Missing Person——淹没在时光里的结绳记事


新东方英语 2014年12期


帕特里克·莫迪亚诺(Patrick Modiano)是2014年度的诺贝尔文学奖得主。1945年7月30日,他出生于法国的布洛涅-比扬古。他的父亲是犹太人,在二战期间从事走私活动,战后在金融界工作。他的母亲是一名比利时籍演员。莫迪亚诺自幼喜爱文学,十岁时开始写诗,十四五岁便对小说创作表现出浓厚的兴趣。1965年他进入巴黎索邦大学学习,一年后辍学,专门从事文学创作。莫迪亚诺是法国评论界一致公认的当今法国最有才华的作家之一。他的作品,尤其是早年的作品,多以神秘的商人父亲和二战的历史背景为主题。他常常运用大量的回忆与想象把现实和虚构结合起来,描写自己未经历过的事。犹太人、纳粹占领、身份认知的缺失是他作品中反复出现的主题。他的代表作有《暗店街》(Missing Person)、《蜜月》(Honeymoon)、《走出黑暗》(Out of the Dark)等,其中《暗店街》是其最具代表性的作品。


I am nothing. Nothing but a pale shape, silhouetted2) that evening against the café terrace, waiting for the rain to stop; the shower had started when Hutte left me.

Some hours before, we had met again for the last time on the premises of the Agency. Hutte, as usual, sat at his massive desk, but with his coat on, so that there was really an air of departure about it. I sat opposite him, in the leather armchair we kept for clients.

“Well, there we are, Guy … Thats it … ,” said Hutte, with a sigh.

Thoughtfully, Hutte stroked his beard, a grizzly, close-cut beard, but one which spread out over his cheeks. His large, limpid3) eyes stared dreamily ahead. To the left of the desk, the wicker chair where I sat during working hours. Behind Hutte, dark wooden shelves covered half the wall: There were rows of street-and-trade directories and year-books of all kinds, going back over the last fifty years. Hutte had often told me that these were essential tools of the trade and that he would never part with them. And that these directories and year-books constituted the most valuable and moving library you could imagine, as their pages listed people, things, vanished worlds, to which they alone bore witness.

“What will you do with all these directories?” I asked Hutte, taking in the shelves with a sweeping gesture.

“Im leaving them here, Guy. Im keeping the lease on the apartment.”

He cast a swift glance around. The double door leading into the small adjoining room was open and one could see the worn, velvet-covered sofa, the fire-place, and the mirror in which the rows of year-books and directories and Huttes face were reflected. Our clients often waited in this room. A Persian carpet protected the parquet floor. An icon hung on the wall, near the window.

“What are you thinking about, Guy?”

“Nothing. So, youre keeping the lease?”

“Yes. Ill be coming back to Paris from time to time and the Agency will be my pied-à-terre4).”

He held out a cigarette case.

“I think its less sad if we keep the place as it is.”

We had been working together for over eight years. He himself had started this private detective agency in 1947 and had worked with quite a number of other people before me. Our business was supplying clients with what Hutte called “society information.” It was all, as he was fond of repeating, a matter of dealings between “society folk.”

“Do you think youll be able to live in Nice?”

“Of course.”

“You wont get bored?”

He blew out some smoke.

“One has to retire eventually, Guy.”

He rose heavily. Hutte must be over six feet tall and weigh more than 200 pounds.

“My trains at 10:55. We have time for a drink.”

He walked off ahead of me into the corridor that leads to the entrance hall, an odd, oval shaped room with pale-beige-colored walls. A black portfolio5), so full that it would not close, was standing on the floor. Hutte picked it up. He carried it, one hand underneath.

“You dont have any luggage?”

“I sent everything on ahead.”

Hutte opened the front door and I switched off the hall light. On the landing, Hutte paused a moment before shutting the door and the metallic sound cut me to the quick. It marked the end of a long period in my life.

“It is a crying shame, isnt it Guy?” said Hutte, and he took a large handkerchief from his coat pocket and mopped his brow.

“Im leaving it,” said Hutte.

Then he turned the key in the lock.

We walked along Avenue Niel as far as Place Pereire. It was dark and, though winter was not far off, the air was still mild. In Place Pereire, we sat down on the terrace of the Hortensias. Hutte liked this café, because of the caned chairs—“just like the old days.”

“And what about you, Guy, what are you going to do?” He asked, after he had gulped down some brandy and soda.

“Me? Im following something up.”

“Following something up?”

“Yes. My past.”

I had said this rather portentously and it had made him smile.

“I always thought that one day youd try to find your past again.”

Now he was serious and I was touched by it.

“But look here, Guy, I wonder if its really worth it.”

He fell silent. What was he thinking of? His own past?

“Ill give you a key to the agency. You can go there from time to time. Id like that.”

He held out a key, which I slid into my trouser pocket.

“And call me in Nice. Let me know whats happening, how youre getting on … with your past …”

He rose and clasped my hand.

“Shall I go with you to the station?”

“No, no … Its so sad.”

With a single stride he was out of the café, not turning around, and I felt an emptiness all of a sudden. This man had meant a lot to me. Without him, without his help, I wonder what would have become of me, ten years back, when I was struck by amnesia6) and was groping about in a fog. He had been moved by my case and, through his many contacts, had even managed to procure me a legal identity record.

“Here,” he had said, handing me a large envelope which contained an identity card and a passport. “Your name is ‘Guy Roland now.”

And this private detective whose professional services I had sought in uncovering witnesses or traces of my past, had added:

“My dear ‘Guy Roland, from here on dont look back, think only of the present and the future. How about working with me? ...”



在小说《暗店街》中,我们随着主人公马不停蹄地寻找,穿梭于巴黎的大街小巷,奔波于酒吧、码头、旅店,甚至远行到了太平洋的小岛。然而,即便是到了小说的结尾,这次旅行还是没有结束,罗马的暗店街是主人公的下一站,而且暗店街显然也不会是他自我追寻的终点。值得注意的是,《暗店街》的中文书名是该书的法文名直译,它的英文版译名却用的是意译,即“Missing Person”,意思是失踪的人。用“失踪”来解释主人公的存在状态看似奇怪,因为他还好好地活着,但是细想来却无不当,因为他虽然活着,凭借的却是居伊·罗朗的新身份,对于这个世界来说,昔日的他的确是失踪了。






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