[摘要] 目的 研究FTO基因多态性与肥胖儿童代谢组分相关性。方法 选择年龄6~17岁间的599名儿童,检测FTO基因常见的单核苷酸多态性(rs1421085、rs17817449、rs8050136、rs3751812和rs9939609)基因型,分析与肥胖代谢组分的关联性。 结果 ①肥胖儿童代谢组分与对照组有显著差异;②FTO SNPs的等位基因频率与基因型分布存在显著差异。5个FTO SNP突变型是儿童发生肥胖的危险因素;③多变量、Logistic 回归分析发现5个FTO单核苷酸多态性均与高收缩压有关。rs3751812、rs8050136与 LDL-C、HOMA-IR相关。 结论 FTO基因SNPs与儿童肥胖和高血压有关。rs3751812 和 rs8050136与胰岛素抵抗及血清LDL水平升高有关。
[关键字] FTO;基因;肥胖;胰岛素抵抗;儿童
[中图分类号] R723.14 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2014)26-0024-04
肥胖已成为主要的公共健康问题。在过去10年里,儿童肥胖在我国迅速流行,儿童超重和肥胖的发生率从19.1%增加到32.6%[1,2]。肥胖病因复杂,目前认为基因在肥胖的发生中起着重要作用,基因与环境因素相互作用导致肥胖的发生和发展。肥胖基因FTO(the fat mass and obesity associated gene, FTO)位于16 q12.2,含有9个外显子,在下丘脑高度表达,在控制能量平衡、核酸脱甲基化和人体脂肪调节方面有重要作用[3]。研究表明FTO基因单核酸多态性(SNP)与高BMI及其他代谢相关组分有关[4-6]。但是,关于FTO基因多态性和肥胖危险性的Meta分析表明FTO基因可能呈现肥胖相关易感基因的低外显率,同时需要大样本研究来进一步评估肥胖和多态性在各民族中的相关性。因此,我们对599名6~17岁儿童青少年FTO基因多态性(rs1421085、rs17817449、rs8050136、 rs3751812和rs9939609)进行基因分型及与代谢组分相关研究,从而探索FTO基因多态性与儿童肥胖及代谢组分的关联性。
由经过统一培训的专业人员测量所有对象的体重、身高[7]。血压测量采用汞柱式标准袖带血压计,取坐位至少休息5 min以上测量右上臂收缩压(SBP)与舒张压(DBP),取2次测定平均值。
抽取所有调查对象清晨空腹静脉血,分离血清,测定血糖(FBG)、甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)。并根据TC-HDL来计算non-HDL。计算稳态模型胰岛素抵抗指数:HOMA-IR=FINS × FPG/22.5。另每人抽取2 mL枸橼酸钠抗凝血用axyprep全血基因组DNA提取试剂盒抽提外周血DNA基因,标本-80℃条件下保存,用于单核苷酸多样性基因型分析。
我们使用MassARRAY(Sequenom, San Diego, CA)平台对FTO基因单核苷酸多态性(rs1421085、rs17817449、rs8050136、rs3751812和rs9939609)进行基因型分型检测[8]。
使用SPSS17.0统计学软件进行相关数据分析。SNP的Hardy-Weinberg平衡用Fishers精确检验。计量变量表现为均数±标准差(SD),组间差异由Student's t-test 分析。分类变量以百分比形式表现,使用χ2检验分析。年龄、性别和BMI等混杂因素通过多变量分析调整。Logistic 回归分析来计算FTO SNP基因型肥胖危险因素OR值及其95%CI。Haploview 4.2 软件对人群单倍型频率进行评估与检验。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2.2两组FTO 5个SNP等位基因及基因型分布频率比较
分病例组及对照组FTO SNPs均遵守Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律(P>0.05)。FTO基因rs1421085、rs17817449、rs8050136、rs3751812和rs9939609等位基因频率与基因型肥胖儿童与对照组儿童比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。
2.3 5个FTO SNP 不同基因型间肥胖相关代谢组分比较
FTO SNPs基因型与肥胖代谢组分关联分析发现在调整年龄、性别和BMI-Z评分这些混杂因素后,5个SNP基因突变型携带者较野生型携带者更易出现收缩压升高(P<0.05)。rs3751812和rs8050136基因型与LDL-C、HOMA-IR有密切相关性。
2.4 5个FTO SNP与肥胖代谢组分(包括DBP、TC、TG、HDL-C、non-HDL-C、FPG)无相关性endprint
