi state to reform the economic system and develop relations with other states. After scores of years, the Qi state, became the then strongest state for its economic and military strength and was named as the “state with one thousand chariots and the head of the strongest state” The influences of his idea and achievements spread far beyond the ancient Qi Kingdom, it exerts great influences on the entire Chinese civilization.

Guangzhou Memorial hall is constructed in memory of Guangzhong as well as in order to further extends his idea and thoughts to serve reality.


例1:“Cao Cao,whose literary name was Mengde and pet name Ahman,was born to a powerful court official’s family in Boxian County, Anhui Province. 曹操,字孟德,小名阿瞒,生于安徽亳州一显赫官宦人家。”作为一位文人,“字”这里用“literary name”[1]86。

例2:“Li Shizhen(1518~1593), courtesy name Dongbi, was one of the greatest physicians and pharmacologists in Chinese history. His major contribution to medicine was his forty-year work, which is found in his epic book the Bencao Gangmu. 李时珍(1518~1593),字东壁,是中国历史上最伟大的内科医生和药物学家之一。他的重要贡献是从医40年,写下鸿篇巨著《本草纲目》。”“字”这里用的是“courtesy name”。这是常用的一种翻译方法[1]106。

例3:“Cao Xueqin(1715~1763) was a great writer in the Qing Dynasty(1644~1911). His personal name was Zhan, and his style name Mengruan. His representative work A Dream of Red Mansions was written in the later half of the 18thcentury, which is not only a great Chinese novel but also a gem of world literature. 曹雪芹名沾,字梦阮。”“字”在这里用的是“style name”。该词常多用来表“号”[1]111。


例4:“Kong Zi (551~479 B.C), Kong is his family name, and Zi is a respectful title denoting master. His given name is Qiu, and his styled name is Zhongni. He is also called Confucius in the west. 孔子(前551年9月28日~前479年4月11日)名丘,字仲尼。”“字”也用了“styled name”[2] 384一词。

例5:“孟子,Mencius (c.372 B. C-c.289 B.C.), whose personal name was Ke and courtesy name Ziyu, was a native of Zou (the southeast of modern Zouxian County in Shandong Province).”“字”在这里用 courtesy name[3]1。

例6:“Lao Zi was a native of Qurenli Village, in Lixiang Community, Kuxian District, in the State of Chu. His family name was Li, his given name Er and style Dan. he once served as the head of the national library during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty(770~256 B. C.)”[4]1-2老子,别名又称老聃。用“style”一词在这里的意思似乎又混乱且多余,似字似号?

总体来说,国内外将“字”译为“courtesy name”大多能达成共识,再现“字”表“尊”的功能;在“号”的翻译上用词分歧较大,如上; 另外还有用“pen-name”“poetic name”等。“pen-name”一定程度上是文人的号,“poetic name”(诗意的名字)也可取;“style”一词有“称呼”“命名”之意,本身含有“风格”之意。所以“style name”与“courtesy name”从语义上更搭配,分别对应“号”与“字”,而且以下三种形式通用:“style name” “styled name”“style himself”。如林语堂将苏辙“晚年自号颖滨遗老”就译为“he styled himself the Old Recluse on the Bank of the Ying River”[5]40。再者,为了英文流畅,需要对汉语原意进行调整,将连续出现的音译词分开,降低理解难度,方便读者理解。如介绍老子的英语翻译:“The Founder of Taoism—Lao-tzu, his name was originally ‘Li Er’ and he worked as an archivist at the court of a monarch from the ruling Zhou Dynasty. But he became generally known by the name of ‘Lao-tzu’, which means something like ‘Old master’. Lao—tzu(640-531 B.C.) was mainly a philosopher and he wrote Dao De Jing.” 道家的创始人──老子, 他原名李耳, 曾在周朝为官, 任藏室史, 通常被人称为“老子”,意思是“年长的智者”。老子(公元前604-531) 是中国伟大的哲学家, 著有《道德经》一书[1]61。

其二,“齐桓公”一词的翻译, 在英文简介中用拼音“Qi Huangong”不妥,易产生歧义,分析见后;其三,“管仲”的名称拼写,国人多用规范化的“Guan Zhong”; 也有用“Kuan Chung”[6]55这种形式。国外通常的拼写形式为“Kuan Chung”;再如“管子”的译法,“Guan Zi”“Kuan Tzu”。其实两种拼写对照起来用,各取方便。例如,子曰:“管仲之器小哉!”“The Master said, Kuan Chung was in reality a man of very narrow capacities.”同一页的注有:“Kuan Tzu, seventh century BC, the statesman who built up the power of the Ch’I Kingdom. Confucius regarded him as having merely increased the political prestige of his country without raising its moral status.”[7]35其四,英文简介里多处内容未译出,与原文相差较大。如孔子,梁启超的评语没有译出。无疑相对降低了管仲的重要性。子曰诗云,相当重要。而又凭空增加了千乘之国等内容。由于原文距今跨度大,缺乏必要的增译和注释,影响理解,不利交流。综上分析,今将“管仲纪念馆前言”部分试译如下:

Guan Zhong (?—645 B.C.) was a famous statesman, thinker, strategist and as a highly effective reformer as well in ancient China. Guan was his family name, with given name Yiwu , Zhong was his courtesy name; people often called him Guan Zi, or Master Guan, as in classic Chinese, Zi was a respectful title denoting master, he was born in Yingshang County (in today’s Anhui Province) during the Spring and Autumn Period. Being a prime minister serving kingdom Qi for 40 years, he assisted Duke Huan to reform, for the internal affairs, he adopted new policies to make the Kingdom Qi rich and its military force efficient; for external affairs, he hold high the banner of honouring the King of the West Zhou Dynasty, the son of heaven, and driving off the barbarians around; Thus step by step making the Duke Huan of Kingdom Qi a powerful chief of a group of top five strong kingdoms during the Spring and Autumn Period. The far-reaching influences of his thoughts and achievements had spread far beyond the ancient Kingdom Qi, they had a great influence on the entire Chinese civilization. Confucius, a famous sage and philosopher of China, once praised Guan Zhong with this comment: Guang Zhong assisted Duke Huan in gaining dominance over the other dukes, and in consolidating all the kingdoms under heaven. Today, we still enjoy the benefits he brought us. Without Guan Zhong, we would have been reduced to barbarians with our hair down and robes folded to the left (the dressing style of the minorities at that time).” Liang Qichao, a modern thinker and a great scholar once highly commented Guan Zhong as: the impress & impact of his undertaking was far beyond its original small Kingdom Qi, it opened a brand new chapter in the Chinese history. Those as Guan Zhong definitely glorifies our Chinese history.

Guan Zhong Memorial Hall was built for lasting commemorating this first virtuous prime minister Guan Zhong, and carrying forward his thoughts and mind to serve our present. The hall was built with Niushan hill as background, supported by his mausoleum and applying his life story as principal line to display in both traditional and modern means, his broad and profound thoughts, his brilliant achievements, his wisdom art of governing Kingdom Qi, so to assist his lord to be a powerful chief; thus from here, it also demonstrates the long development and rich source of the culture of feudal Chinese prime ministers.

Note: Guan Zhong, also Kuan Chung or Kuan Tzu, Master Guan.



管仲,字仲,谥敬。春秋时期颍上人。 由鲍叔牙荐与齐桓公, 任为上卿, 其为政, 要在富民,崇尚法治,至强罚不辟亲贵,举贤选才,提倡察能而授官,齐国遂强。《史记·管晏列传》载:“齐桓公以霸,九合诸侯,一匡天下,管仲之谋也。”

Guan Zhong

By name Yiwu, styled himself Zhong, was from yong shang during the Spring and Autumn Period. Qi Huan-gong appointed him prime minister. Guan Zhong helpedHuan Gong to join the ducks for nine times and rectify land under heaven for first time. and made the Kingdom Qi become the first hegemony during the Spring and Autumn Period.

上述译文的问题归纳如下: 1.“颍上”的拼写“Yong”错误,应该是“Yingshang”;2.“君主”应该是“duke”一词,拼写“ducks”则成了“鸭子”(在另一本书中[6]83-85,有同样的拼写错误,全文中多次“duke”与“duck”两个混用,不该出现的问题); 3. 将“齐桓公”翻译成汉语拼音,“Qi Huan-gong”,好像一个姓齐名叫桓公的人。实际上他姓姜名叫小白。“Duke Huan of Kingdom Qi”这种形式的表达才能反应其真实含义。且过去的“国家”与现代意义上的国家(“state”)不同,而“the States”一般多指美国。“齐国”还有译为“Qi Country”,选词太大;用单独的拼音“Qi”, 在没有一定的上下文时,表意也不清楚;故建议用“kingdom”较妥当。例如,“Kuan Tzu, seventh century BC, the statesman who built up the power of the Ch’I Kingdom”。再如“Kuan-tzu: A Repository of Early Chinese Thought by W. Allyn Rickett”[8]。4.《史记》漏译;5. 整段翻译与原文意思相差比较大,过于简洁。古汉语简洁但包含内容极其丰富,译文过于简洁就易于损失原意。今试译如下:

Guan Zhong

With given name Yiwu, courtesy name Zhong, posthumous title Jing, he was a native of Yingshang County (in today’s Anhui Province) during the Spring and Autumn Period. Recommended by Bao Shuya(a senior official in good relation with both Duke Huan and Guan Zhong), Duke Huan of Kingdom Qi appointed him prime minister for 40 years long. His governing policy was mainly as the following: to make people rich was the first priority, by upholding rule of law, punishing those law breakers regardless of their noble blood; selecting those talents, examing those elites and entrusting them officials. According to the Records of the Grand Historian, Duke Huan of Kingdom Qi was a powerful chief of the top five strong kingdoms, he held a number of meetings of all the dukes, which prevented war among the kingdoms and was in gaining dominance over the other dukes and in consolidating all the kingdoms under heaven. All these achievements were attributed to the wise strategies of his prime minister Guan Zhong.




