

上海医药 2014年23期


摘   要   目的:构建一种更好的婴儿双歧杆菌微生态制剂生产工艺,提高冻干菌粉的活菌存活率。方法:通过正交试验,对婴儿双歧杆菌冻干过程中加入的保护剂种类及其最佳配比进行研究。结果:以脱脂奶粉10 %,甘露醇3 %,Vc-Na 1 %,味精0.5 %作为冻干保护剂,可使婴儿双歧杆菌冻干菌粉的活菌存活率由43%左右提高到85.42 %、活菌量保持在4.1×1010 cfu/g。结论:该配方用于微生态制剂的生产将有较好的效益。

关键词    婴儿双歧杆菌    冷冻干燥    冻干保护剂    正交试验

中图分类号:R944.9            文献标识码:A            文章编号:1006-1533(2014)23-0066-05

Screening and optimization of the formulation of cryoprotectants

for the lyophilized Bifidobacterium infantis

SHEN Yihan*

(Department of Quality Assurance, Shanghai SINE Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201206, China)

ABSTRACT   Objective: To develop a better technique for the production of probiotic Bifidobacterium infantis and improve the survival rate of the lyophilized powder. Methods: In this improved technique, The types of cryoprotectants added in the lyophilization of Bifidobacterium infantis and their optimized formulations were studied by orthogonal test. Results: The survival rate of the lyophilized powder of Bifidobacterium infantis could be significantly improved from about 43% to 85.42% and the viable cell counts maintained at above 4.1×1010 cfu/g when a formulation of cryoprotectant consisting of 10% skim milk powder, 3% mannitol, 1% Vc-Na and 0.5% monosodium glutamate was used. Conclusion: This formulation will have a good benefit when applied to the probiotic production.

KEY WORDS    Bifidobacterium infantis; lyophilization; cryoprotectant; orthogonal test

越来越多的科学研究表明,益生菌有益于人体的健康[1]。双歧杆菌是人肠道中重要的益生菌,具有调节微生态平衡的生理功能。双歧杆菌属专性厌氧菌,对培养环境敏感,对营养要求苛刻,活性保持较难。如何最大限度地保持双歧杆菌制品的活性已成为研究热点之一。以双歧杆菌制成的微生态制剂主要依赖于发酵制备和冻干保藏技术。一些对双歧杆菌冻干菌粉的研究结果表明,双歧杆菌发酵制备的高密度菌体经历冻干后,菌体密度基本呈指数级下降[2]。因此需要改进冻干保护剂配方以提高菌体的冻干存活率及婴儿双歧杆菌制剂的产品质量。在适当保护剂的作用下,采用冷冻干燥技术能有效地保藏发酵制剂[3-7]。但是大量的研究显示保护剂的效果存在菌株特异性[8-11]。Leslie等[3]发现海藻糖对大肠杆菌和苏云金杆菌有良好的保护效果,而Linden等[12]的研究中海藻糖对植物乳杆菌却没有保护作用。因此,冻干保护剂的选择在新开发益生菌制剂的应用中尤为重要。在我厂目前工艺条件下,经过冻干后婴儿双歧杆菌的冻干菌粉活菌数为2.0×1010 cfu/g左右,存活率仅为43%左右。本研究在其他条件固定的前提下,根据保护剂的种类通过正交试验优化筛选获得婴儿双歧杆菌的最佳冻干保护剂配比,旨在构建一种改进的微生态活菌制剂生产工艺,用于婴儿双歧杆菌产品的生产。



菌种:婴儿双歧杆菌(Bifidobacterium infantis),由我公司药物研究所微生态制品研究室保藏。

种子培养基配方(g/L):脱脂奶粉40、无水葡萄糖10、酵母膏10、硫酸铵2.5、磷酸二氢钾0.75、磷酸氢二钾1.5,异构化乳糖液5,pH 7.0。

发酵培养基配方(g/L):胰蛋白胨10、酵母粉10、牛肉膏5、葡萄糖5、乳糖10、磷酸二氢钾2、硫酸镁0.5、硫酸亚铁0.05、L-半胱氨酸0.25,pH 6.5。