SNPs基因型与儿童肥胖关联分析中,发现携带有FTO基因突变型儿童更易发生肥胖(rs1421085,OR=1.980,95%CI:1.317~2.916; rs17817449,OR=2.011, 95%CI:1.333~3.034;rs8050136,OR=1.925,95%CI:1.285~2.885;rs3751812,OR=1.911,95%CI:1.275~2.864;rs9939609,OR=1.930,95%CI:1.283~2.904)。
3 讨论
随着生活水平的不断上升,肥胖儿童的数量近年来呈快速增长的趋势,由此而引发的大量与肥胖相关的代谢性疾病已经成为不可忽视的问题。为预防肥胖和代谢性疾病的发生,早期对这一问题进行干预变得十分必要。对肥胖儿童进行易感基因的检测较少受到其他混杂因素的影响,能更加真实地反映肥胖和基因的关联性。2007年Frayling等在欧洲人群中发现,FTO基因的第一个内含子序列(长度为47 kb)中以~9939609为代表的10个单核苷酸多态性(SNp)可能与肥胖有关。rs9939609的A等位基因为风险基因,具有该风险基因的纯合子人群与无此风险基因的人群相比,平均体重高出3 kg,患肥胖症的风险高出1.67倍。FTO基因变异与儿童肥胖症密切相关[9],该基因分布于下丘脑,参与机体的饮食调节,在FTO参与蛋白质表达方面,经研究发现,FTO的蛋白空间结构与通过去除一个甲基团修复DNA的酶及其相似,FTO基因编码形成2-氧戊二酸盐核苷酸去甲基酶,包含与Fe2+以及2-酮戊二酸依赖的加氧酶相同的基序,能够使DNA去甲基化。FTO SNP rs1421085、rs17817449, rs8050136、rs3751812 及 rs9939609高度连锁,研究发现我国儿童BMI指数与这5个单核苷酸多态性高度相关。进一步支持了该区域变异可能促进肥胖的发展。FTO基因变异影响BMI及肥胖代谢组分的机制尚不明确。据报道,携带危险等位基因的个体更可能选择高能量食物[10],研究发现FTO基因与儿童及青少年暴饮暴食的生活习惯有关[11],FTO基因主要存在于管理能量平衡的下丘脑核群,其rs9939609多态性通过影响能量稳态来调节肥胖,可引起食欲增加而提高能量摄取,近年来研究表明,该分子可能系能量平衡调节的重要分子开关。此外亦有研究显示FFO基因的内含子可通过编码转录因子CUTL1的结合位点,调控FTO基因的表达,其具体功能尚待进一步研究。
国内对FTO SNP的研究主要集中在rs9939609与肥胖的相关性研究,有研究发现其与肥胖相关[4,12-15],亦有未发现rs9939609 基因变异与肥胖代谢组分存在联系[16,17]。我们的研究证实FTO 5个SNP与儿童肥胖相关,携带有突变型的儿童更容易发生肥胖,进一步发现,FTO基因变异者(rs17817449、rs8050136、rs3751812及rs9939609)更易出现收缩压升高。国内学者曾对3077位中国儿童(6~18岁,包括619位高血压病例组和2458位正常血压对照组)进行基因分析,发现 FTO 基因中rs9939609与高血压有着显著联系(OR=1.35,95%CI 1.12~1.62,P=0.001)[18]。由此可见,肥胖儿童携有rs9939609突变基因型更易患高血压。Pausova等提出了FTO危险等位基因可能通过交感缩血管紧张效应增高血压,并在485位12~18岁青少年发现FTO危险等位基因,进一步在198名18~71岁的白种人中得到证实[19]。高血压、脂代谢紊乱是儿童肥胖的常见代谢异常并发症,亦是儿童代谢综合征的主要组成成分,而胰岛素抵抗是肥胖、高血压、代谢综合征的重要病理基础,我们研究发现rs3751812和 rs8050136与LDL-C和 HOMA-IR 有显著关系,表明FTO 基因多态性在肥胖儿童高血压、脂代谢紊乱、胰岛素抵抗的发病中起着一定的调控作用。
综上,本研究结果表明FTO基因变异与儿童肥胖及代谢组分相关,其中常见的rs1421085、rs17817449、 rs8050136、rs3751812及rs9939609等5个突变型SNPs是儿童肥胖及高血压的危险因素。FTO基因多态性(rs3751812和rs8050136)与胰岛素抵抗和高LDL水平存在联系。今后我们可对儿童的FTO 基因多态性进行分型检测,及早发现肥胖及代谢组分异常的易感人群,尽早采取干预措施,从而预防肥胖的发生、发展。
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[6] Sergeyev E,Wagner I,Neef M,et al. Carbohydrate metabolism disorders among obese children and adolescents. Diabetes mellitus type 2[J]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz,2013,56(4):511-516.