The Huan Prince of Qi

Naned XiaoBai, the family name Jiang was on the throne 685 B.C-643 B.C. He respected the Emperor of Zhou and resisted the foreign aggressions, and became the strongest of the Five Conquerors during the Spring and Autumn Period.

整段译文内容表达简单。“Naned”拼写有误,应为“Named”;“尊王”里的“王”,用“皇帝emperor”一词欠妥。在秦朝大一统后,才有始皇帝“Qin Shihuang, the First Emperor”。之前的“王”,多用“king”或“duke”或“monarch”“ruler”, 对应以前的“王”,它的国家也不是现代意义上的国家。例如:“King Xuan of Qi asked”, “Is it true that King Tang banished Jie (the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty_tr.) and King Wu sent an expedition against Zhou (the last ruler of the Yin Dynasty-tr.)?” 齐宣王问曰:“汤放桀,武王伐纣,有诸?”[3]67,注意“王”的用词“king”“ruler”而非“emperor”。今试译如下:

Duke Huan of Kingdom Qi

His family name was Jiang, given name Xiaobai. Duke Huan was a famous monarch of Kingdom Qi during 685 B.C.-643 B.C.. He led the reform then with Guan Zhong his prime minister for making his kingdom stronger among others. Under the banner of honouring the King of the West Zhou Dynasty, the son of heaven, and driving off the barbarians around, Kingdom Qi was in controlling minority Shanrong tribes in the north, conquering the Kingdom Chu in the South, being dutiful to the West Zhou throne, guarding the Kingdoms of Wei & Xing, and chaired a number of meetings of all the dukes, which prevented war among the kingdoms. All these actions justified the leadership of Duke Huan, thus promoted him a dominance over the group of top five strong kingdoms then.


《管子》是先秦时期各学派的言论汇编,内容博大;《管子》思想,是先秦时期政治家治国、平天下的大经大法。“管子”用汉语拼音表示, 字面意思无误。但有可商榷与改进之处。首先,作为汉语拼音“Guan Zi”,外国读者既无法准确读出其音,仅是有音无意的语言片段,会产生理解上的语义空白;同时还无法表达“子”在汉语里“大师”的意思。汉语里达到这个级别,称得上“子”的人不多,所以才有现在相关的研究,翻译损失掉这个意涵十分遗憾。综合考虑,建议“管子”译为“Master Guan”;例如,“President Obama”, “Professor Cheng”,“Master Zeng said”(曾子曰[9]3), 前面的词表其身份、职务,后面是其名姓,这样规范易于接受;且“子曰”经常就译为“The Master Said”。“齐文化”一词的翻译,也有类似的问题,“Qi Culture”[10], 应添加“kingdom” 在前,“齐文化”实际是“齐国文化”的简称,用 “Kingdom Qi Culture” 表意清楚简明。


译事难,译相关的古语说明更难,故需小心认真对待。翻译古人的字、号当用普遍接受的词,行文顺序贴合英文习惯; 古代人名中的“号”应译为“style name”,而“字”可译为“courtesy name”,从语义上更搭配;齐桓公, 管子的翻译要用大家易于理解的方式,内外兼顾;“管子”建议翻译为“Master Guan”, 齐桓公,应译为“Duke Huan of Kingdom Qi”;《管子学刊》的译名,亦当如此,选择一个更能表达丰富意义的译法,建议译为“Journal of Master Guan Studies”。本文仅是一个大胆探讨,就其中的文字翻译,粗浅分析,期望引起各位同行对此问题的关注,百家争鸣,齐心协力,更好促进中外文化交流,共同推动齐文化的研究发展,让管子学的研究走向更高层次,结出更丰硕的成果。


[1]段义涛. 中国文化英语80主题[M]. 北京:中国宇航出版社,2012.

[2]蔡希勤等. 论语——Analects of Confucius,汉英对照[M]. 北京:华语教育出版社,1994.

[3]孔子文化大全编辑部. 孟子——儒学经典译丛[M]. 济南:山东友谊出版社,1993.

[4] Wang Keping. The Classic of the Dao A New Investigation[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Press, 1998.

[5] Lin,Yutang. The Gay Genius:The Life and Times of Su Tungpo[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 2009.

[6]吕家林,杨山青. 汉英文化读本[M]. 贵阳:贵州人民出版社,2012.

[7]威利. 论语:汉英对照[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1997.

[8]W. Allyn Rickett. Kuan-tzu: A Repository of Early Chinese Thought[M].Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press,1968.

[9]李天辰,等. 论语汉英对照译本[M]. 济南:山东大学出版社,1991.

[10]王京龙. 从《论语》看孔子的体育思想观念[J]. 体育科学,2012,32(1).


