[摘要] 目的 探讨外源性骨桥蛋白(OPN)对卵巢癌细胞(SKOV3)生长及迁移侵袭能力的影响。 方法 选用SKOV3及人正常卵巢上皮细胞(IOSE80)。应用Elisa及蛋白印迹方法检测OPN含量。CCK8方法测定细胞增殖。划痕实验及小室穿梭实验评价细胞迁移侵袭能力。蛋白印迹的方法检测细胞信号通路活化及蛋白表达量。 结果OPN的分泌量及表达量在SKOV3细胞中均高于IOSE80(P均<0.05)。OPN浓度分别为20、50、80、110 ng/mL时,均促进了SKOV3的增殖(P均<0.05)。空白对照组及OPN(50 ng/mL)组细胞运动面积分别为(26.1±0.9)%和(42.9±1.5)%(P<0.05)。空白对照组与OPN(50 ng/mL)组跨膜细胞数量分别为(165±7.63)个/孔和(333.3±8.8)个/孔(P<0.05)。OPN(50 ng/mL)干预15 min明显上调磷酸化Akt及MMP2表达量。应用PI3K抑制剂预处理后,OPN(50 ng/mL)干预对磷酸化Akt及MMP2表达量没有明显影响。 结论 SKOV3比IOSE80表达分泌更多OPN。外源性OPN促进了SKOV3的增殖、迁移侵袭能力。OPN激活PI3K通路上调MMP2是可能机制之一。
[关键词] 卵巢癌;骨桥蛋白;基质金属蛋白酶
[中图分类号] R737.31 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-9701(2014)36-0001-04
Osteopontin promote proliferation, migration and invasion of the ovarian cancer cell line
XU Qiuhong1 LU Qingling1 CHEN Hongyu1 WANG Mingfang1 MA Xiuyan1 LOU Xiuhui1 YU Xin2 SONG Lixin2 WANG Qian2 WANG Li1
1.Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Heilongjiang Provincial Hospital, Harbin 150030,China; 2.Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150080, China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the impact of osteopontin(OPN) on proliferation and invasion of ovarian cancer cell line (SKOV3). Methods Routinely cultured SKOV3 cells were treated with OPN for certain times. And cell numbers were measured using CCK8. The cell migration and invasion were assessed by wound healing test and transwell chamber assay, respectively. Elisa and western blotting were used to detect the protein expressions of p-Akt, Akt and MMP2. Results Compared with IOSE80 cells, SKOV3 secreted and expressed more OPN (P<0.05). Compared with control group, 20, 50, 80, 110 ng/mL OPN promote proliferation of SKOV3 cells(P<0.05). SKOV3 cells treated with 50 ng/mL OPN showed increased ability of migration and invasion (both P<0.05). 50 ng/mL OPN treated for 15 minutes significantly increased the phosphorylation of Akt and the protein expressions of MMP2 of SKOV3. Specifically blocked the phosphorylation of PI3K inhibited the phosphorylation of Akt and the protein expressions of MMP2 when treated with OPN. Conclusion OPN could promote the migration and invasion of SKOV3 cells possibly by regulating the phosphorylation of PI3K and the expression of MMP2.