5 L、50 L发酵罐及配套系统(上海国强生化工程装备有限公司);GQ75B高速管式离心机(上海浦东天本离心机械有限公司);Lyo-002Bb真空冷冻干燥机(Tofflon);培养箱(Binder);PHS-3E型精密pH计(上海雷磁);Cary 50紫外分光光度计(Varian);BP3100s电子分析天平(Sartorius);灭菌锅(Tony);厌氧产气袋(梅里埃)。


菌种活化、传代与接种:选用血琼脂平板培养基活化保藏的菌种,置于37 ℃厌氧培养48 h,挑单菌落制备疱肉管。

种子液制备:将培养好的疱肉管接种于400 ml种子培养液中,在37±1 ℃条件下培养12~18 h,按10 %接种量接种至4 L种子培养液中,在37±1 ℃条件下培养12~18 h。

菌粉的制备:将培养好的种子液按10 %接种量接种于50 L发酵罐中,在37±1 ℃,搅拌转速180 r/min条件下发酵培养8~10 h;发酵菌液于4 ℃、10 000 r/min离心15 min,去掉上清液得菌体;然后根据离心获得的菌体重量,按菌泥保护剂1∶1的比例,依次加入各类冻干保护剂,混匀后置于真空冷冻干燥机-38 ℃预冻5 h,再冷冻干燥约33 h,期间程序升温至30 ℃,出箱后即得冻干菌粉,并检测有效活菌数。

活菌数测定:采用血琼脂平板计数法,梯度稀释至约20~160个菌/ml后涂平板,置于37±1 ℃培养箱中厌氧培养48 h后计数;同时,用营养琼脂培养基进行杂菌检测。





真空冷冻干燥过程中,冷冻和干燥两个过程会造成部分微生物细胞的损伤、死亡以及某些酶蛋白分子的钝化,选择有效的保护剂是解决这一问题的技术关键。不同的保护剂在冷冻干燥过程中发挥着不同的作用,大分子类保护剂主要在细胞表面起保护层作用,防止细胞受损。脱脂奶粉能稳定细胞膜,提供细胞保护衣以免细胞受到损伤。它不管单独使用还是与其他保护剂混合使用均具良好效果。一些大分子物质如淀粉、麦芽糊精等,对菌体也具有较好的非渗透保护作用。为此,对10%含量的脱脂奶粉、淀粉和麦芽糊精进行筛选(表1),结果表明,麦芽糊精的保护效果最差,而脱脂奶粉的保护效果优于淀粉,因此选择脱脂奶粉为大分子保护剂。进一步对脱脂奶粉的添加量进行优化(图1),发现随着脱脂奶粉添加量的增加,婴儿双歧杆菌冻干存活率有所提高。综合考虑冻干进箱的液体体积以及脱脂奶粉的溶解性,选择10 %的脱脂奶粉添加量为宜。


糖类的保护作用是因为在冷冻过程中由于糖类形成氢键能力较强,稳定蛋白质的高级结构,防止蛋白质变性,使其即使在低温冷冻和干燥失水的情况下,仍保持蛋白质结构与功能完整性。试验对含量6%的蔗糖、海藻糖、甘露醇、甘油和异乳糖进行筛选(表2),结果表明,被誉为双歧因子的异乳糖的冻干保护效果并不比甘露醇和甘油好;而用甘油作保护剂冻干获得的菌粉,相对较为潮湿,冻干保护效果也没有甘露醇好;因此选择甘露醇作为小分子保护剂。对甘露醇进行单因素优化试验,结果如图2所示,随着甘露醇浓度的提高,菌体的冻干存活率有所上升。当甘露醇浓度提高到一定程度后,婴儿双歧杆菌的冻干存活率呈一定的下降趋势。这可能是由于甘露醇冻干后结晶水较多并会析出,如果条件控制不好,会使菌体死亡。因此添加过多的甘露醇会影响冻干菌粉的存活率,故选择5 %的甘露醇含量为宜。