[7] 陈雪峰,梁黎,傅君芬,等. 中国儿童青少年形体测量学参数调查[J]. 中华流行病学杂志,2012,33(5): 449-454.
[8] Zou CC,Huang K,Liang L,et al. Polymorphisms of the ghrelin/obestatin gene and ghrelin levels in Chinese children with short stature[J]. Clin Endocrinol(Oxf),2008,69(1):99-104.
[9] Frayling TM,Timpson NJ,Weedon MN,et al. A common variant in the FTO gene is associated with body mass index and predisposes to childhood and adult obesity[J]. Science,2007,316(5826):889-894.
[10] Cecil JE,Tavendale R,Watt P,et al. An obesity-associated FTO gene variant and increased energy intake in children[J]. N Engl J Med,2008,359(24):2558-2566.
[11] Tanofsky-Kraff M,Han JC,Anandalingam K,et al. The FTO gene rs9939609 obesity-risk allele and loss of control over eating[J]. Am J Clin Nutr,2009,90(6):1483-1488.
[12] Wang J,Mei H,Chen W,et al. Study of eight GWAS-identified common variants for association with obesity-related indices in Chinese children at puberty[J]. Int J Obes (Lond),2012,36(4):542-547.
[13] Chang YC,Liu PH,Lee WJ,et al. Common variation in the fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) gene confers risk of obesity and modulates BMI in the Chinese population[J]. Diabetes,2008,57(8):2245-2252.
[14] Cheung CY,Tso AW,Cheung BM,et al. Obesity susceptibility genetic variants identified from recent genome-wide association studies:Implications in a Chinese population[J]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab,2010,95(3):1395-1403.
[15] Fang H,Li Y,Du S,et al. Variant rs9939609 in the FTO gene is associated with body mass index among Chinese children[J]. BMC Med Genet,2010,11(9):136.
[16] Yan Q,Hong J,Gu W,et al. Association of the common rs9939609 variant of FTO gene with polycystic ovary syndrome in Chinese women[J]. Endocrine,2009,36(3):377-382.
[17] Li H,Wu Y,Loos RJ,et al. Variants in the fat mass- and obesity-associated(FTO) gene are not associated with obesity in a Chinese Han population[J]. Diabetes,2008, 57(1):264-268.
[18] Xi B,Zhao X,Shen Y,et al. Associations of obesity susceptibility loci with hypertension in Chinese children[J]. Int J Obes(Lond),2013,37(7):926-930.
[19] Pausova Z,Syme C,Abrahamowicz M,et al. A common variant of the FTO gene is associated with not only increased adiposity but also elevated blood pressure in French Canadians[J]. Circ Cardiovasc Genet,2009,2(3):260-269.
[5] Denzer C. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in obese children and adolescents[J]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz,2013,56(4):517-527.
[6] Sergeyev E,Wagner I,Neef M,et al. Carbohydrate metabolism disorders among obese children and adolescents. Diabetes mellitus type 2[J]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz,2013,56(4):511-516.
[7] 陈雪峰,梁黎,傅君芬,等. 中国儿童青少年形体测量学参数调查[J]. 中华流行病学杂志,2012,33(5): 449-454.
[8] Zou CC,Huang K,Liang L,et al. Polymorphisms of the ghrelin/obestatin gene and ghrelin levels in Chinese children with short stature[J]. Clin Endocrinol(Oxf),2008,69(1):99-104.
[9] Frayling TM,Timpson NJ,Weedon MN,et al. A common variant in the FTO gene is associated with body mass index and predisposes to childhood and adult obesity[J]. Science,2007,316(5826):889-894.
[10] Cecil JE,Tavendale R,Watt P,et al. An obesity-associated FTO gene variant and increased energy intake in children[J]. N Engl J Med,2008,359(24):2558-2566.
[11] Tanofsky-Kraff M,Han JC,Anandalingam K,et al. The FTO gene rs9939609 obesity-risk allele and loss of control over eating[J]. Am J Clin Nutr,2009,90(6):1483-1488.
[12] Wang J,Mei H,Chen W,et al. Study of eight GWAS-identified common variants for association with obesity-related indices in Chinese children at puberty[J]. Int J Obes (Lond),2012,36(4):542-547.
