谢 燚,李汉忠,纪志刚,刘广华,荣 石,石冰冰
(中国医学科学院 北京协和医学院 北京协和医院 泌尿外科,北京100730)
谢 燚,李汉忠*,纪志刚,刘广华,荣 石,石冰冰
(中国医学科学院 北京协和医学院 北京协和医院 泌尿外科,北京100730)
目的提高对多房囊性肾瘤的认识,探讨其合理的诊治原则。方法回顾分析6例多囊肾瘤患者的临床资料,结合文献讨论其诊断与治疗。男女各3例,年龄29~51岁。均为体检时发现,2例伴有轻度腰部酸胀,1例合并肉眼血尿,病程10 d~3年。病变均为单侧,其中左右侧各3例,4例病变位于肾下极,2例位于肾上极。6例均行超声检查,5例诊断为囊性占位,囊内见分隔,其中2例合并有钙化,1例诊断为恶性病变。4例行CT检查,3例行MRI检查,均提示病变为肾多发囊性占位,2例可见线样及斑片状强化。 1例合并血尿患者IVP示右肾上极肾盏破坏并造影剂外溢。结果6例均行手术治疗,肾部分切除5例。肾根治性切除1例。术后随访1~15年,未见肿瘤复发及转移。结论本病术前诊断依靠B超、CT。手术是治疗主要手段,首选保留肾单位手术。
多房囊性肾瘤(multilocular cystic nephroma,MCN) 是一种临床罕见的肾脏良性肿瘤,自1892年首次报告以来,仅见200余例报道。1998年8月至今北京协和医院共收治6例患者,本文对6例患者的诊治进行回顾并复习文献,现报告如下。
1 资料与方法
本组6例,男女各3例,年龄29~51岁。均为体检时发现,2例伴有轻度腰部酸胀,1例合并肉眼血尿,病程10 d~3年,中位时间为14个月。病变均为单侧,其中左右侧各3例。4例病变位于肾下极,2例病变位于肾上极。6例均行超声检查,5例诊断为囊性占位,囊内见分隔,其中2例合并有钙化,1例诊断为恶性病变。另1例对侧肾脏合并肾囊肿,考虑双肾囊肿。4例行CT检查,均提示患肾上极或下极局限性多发囊性占位, 平扫CT值7~40 HU,4例均见囊内多发分隔,增强扫描3例伴有分隔强化,CT值32~50 HU(图1)。2例患者行KUB+IVP检查,1例示肾轮廓变形,肾盂肾盏显示欠清,1例合并血尿患者示右肾上极肾盏破坏并造影剂外溢(图2)。3例行MRI检查,均提示病变为肾囊性占位,其中2例可见线样及斑片状强化。术前诊断MCN2例、囊性肾癌3例、复杂肾囊肿1例。
图1 CT提示突出于肾外的多囊性肿物伴线样强化Fig 1 CT shows a multicystic mass bulging the renal capsule with linear enhancement
图2 1例合并血尿患者IVP检查示肾盏破坏并造影剂外溢Fig 2 IVP of the one case with hematuria indicated damage of the calyces and overflow of contrast agents
2 结果
6例均行开放手术,其中1例早期病例行根治性肾切除术,其余5例行肾部分切除术。6例标本病灶大小为直径2.4~6.5 cm,平均为5 cm。表面与切面均呈多房囊性改变,1例肿瘤紧邻肾盂黏膜,1例侵犯至肾盂黏膜下。包膜均为纤维囊壁组织,内衬扁平及立方上皮,部分囊壁纤维化,病理均证实多房性囊性肾瘤。随访1~15年,未见肿瘤复发及转移,均无腰痛,血尿等症状。
3 讨论
MCN需与多囊肾及囊性肾癌鉴别,B超、CT或MRI、IVP是本病的常用诊断方法。 MCN的超声表现为肿块内大量无回声的液性暗区被厚薄不均的高回声结缔组织分隔,部分患者肿块内可见细小钙化灶。但当肿瘤较小时,常不能显示液性暗区。彩色多普勒超声检查可在肿瘤的包膜及囊肿分隔上测及低速血流信号。本组6例均行超声检查,肿瘤平均直径5.0 cm,5例囊内见分隔,其中2例合并有钙化,其中1例误诊为囊性肾癌。CT表现具有相对特征性:肿块呈边缘光整的圆形或椭圆形,位于肾实质内并突出于肾包膜外,少数可突向肾盂。大部分有完整分隔,分隔粗细不等,增强扫描呈延迟强化。钙化很少见,一旦出现更易误诊为恶性病变[6]。MRI检查与CT基本相仿,但对囊内出血更敏感[7]。
成人MCN被认为是一种良性病变,但有一定恶性潜能。本病治疗以手术为主,手术以保留肾功能,切除病灶为原则,多采用肾部分切除术。 本组除1例早期病例行肾根治性切除术外,其余5例均行肾部分切除术,由于担心术中囊壁破裂,所以均采用了开放手术。MCN有局部复发的报道,但复发是否与遗漏的恶性病灶或肉瘤样分化有关,目前尚不清楚[9]。复发多发生于肾部分切除术后。到目前为止,仅有4例局部复发的报道,都发生于肾部分切除术后[10]。而另一组24例MCN患者均行肾部分切除术,平均随访39个月未见复发[11]。本组6例患者随访1~15年,未见肿瘤复发及转移。另有学者行经皮内引流术,近期效果良好,但远期效果不佳[12]。总之,肾部分切除术是目前MCN的首选治疗方法。
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Clinical diagnosis and treatment of multilocular cystic nephroma
XIE Yi, LI Han-zhong*, JI Zhi-gang, LIU Guang-hua, RONG Shi, SHI Bing-bing
(Dept. of Urology, PUMC Hospital, CAMS amp; PUMC, Beijing 100730, China)
ObjectiveTo improve the diagnosis and treatment of multilocular cystic nephroma.MethodsWe conducted a retrospective analysis, aiming to provide diagnosis and therapy for multilocular cystic nephroma. 6 cases were involved in this analysis, including three males and three females aged between 29~51 years old. Among the 6 cases, 3 were asymptomatic, 2 present with backache and 1 with macroscopic hematuria. Course of disease were between 10 days to 3 years. All cases were unilateral, 3 located in the left kidney and 3 in the right. 4 located in the lower pole and 2 in the upper pole. 5 cases were diagnosed with cystic lesions, with septum inside and 2 cases with calcification.1 case were diagnosed with malignant lesion. 4 cases undergo CT and 3 cases undergo MRI, all indicated multilocular cystic lesions, 2 cases with linear and patchy enhancement in MRI. IVP of the one case with hematuria indicated damage of the calyces and overflow of contrast agents.ResultsOpen surgery had been carried out in all of the 6 patients, including 5 partial nephrectomy and 1 nephrectomy.All the 6 patients had been cured of the disease with no recurrence during the 1 to 15 years’ of follow up.ConclusionsUltrasonic type B and CT scanning are the major means of diagnosis before surgery.Surgery is the main choice of treatment.Nephron-sparing resection of tumor is a primary and effective therapeutic method for this disease.
kidney neoplasm;multilocular cystic nephroma
R 737.11