婴儿双歧杆菌是专性厌氧微生物,对氧极其敏感,所以降低婴儿双歧杆菌存在体系中的氧化还原电势对其活力的保持尤为重要。Vc-Na能降低冻干保护剂的氧化还原电位,并消耗冻干过程中的部分氧气。试验对含量0.5%的Vc-Na、味精和L-半胱氨酸进行筛选(表3),结果表明,L-半胱氨酸的冻干保护效果最差,Vc-Na的冻干保护效果略为优于味精。为增强保护剂的抗氧化效果,选择Vc-Na和味精作为复合氧化还原保护剂,并对Vc-Na和味精的保护剂浓度分别进行优化(图3),结果表明,随着Vc-Na浓度的增加,婴儿双歧杆菌的冻干存活率有一定的提高,当Vc-Na浓度达到一定程度后,菌株的冻干存活率呈缓慢上升趋势,故选择Vc-Na的含量为1 %。随着味精含量的提高,菌株的存活率有一定的提升,但更高浓度的味精对提高菌粉的存活率效果不明显,故选择味精的含量为0.5 %。


单一的保护剂并不能满足冷冻干燥的要求,所以冻干保护剂一般都是按一定配比混合使用的。复合保护剂中的各成分在冷冻干燥中均发挥着各自的作用,同时相互间又具有协同作用,只有在比例及浓度达到协调时,才能达到最佳的保护效果[10]。为了确定婴儿双歧杆菌真空冷冻干燥的最佳冻干保护剂配比,以菌体冻干存活率作为检测指标,用通过单因素筛选试验获得的保护剂种类及优选含量设计复合冻干保护剂正交试验(表4),以期最大限度的发挥冻干保护剂的功能,减少菌体在真空冷冻干燥过程中的损伤。综合考察后最终选择最佳冻干保护剂配比方案为A1B1C2D1(表5)。即由10%脱脂奶粉、3%甘露醇、1% Vc-Na和0.5%味精组成混合冻干保护剂。为验证正交试验结果的可靠性,采用上述优化配方进行试验,实际测得加入混合保护剂时婴儿双歧杆菌的活菌量为4.8×1010 cfu/ml,而冻干后的菌粉活菌量为4.1×1010 cfu/g,冻干存活率约为85.42 %,表明正交试验所得出的最佳冻干保护剂配比可行。


目前我厂的冻干菌粉有效期为3个月(密封装袋于2~8 ℃冷库保存),在近效期时菌粉的活菌数基本接近5.0×108 cfu/g。取通过上述优化方法生产的3批冻干菌粉,密封装袋后置于2~8 ℃冷库内,进行为期3个月的稳定性试验,用血琼脂平板计数法进行检测,考察其活菌数的变化趋势(表6)。结果表明,经过3个月的稳定性试验,冻干菌粉的活菌数均大于企业的标准,符合要求。因此,可以认为优化的冻干保剂配方具有生产实用性。


目前的许多研究发现,由于双歧杆菌受自身的生长特性及周围环境因素的影响,导致冷冻干燥产品中的有效活菌数量会随时间及储存条件而急剧下降,最终影响产品的使用效果。本试验通过正交优化获得的最佳冻干保护剂配方,使菌粉的活菌存活率达到85.42 %,保存3个月的活菌数能够基本保持在8.0×108 cfu/g,达到产品合格的质量标准。本研究仅对冻干保护剂的配方进行了优化,未对冻干工艺参数进行整体优化,因此,后续可以通过对冻干工艺参数的优化,以达到进一步提升菌粉活菌数目的。综上所述,采用该复合冻干保护剂配方进行真空冷冻干燥,可极大程度减少活菌量指数级下降情况的发生,提高菌粉中的活菌量,具有很好的应用潜力。


Lacroix C, Yildirim S.Fermentation technologies for the production of probiotics with high viability and functionality[J]. Curr Opin Biotechnol, 2007, 18(2): 176-183.