[Key words] Ovarian cancer;Osteopontin;Matrix metalloproteinase
卵巢癌是女性常见的恶性肿瘤,其发病隐匿,转移早、复发率高,严重影响疾病治疗及预后。CA125是目前卵巢癌的主要血清学标志物,但仍有约30%患者表达阴性[1]。近年来多种新的卵巢癌标志物被提出,其中骨桥蛋白(osteopontin, OPN)备受关注[2]。但是,OPN对卵巢癌细胞的生长及迁移侵袭能力所起作用至今仍未明确阐明。本实验通过体外实验探讨OPN对卵巢癌细胞SKOV3生长及迁移侵袭能力的影响。
1 材料与方法
1.1 药品与试剂
OPN(4264,Sigma)、anti-OPN(ab91655,Abcam)、AKT(9272,cell signaling technology)、p-AKT(9271,cell signaling technology)、MMP2(ab110186,Abcam),GAPDH(上海威奥生物)、辣根过氧化物酶标记羊抗兔二抗(碧云天)、PI3K抑制剂(LY294002, Cell Signaling Technology)、OPN ELISA Kit(上海信然生物),DMEM高糖培养液(吉诺生物)、澳洲牛血清(Biosun),PBS(吉诺生物)、0.25%胰酶-EDTA(吉诺生物)、吉姆萨染液(南京建成生物公司)、CCK8 Kit(碧云天)、RIPA、PMSF、磷酸酶抑制剂及蛋白酶抑制剂、BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒、蛋白印迹配胶试剂盒(碧云天)。
1.2 细胞株
1.3 细胞培养上清液收集
接种培养细胞至覆盖约85%~90%,PBS洗3遍,无血清DMEM培养12 h。取培养液,于-20℃保存。
1.4 细胞增殖测定
按4×103个/mL将单细胞悬液0.1 mL接种至96孔板,加入不同浓度的OPN培养液(20、50、80、110 ng/mL)培养, OPN(0 ng/mL)培养液为对照组。在不同时间点应用CCK8法测量450 nm波长的吸光度值以反映细胞增殖情况。每组3个复孔。
1.5 细胞迁移侵袭能力测定
迁移实验:接种培养细胞至覆盖约85%~90%,无菌10 μL枪头均匀划痕,以OPN(50 ng/mL)培养液培养48 h,观察细胞迁移,OPN(0 ng/mL)培养液为对照组,每组3个复孔。采用ImageJ软件分析细胞运动面积。侵袭实验:Matrigel在4℃自然融化过夜,用预冷的无血清培养液以1∶8比例稀释。取稀释后的Matrigel加入transwell小室,将小室放入24孔板,37℃孵育4 h呈凝胶状。取对数生长期细胞,用无血清培养液稀释调整浓度到1×106个/mL,每上室加入0.2 mL。下室加入10%血清培养液,每组3个复孔,培养24 h后取上室,棉签擦去Matrigel胶及上室内细胞,多聚甲醛固定10 min。吉姆萨染色20 min后拍照,计数细胞量。
1.6 蛋白印迹测定细胞信号通路
OPN(50 ng/mL) 培养液作用15 min,在冰上裂解细胞并提取细胞总蛋白。OPN(0 ng/mL)培养液为对照组。测定蛋白浓度,每孔蛋白上样量约50 μg。根据说明书配置SDS-PAGE胶(浓缩胶为5%,分离胶为12%)。恒压电泳(120V)至溴酚蓝脱落,4℃下恒压(100V)转膜3 h。5%TBSA室温封闭1 h,4℃一抗(1∶1000)过夜。TBST洗膜3次,每次5 min。二抗(1:4000)室温1 h。TBST洗膜3次,每次5 min,用化学发光试剂(ECL)于凝胶成像系统曝光,ImageLab3.0定量分析结果。
1.7 细胞培养上清液OPN测定
加入稀释好的标准品于反应孔中。立即加入50 μL的生物素标记抗体。甩去孔内液体,每孔加满洗涤液,振荡30 s,甩去液体,用吸水纸拍干。重复操作4次。加入底物50 μL,轻轻振荡均匀,避光37℃温育5 min。取出酶标板,迅速加入50 μL终止液,立即上机测定450 nm波长的各孔吸光值。每孔3个复孔。
1.8 统计学分析
2 结果
2.1 SKOV3及IOSE80细胞株OPN表达量测定
图1 人正常卵巢上皮细胞株与卵巢癌细胞株OPN表达量比较
表1 人正常卵巢上皮细胞株与卵巢癌细胞株OPN(ng/mL)分泌表达量
2.2 OPN对SKOV3增殖影响