[13] Chang YC,Liu PH,Lee WJ,et al. Common variation in the fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) gene confers risk of obesity and modulates BMI in the Chinese population[J]. Diabetes,2008,57(8):2245-2252.
[14] Cheung CY,Tso AW,Cheung BM,et al. Obesity susceptibility genetic variants identified from recent genome-wide association studies:Implications in a Chinese population[J]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab,2010,95(3):1395-1403.
[15] Fang H,Li Y,Du S,et al. Variant rs9939609 in the FTO gene is associated with body mass index among Chinese children[J]. BMC Med Genet,2010,11(9):136.
[16] Yan Q,Hong J,Gu W,et al. Association of the common rs9939609 variant of FTO gene with polycystic ovary syndrome in Chinese women[J]. Endocrine,2009,36(3):377-382.
[17] Li H,Wu Y,Loos RJ,et al. Variants in the fat mass- and obesity-associated(FTO) gene are not associated with obesity in a Chinese Han population[J]. Diabetes,2008, 57(1):264-268.
[18] Xi B,Zhao X,Shen Y,et al. Associations of obesity susceptibility loci with hypertension in Chinese children[J]. Int J Obes(Lond),2013,37(7):926-930.
[19] Pausova Z,Syme C,Abrahamowicz M,et al. A common variant of the FTO gene is associated with not only increased adiposity but also elevated blood pressure in French Canadians[J]. Circ Cardiovasc Genet,2009,2(3):260-269.
[5] Denzer C. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in obese children and adolescents[J]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz,2013,56(4):517-527.
[6] Sergeyev E,Wagner I,Neef M,et al. Carbohydrate metabolism disorders among obese children and adolescents. Diabetes mellitus type 2[J]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz,2013,56(4):511-516.
[7] 陈雪峰,梁黎,傅君芬,等. 中国儿童青少年形体测量学参数调查[J]. 中华流行病学杂志,2012,33(5): 449-454.
[8] Zou CC,Huang K,Liang L,et al. Polymorphisms of the ghrelin/obestatin gene and ghrelin levels in Chinese children with short stature[J]. Clin Endocrinol(Oxf),2008,69(1):99-104.
[9] Frayling TM,Timpson NJ,Weedon MN,et al. A common variant in the FTO gene is associated with body mass index and predisposes to childhood and adult obesity[J]. Science,2007,316(5826):889-894.
[10] Cecil JE,Tavendale R,Watt P,et al. An obesity-associated FTO gene variant and increased energy intake in children[J]. N Engl J Med,2008,359(24):2558-2566.
[11] Tanofsky-Kraff M,Han JC,Anandalingam K,et al. The FTO gene rs9939609 obesity-risk allele and loss of control over eating[J]. Am J Clin Nutr,2009,90(6):1483-1488.
[12] Wang J,Mei H,Chen W,et al. Study of eight GWAS-identified common variants for association with obesity-related indices in Chinese children at puberty[J]. Int J Obes (Lond),2012,36(4):542-547.
[13] Chang YC,Liu PH,Lee WJ,et al. Common variation in the fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) gene confers risk of obesity and modulates BMI in the Chinese population[J]. Diabetes,2008,57(8):2245-2252.
[14] Cheung CY,Tso AW,Cheung BM,et al. Obesity susceptibility genetic variants identified from recent genome-wide association studies:Implications in a Chinese population[J]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab,2010,95(3):1395-1403.
[15] Fang H,Li Y,Du S,et al. Variant rs9939609 in the FTO gene is associated with body mass index among Chinese children[J]. BMC Med Genet,2010,11(9):136.
[16] Yan Q,Hong J,Gu W,et al. Association of the common rs9939609 variant of FTO gene with polycystic ovary syndrome in Chinese women[J]. Endocrine,2009,36(3):377-382.
[17] Li H,Wu Y,Loos RJ,et al. Variants in the fat mass- and obesity-associated(FTO) gene are not associated with obesity in a Chinese Han population[J]. Diabetes,2008, 57(1):264-268.
[18] Xi B,Zhao X,Shen Y,et al. Associations of obesity susceptibility loci with hypertension in Chinese children[J]. Int J Obes(Lond),2013,37(7):926-930.
[19] Pausova Z,Syme C,Abrahamowicz M,et al. A common variant of the FTO gene is associated with not only increased adiposity but also elevated blood pressure in French Canadians[J]. Circ Cardiovasc Genet,2009,2(3):260-269.