Rodríguez-Huezoa ME, Durán-Lugoa R, Prado-Barragán LA, et al. Pre-selection of protective colloids for enhanced viability of Bifidobacterium bifidum following spray-drying and storage, and evaluation of aguamiel as thermoprotective prebiotic[J]. Food Res Int, 2007, 40(10): 1299-1306.

Leslie SB, Israeli E, Lighthart B, et a1. Trehalose and sucrose protect both membranes and proteins in intact bacteria duringdrying[J]. Appl Environ Microbiol, 1995, 61(10): 3592-3597.

Carvalho AS, Silva J, Ho P, et al. Effect of additives on survival of freeze-dried Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus rhamnosus during storage[J]. Biotechnol Lett, 2002, 24(19): 1587-1591.

Linders LJM, De Jong GIW, Meerdink G, et a1. Carbohydrates and the dehydration inactivation of Lactobacillus plantarum: the role of moisture distribution and water activity[J]. J Food Eng, 1997, 31(2): 237-250.

Abadias M, Benabarre A, Teixidó N, et a1. Effect of freeze drying and protectants on viability of the biocontrol yeast Candida sake[J]. Int J Food Microbiol, 2001, 65(3): 173-182.

Carvalho AS, Silva J, Ho P, et a1. Effects of various sugars added to growth and drying media upon thermotolerance and survival throughout storage of freeze-dried Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus[J]. Biotechnol Prog, 2008, 20(1): 248-254.

Gardiner GE, Osullivan E, Kelly J, et a1. Comparative survival rates of human-derived probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei and L. salivarius strains during heat treatment and spray drying[J]. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2000, 66(6): 2605-2612.

Carvalho AS, Silva J, Ho P, et a1. Relevant factors for the preparation of freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria[J]. Int Dairy J, 2004,14(10): 835-847.

Fonseca F, Béal C, Corrieu G. Method of quantifying the loss of acidification activity of lactic acid starters during freezing and frozen storage[J]. J Dairy Res, 2000, 67(1): 83-90.

Mauriello G, Aponte M, Andolfi R, et a1. Spray-drying of bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria[J]. J Food Prot, 1999, 62(7): 773-777.

Linders LJ, Wolkers WF, Hoekstra FA, et al. Effect of added carbohydrates on membrane phase behaviour and survival of dried Lactobacillus plantarum[J]. Cryobiology, 1997, 35(1): 31-40.



Lacroix C, Yildirim S.Fermentation technologies for the production of probiotics with high viability and functionality[J]. Curr Opin Biotechnol, 2007, 18(2): 176-183.

Rodríguez-Huezoa ME, Durán-Lugoa R, Prado-Barragán LA, et al. Pre-selection of protective colloids for enhanced viability of Bifidobacterium bifidum following spray-drying and storage, and evaluation of aguamiel as thermoprotective prebiotic[J]. Food Res Int, 2007, 40(10): 1299-1306.

Leslie SB, Israeli E, Lighthart B, et a1. Trehalose and sucrose protect both membranes and proteins in intact bacteria duringdrying[J]. Appl Environ Microbiol, 1995, 61(10): 3592-3597.

Carvalho AS, Silva J, Ho P, et al. Effect of additives on survival of freeze-dried Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus rhamnosus during storage[J]. Biotechnol Lett, 2002, 24(19): 1587-1591.

Linders LJM, De Jong GIW, Meerdink G, et a1. Carbohydrates and the dehydration inactivation of Lactobacillus plantarum: the role of moisture distribution and water activity[J]. J Food Eng, 1997, 31(2): 237-250.