培养3 d时,不同浓度OPN对SKOV3增殖均起到促进作用,且与对照组相比差异均有统计学意义(OPN浓度为20、50、80、110 ng/mL的四组与对照组比较,t=5.051、22.26、21.64、28.02,P均<0.05)。对OPN浓度为20、50、80、110 ng/mL四组行方差分析,得到P<0.05(F=74.51,df(组间)=4,df(组内)=10)(表3),再采用Bonferroni方法行两两比较,发现50、80、110 ng/mL组与20 ng/mL组差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05),而三组之间比较差异无统计学意义。对培养4 d时的细胞增殖结果分析,结果与培养3 d相似。见表2、图2。
图2 OPN对SKOV3增殖影响
注:不同浓度组外源性OPN对SKOV3细胞增殖均有明显促进作用。50、80、110 ng/mL组的促进增殖能力相当,且优于20 ng/mL组。图示为各组与对照组相比,*P<0.05,**P<0.01
表2 OPN对SKOV3增殖影响(x±s)
表3 细胞增殖第4天方差检验Bonferroni多组配对检验t值
2.3 OPN对SKOV3细胞迁移、侵袭能力的影响
迁移实验结果显示对照组细胞运动面积为总划痕面积(26.1%±0.9),OPN(50 ng/mL)组细胞运动面积为总划痕面积(42.9%±1.5)。50 ng/mL OPN明显促进了SKOV3细胞的迁移距离(t=9.15,P<0.05)。侵袭实验结果示对照组与OPN(50 ng/mL)组跨膜细胞数量分别为(165±7.63)个/孔和(333.3±8.8)个/孔。50 ng/mL OPN明显促进了SKOV3细胞的侵袭能力(t=14.43,P<0.05)。见图3。
图3 OPN对SKOV3细胞迁移、侵袭能力的影响
注:上图:与对照组相比,OPN50 ng/mL显著提高了细胞迁移面积;下图:两组细胞穿越小室细胞染色(吉姆萨染色)
2.4 OPN影响SKOV3细胞信号通路激活并提高MMP2表达
采用蛋白印迹的方法检测OPN对SKOV3细胞信号通路的影响。结果提示,OPN 50 ng/mL培养15 min时,Akt发生磷酸化激活。OPN 50 ng/mL培养48 h后提取细胞总蛋白分析,发现MMP2表达增高。见图4。
图4 OPN激活SKOV3 PI3K通路且提高MMP2表达
2.5 阻断Akt通路激活,抑制OPN引起的MMP2表达提高
对数生长SKOV3细胞分别应用LY294002(50 μmol/L)和对照DMSO处理6 h,再加用OPN 50 ng/mL处理15 min。提取细胞总蛋白用蛋白印迹检测p-Akt及MMP2的量。LY294002抑制了OPN对Akt的激活,同时抑制了MMP2表达提高。见图5。
图5 阻断PI3K通路激活,抑制OPN引起的MMP2表达提高
3 讨论
卵巢癌患者死亡率一直居高不下,一方面原因是约70%患者在确诊时疾病已是晚期,另一方面很重要的原因是肿瘤易发生早期转移,且患者在接受手术或化疗后,也许经过了几个月或几年的无疾病间期(disease-free intervals),但是疾病复发仍难避免。肿瘤细胞的腹腔种植是主要的卵巢癌转移途径。现今,卵巢癌转移复发的机制仍未阐明。但是,肿瘤微环境的改变及其对肿瘤表型的调节作用在肿瘤细胞的迁移、侵袭上起到重要作用[3]。
通过比较培养液中的分泌OPN及总细胞蛋白中的胞内OPN含量,我们发现SKOV3比较于IOSE80表达且分泌更高的OPN。提示尽管OPN在体内表达、分布广泛,但在卵巢癌细胞中的表达量的确有异常增高。进而,我们研究了外源性OPN对SKOV3增殖能力的影响,结果提示各浓度的外源性OPN对SKOV3均有促进增殖的作用,并且该作用呈浓度依赖性。但是,当外源性OPN浓度达到50 ng/mL时,继续提高浓度,其对SKOV3的促进作用不再有明显增高。与Dan Lu等针对151例卵巢癌患者血清OPN浓度的研究结果相似。该研究结果发现进展期卵巢癌患者血清OPN浓度均值约55 ng/mL,并且绝大多数患者血清OPN浓度小于100 ng/mL,而疾病稳定的患者其血清OPN均值约35 ng/mL,并且绝大多数患者血清OPN浓度小于50 ng/mL[6]。
根据梯度外源性OPN浓度对SKOV3增殖能力实验的结果,我们选择采用50 ng/mL浓度检测OPN对SKOV3细胞迁移侵袭能力的影响。结果提示外源性OPN对SKOV3细胞的迁移、侵袭能力有明显的促进作用。曾有研究提示OPN促进肿瘤细胞迁移及侵袭能力可能是通过上调MMP2和MMP9的表达[7-9]。MMP2和MMP9属于锌离子依赖性内肽酶,主要降解Ⅳ、Ⅴ型胶原、纤维连接蛋白及弹性蛋白。一方面通过降解肿瘤基质使得肿瘤细胞突破基质屏障,促进肿瘤细胞侵袭转移,另一方面可诱导新生血管形成,促进肿瘤生长和扩散[10]。同样,我们的实验结果提示外源性OPN可以上调MMP2,并且可能是其促进SKOV3细胞的迁移及侵袭能力的机制之一。
[1] 刘青青,王姣珍,马海芬. CA125、CA199、CEA联合检测在卵巢癌、良性卵巢囊肿诊断中的临床价值[J]. 中国现代医生,2013,51(19):65-67.
