

中国当代医药 2014年31期


[摘要] 创伤后成长(PTG)是指人们在与癌症等创伤事件进行抗争后主观体验到的心理上的正性变化,其产生有助于患者走出疾病阴影,积极乐观地看待疾病和生活,因此受到广泛关注并应用于各种疾病的研究。目前口腔癌患者PTG的相关研究较少,本文通过回顾癌症与PTG的相关文献,构建了一个口腔癌患者应对策略干预的概念性框架,为今后的进一步研究提供思路。

[关键词] 创伤后成长;口腔癌;应对策略

[中图分类号] R781.9 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2014)11(a)-0194-03

创伤事件是指实际存在或潜在的,使生命受到威胁或严重伤害的事件,包括死亡的威胁、严重的创伤或身体完整性的丧失等。癌症作为一种危及生命的严重的疾病创伤,包含创伤事件所具有的特征。在国内外,许多临床及理论研究者对癌症开展了大量的研究,但多集中于对其症状的测量,特别是对癌症患者的消极体验及负面情绪有较大的关注。很多临床经验和实践研究表明许多癌症患者在结束治疗多年后,通过癌症疾病的经历感受到了自己产生的显著且积极的变化,即创伤后成长(posttraumatic growth,PTG)。

1 PTG的定义


2 应对策略与PTG


3 口腔癌患者应对策略干预的概念性框架


图1 口腔癌患者应对策略干预的概念性框架

3.1 个性特征和社会支持


3.2 发现益处和寻求意义


3.3 积极的应对策略


4 不足之处与展望



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(收稿日期:2014-08-26 本文编辑:李亚聪)

[29] Chan MW,Ho SM,Tedeschi RG,et al.The valence of attentional bias and cancer-related rumination in posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic growth among women with breast cancer[J].Psychooncology,2011,20(5):544-552.

[30] Turner-Sack AM,Menna R,Setchell SR,et al.Posttraumatic growth,coping strategies,and psychological distress in adolescent survivors of cancer[J].J Pediatr Oncol Nurs,2012,29(2):70-79.

[31] Bussell VA,Naus MJ.A longitudinal investigation of coping and posttraumatic growth in breast cancer survivors[J].J Psychosoc Oncol,2010,28(1):61-78.

[32] Smith BW,Dalen J,Bernard JF,et al.Posttraumatic growth in non-Hispanic White and Hispanic women with cervical cancer[J].J Psychosoc Oncol,2008,26(4):91-109.

[33] Gail L,Towsley SLB Watkins JF."Learning to live with it":coping with the transition to cancer survivorship in older adults[J].J Aging Stud,2007,21(2):193-106.

[34] Carver CS,Pozo C,Harris SD,et al.How coping mediates the effect of optimism on distress:a study of women with early stage breast cancer[J].J Pers Soc Psychol,1993,65(2):375-390.

(收稿日期:2014-08-26 本文编辑:李亚聪)

[29] Chan MW,Ho SM,Tedeschi RG,et al.The valence of attentional bias and cancer-related rumination in posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic growth among women with breast cancer[J].Psychooncology,2011,20(5):544-552.

[30] Turner-Sack AM,Menna R,Setchell SR,et al.Posttraumatic growth,coping strategies,and psychological distress in adolescent survivors of cancer[J].J Pediatr Oncol Nurs,2012,29(2):70-79.

[31] Bussell VA,Naus MJ.A longitudinal investigation of coping and posttraumatic growth in breast cancer survivors[J].J Psychosoc Oncol,2010,28(1):61-78.

[32] Smith BW,Dalen J,Bernard JF,et al.Posttraumatic growth in non-Hispanic White and Hispanic women with cervical cancer[J].J Psychosoc Oncol,2008,26(4):91-109.

[33] Gail L,Towsley SLB Watkins JF."Learning to live with it":coping with the transition to cancer survivorship in older adults[J].J Aging Stud,2007,21(2):193-106.

[34] Carver CS,Pozo C,Harris SD,et al.How coping mediates the effect of optimism on distress:a study of women with early stage breast cancer[J].J Pers Soc Psychol,1993,65(2):375-390.

(收稿日期:2014-08-26 本文编辑:李亚聪)