Abadias M, Benabarre A, Teixidó N, et a1. Effect of freeze drying and protectants on viability of the biocontrol yeast Candida sake[J]. Int J Food Microbiol, 2001, 65(3): 173-182.

Carvalho AS, Silva J, Ho P, et a1. Effects of various sugars added to growth and drying media upon thermotolerance and survival throughout storage of freeze-dried Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus[J]. Biotechnol Prog, 2008, 20(1): 248-254.

Gardiner GE, Osullivan E, Kelly J, et a1. Comparative survival rates of human-derived probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei and L. salivarius strains during heat treatment and spray drying[J]. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2000, 66(6): 2605-2612.

Carvalho AS, Silva J, Ho P, et a1. Relevant factors for the preparation of freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria[J]. Int Dairy J, 2004,14(10): 835-847.

Fonseca F, Béal C, Corrieu G. Method of quantifying the loss of acidification activity of lactic acid starters during freezing and frozen storage[J]. J Dairy Res, 2000, 67(1): 83-90.

Mauriello G, Aponte M, Andolfi R, et a1. Spray-drying of bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria[J]. J Food Prot, 1999, 62(7): 773-777.

Linders LJ, Wolkers WF, Hoekstra FA, et al. Effect of added carbohydrates on membrane phase behaviour and survival of dried Lactobacillus plantarum[J]. Cryobiology, 1997, 35(1): 31-40.



Lacroix C, Yildirim S.Fermentation technologies for the production of probiotics with high viability and functionality[J]. Curr Opin Biotechnol, 2007, 18(2): 176-183.

Rodríguez-Huezoa ME, Durán-Lugoa R, Prado-Barragán LA, et al. Pre-selection of protective colloids for enhanced viability of Bifidobacterium bifidum following spray-drying and storage, and evaluation of aguamiel as thermoprotective prebiotic[J]. Food Res Int, 2007, 40(10): 1299-1306.

Leslie SB, Israeli E, Lighthart B, et a1. Trehalose and sucrose protect both membranes and proteins in intact bacteria duringdrying[J]. Appl Environ Microbiol, 1995, 61(10): 3592-3597.

Carvalho AS, Silva J, Ho P, et al. Effect of additives on survival of freeze-dried Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus rhamnosus during storage[J]. Biotechnol Lett, 2002, 24(19): 1587-1591.

Linders LJM, De Jong GIW, Meerdink G, et a1. Carbohydrates and the dehydration inactivation of Lactobacillus plantarum: the role of moisture distribution and water activity[J]. J Food Eng, 1997, 31(2): 237-250.

Abadias M, Benabarre A, Teixidó N, et a1. Effect of freeze drying and protectants on viability of the biocontrol yeast Candida sake[J]. Int J Food Microbiol, 2001, 65(3): 173-182.

Carvalho AS, Silva J, Ho P, et a1. Effects of various sugars added to growth and drying media upon thermotolerance and survival throughout storage of freeze-dried Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus[J]. Biotechnol Prog, 2008, 20(1): 248-254.

Gardiner GE, Osullivan E, Kelly J, et a1. Comparative survival rates of human-derived probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei and L. salivarius strains during heat treatment and spray drying[J]. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2000, 66(6): 2605-2612.

Carvalho AS, Silva J, Ho P, et a1. Relevant factors for the preparation of freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria[J]. Int Dairy J, 2004,14(10): 835-847.

Fonseca F, Béal C, Corrieu G. Method of quantifying the loss of acidification activity of lactic acid starters during freezing and frozen storage[J]. J Dairy Res, 2000, 67(1): 83-90.

Mauriello G, Aponte M, Andolfi R, et a1. Spray-drying of bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria[J]. J Food Prot, 1999, 62(7): 773-777.

Linders LJ, Wolkers WF, Hoekstra FA, et al. Effect of added carbohydrates on membrane phase behaviour and survival of dried Lactobacillus plantarum[J]. Cryobiology, 1997, 35(1): 31-40.