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[4] Wang YD,Chen H,Liu HQ,et al. Correlation between ovarian neoplasm and serum levels of osteopontin:A meta-analysis[J]. Tumour Biol,2014.
[5] Sheng XJ,Zhou DM,Liu Q,et al. BRMS1 inhibits expression of NF-kappaB subunit p65,uPA and OPN in ovarian cancer cells[J]. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol,2014,35(3):236-242.
[6] Lu D,Kuhn E,Bristow RE,et al. Comparison of candidate serologic markers for type I and type II ovarian cancer[J]. Gynecol Oncol,2011,122(3):560-566.
[7] Liu H,Chen A,Guo F,et al. Influence of osteopontin short hairpin RNA on the proliferation and invasion of human renal cancer cells[J]. J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci,2010,30(1):61-68.
[8] Wu XL,Lin KJ,Bai AP,et al. Osteopontin knockdown suppresses the growth and angiogenesis of colon cancer cells[J]. World J Gastroenterol,2014,20(30):10440-10448.
[9] Liu J,Liu Q,Wan Y,et al. Osteopontin promotes the progression of gastric cancer through the NF-κB pathway regulated by the MAPK and PI3K[J]. Int J Oncol,2014,45(1):282-290.
[10] Chen CK,Chen PR,Huang HC,et al. Overexpression of matrix metalloproteinases in lung tissue of patients with primary spontaneous pneumothorax[J]. Respiration,2014.
[11] Chae S,Jun HO,Lee EG,et al. Osteopontin splice variants differentially modulate the migratory activity of hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines[J]. Int J Oncol,2009,35(6):1409-1416.
[1] 刘青青,王姣珍,马海芬. CA125、CA199、CEA联合检测在卵巢癌、良性卵巢囊肿诊断中的临床价值[J]. 中国现代医生,2013,51(19):65-67.
[2] Hwang J,Na S,Lee H,et al. Correlation between preoperative serum levels of five biomarkers and relationships between these biomarkers and cancer stage in epithelial overian cancer[J]. J Gynecol Oncol,2009,20(3):169-175.
[3] Sung HY,Ju W,Ahn JH. DNA hypomethylation-mediated overexpression of carbonic anhydrase 9 induces an aggressive phenotype in ovarian cancer cells[J]. Yonsei Med J,2014,55(6):1656-1663.
[4] Wang YD,Chen H,Liu HQ,et al. Correlation between ovarian neoplasm and serum levels of osteopontin:A meta-analysis[J]. Tumour Biol,2014.
[5] Sheng XJ,Zhou DM,Liu Q,et al. BRMS1 inhibits expression of NF-kappaB subunit p65,uPA and OPN in ovarian cancer cells[J]. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol,2014,35(3):236-242.
[6] Lu D,Kuhn E,Bristow RE,et al. Comparison of candidate serologic markers for type I and type II ovarian cancer[J]. Gynecol Oncol,2011,122(3):560-566.
[7] Liu H,Chen A,Guo F,et al. Influence of osteopontin short hairpin RNA on the proliferation and invasion of human renal cancer cells[J]. J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci,2010,30(1):61-68.
[8] Wu XL,Lin KJ,Bai AP,et al. Osteopontin knockdown suppresses the growth and angiogenesis of colon cancer cells[J]. World J Gastroenterol,2014,20(30):10440-10448.
[9] Liu J,Liu Q,Wan Y,et al. Osteopontin promotes the progression of gastric cancer through the NF-κB pathway regulated by the MAPK and PI3K[J]. Int J Oncol,2014,45(1):282-290.
[10] Chen CK,Chen PR,Huang HC,et al. Overexpression of matrix metalloproteinases in lung tissue of patients with primary spontaneous pneumothorax[J]. Respiration,2014.
[11] Chae S,Jun HO,Lee EG,et al. Osteopontin splice variants differentially modulate the migratory activity of hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines[J]. Int J Oncol,2009,35(6):1409-1416.
[1] 刘青青,王姣珍,马海芬. CA125、CA199、CEA联合检测在卵巢癌、良性卵巢囊肿诊断中的临床价值[J]. 中国现代医生,2013,51(19):65-67.
[2] Hwang J,Na S,Lee H,et al. Correlation between preoperative serum levels of five biomarkers and relationships between these biomarkers and cancer stage in epithelial overian cancer[J]. J Gynecol Oncol,2009,20(3):169-175.
[3] Sung HY,Ju W,Ahn JH. DNA hypomethylation-mediated overexpression of carbonic anhydrase 9 induces an aggressive phenotype in ovarian cancer cells[J]. Yonsei Med J,2014,55(6):1656-1663.
[4] Wang YD,Chen H,Liu HQ,et al. Correlation between ovarian neoplasm and serum levels of osteopontin:A meta-analysis[J]. Tumour Biol,2014.
[5] Sheng XJ,Zhou DM,Liu Q,et al. BRMS1 inhibits expression of NF-kappaB subunit p65,uPA and OPN in ovarian cancer cells[J]. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol,2014,35(3):236-242.
[6] Lu D,Kuhn E,Bristow RE,et al. Comparison of candidate serologic markers for type I and type II ovarian cancer[J]. Gynecol Oncol,2011,122(3):560-566.
[7] Liu H,Chen A,Guo F,et al. Influence of osteopontin short hairpin RNA on the proliferation and invasion of human renal cancer cells[J]. J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci,2010,30(1):61-68.
[8] Wu XL,Lin KJ,Bai AP,et al. Osteopontin knockdown suppresses the growth and angiogenesis of colon cancer cells[J]. World J Gastroenterol,2014,20(30):10440-10448.
[9] Liu J,Liu Q,Wan Y,et al. Osteopontin promotes the progression of gastric cancer through the NF-κB pathway regulated by the MAPK and PI3K[J]. Int J Oncol,2014,45(1):282-290.
[10] Chen CK,Chen PR,Huang HC,et al. Overexpression of matrix metalloproteinases in lung tissue of patients with primary spontaneous pneumothorax[J]. Respiration,2014.
[11] Chae S,Jun HO,Lee EG,et al. Osteopontin splice variants differentially modulate the migratory activity of hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines[J]. Int J Oncol,2009,35(6):1409-1416.