

中国医学创新 2014年27期

郭素萍 邓益君 吴莹嘉 冯惠霞

【摘要】 目的:探讨营养支持干预对放化疗期间恶性食管瘘患者预后的影响。方法:回顾分析2010年1月-2012年12月本科收治的40例食管癌合并恶性食管瘘患者,总结营养干预方法、瘘管愈合情况及放化疗副反应发生情况。结果:40例患者中,32例瘘管闭合,6例未闭合予出院定期复查,2例死亡;放化疗治疗期间,副作用大多数为1~2级,8例出现3级及以上的呕吐,11例出现3级及以上的中性粒细胞减少,13例出现3级及以上的咳嗽。结论:营养风险筛查和肠内营养支持能有效提高食管癌合并恶性食管瘘的患者对放化疗的耐受性,完成相关治疗,并促进瘘口的愈合,值得在临床推广。

【关键词】 食管癌; 恶性食管瘘; 放化疗; 营养风险筛查; 肠内营养


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料 选取2010年1月-2012年12月本科收治的食管癌合并恶性食管瘘患者40例,其中男34例,女6例,年龄41~80岁,中位年龄58岁。患者诊断均为食管鳞状细胞癌,其中21例为T3期,16例为T4期,均无远处转移或腹腔淋巴结转移,均不能手术,使用同期放化疗进行治疗。治疗前或治疗期间出现恶性食管瘘,其中18例出现在放化疗前,22例出现在放化疗期间。

1.2 方法

1.2.1 放化疗方案 所有患者使用3D-CRT进行放射治疗,治疗计划由Pinnacle计划系统计算。患者辐射总量中位数为54 Gy(40~68 Gy)。重要脏器的辐射剂量限制设置如下:脊柱<46 Gy,肺部平均剂量<17 Gy,V20<30%。

7例患者使用2个疗程的顺铂、5-Fu联合化疗,顺铂的剂量为20 mg/(m2·d),5-Fu的为500 mg/(m2·d),在放疗第1~5天和第29~33天时使用。另外33例患者使用多西他赛进行治疗:10例患者进行2个疗程的多西他赛和顺铂,其中多西他赛剂量为60 mg/m2,顺铂为60 mg/m2,在放疗第1天和第29天执行;23例每周同期进行顺铂化疗25 mg/m2和多西他赛25 mg/m2化疗,持续4~6周。

1.2.2 营养风险筛查 本研究采用营养风险筛查(Nutrition Risk Screening,NRS)进行营养评估[4]。患者入院后24 h内由管床护士对患者进行营养风险筛查。总分大于等于3分,表示患者有营养风险,转介营养专科护士,实施营养治疗;总分小于3分,表示患者目前没有营养风险,由管床护士每周进行营养风险再评估,必要时予预防性营养治疗。

1.2.3 营养干预 患者出现食管瘘后,使用肠内营养进行营养补充。其中22例使用鼻胃管、18例使用经皮胃造瘘管。肠内营养素根据体重配制,初始配制设计如下:能量摄入量为30 kcal/(kg·d),初始蛋白质的摄入量为1.2~1.5 g/(kg·d)。持续监测体重,调整营养素摄入量,保持体内能量和蛋白质的平衡,减少体重丢失。患者如有添加食物,应减去等量营养值的营养液。

2 结果


3 讨论

营养不良是癌症患者常见并发症,大部分癌症患者在疾病进展过程中出现体重下降,甚至恶液质[5]。其原因有:(1)肿瘤代谢增加食管癌患者机体能量消耗;(2)食管癌肿瘤位置容易导致患者出现吞咽困难,营养的摄入不足[6];(3)治疗(如手术、放射治疗、化学治疗)改变机体内环境,增加食管癌患者能量和蛋白质的需求;(4)治疗相关性厌食、黏膜炎、呕吐等影响营养的摄入和吸收[6]。目前普遍认为不能手术的晚期食管癌患者进行同期放化疗能提高患者的生存率,但同时会增加患者体重丢失,增加免疫消耗,降低身体抵抗力[7-10]。食管癌行放化疗的患者的基础营养状态是患者预后的重要影响因素[11-12]。根据欧洲临床营养和代谢学会(European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism,ESPEN)指南对正在进行放射治疗或放化疗的患者的肠内营养,应努力增加营养的摄入,预防治疗相关性体重丢失和治疗的中断[13]。但监测体重再进行营养补充往往具有滞后性,不能提前预测体重减轻的风险。




[1] Fietkau R.Concurrent radiochemotherapy for the treatment of solid tumors[J].Strahlenther Onkol,2012,188(Suppl 3):263-271.

[2] Reed M F,Mathisen D J.Tracheoesophageal fistula[J].Chest Surg Clin N Am,2003,13(2):271-289.

[3] Ishida K,Iizuka T,Ando N,et al.Phase II study of chemoradiotherapy for advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the thoracic esophagus: nine Japanese institutions trial[J].Jpn J Clin Oncol,1996,26(5):310-315.

[4] Celaya P S,Valero Z M.Nutritional management of oncologic patients[J].Nutr Hosp,1999,14(Suppl 2):43-52.

[5] Ramos C M,Boleo-Tome C,Monteiro-Grillo I,et al.The diversity of nutritional status in cancer: new insights[J].Oncologist,2010,15(5):523-530.

[6] Bozzetti F,Cozzaglio L,Gavazzi C,et al.Nutritional support in patients with cancer of the esophagus: impact on nutritional status, patient compliance to therapy, and survival[J].Tumori,1998,84(6):681-686.

[7] Fietkau R,Lewitzki V,Kuhnt T,et al.A disease-specific enteral nutrition formula improves nutritional status and functional performance in patients with head and neck and esophageal cancer undergoing chemoradiotherapy: results of a randomized, controlled, multicenter trial[J].Cancer,2013,119(18):3343-3353.

[8] Pai P C,Chuang C C,Tseng C K,et al.Impact of pretreatment body mass index on patients with head-and-neck cancer treated with radiation[J].Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys,2012,83(1):e93-e100.

[9] Buntzel J,Krauss T,Buntzel H,et al.Nutritional parameters for patients with head and neck cancer[J].Anticancer Res,2012,32(5):2119-2123.

[10] Da S J,Mauricio S F,Bering T,et al.The relationship between nutritional status and the Glasgow prognostic score in patients with cancer of the esophagus and stomach[J].Nutr Cancer,2013,65(1):25-33.

[11] Bollschweiler E,Herbold T,Plum P,et al.Prognostic relevance of nutritional status in patients with advanced esophageal cancer[J].Expert Rev Anticancer Ther,2013,13(3):275-278.

[12] Andreyev H J,Norman A R,Oates J,et al.Why do patients with weight loss have a worse outcome when undergoing chemotherapy for gastrointestinal malignancies?[J].Eur J Cancer,1998,34(4):503-509.

[13] Arends J,Bodoky G,Bozzetti F,et al.ESPEN guidelines on enteral nutrition: non-surgical oncology[J].Clin Nutr,2006,25(2):245-259.

[14] Miyata H,Yano M,Yasuda T,et al.Randomized study of clinical effect of enteral nutrition support during neoadjuvant chemotherapy on chemotherapy-related toxicity in patients with esophageal cancer[J].Clin Nutr,2012,31(3):330-336.

[15] Murphy R A,Mourtzakis M,Chu Q S,et al.Nutritional intervention with fish oil provides a benefit over standard of care for weight and skeletal muscle mass in patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer receiving chemotherapy[J].Cancer,2011,117(8):1775-1782.

(收稿日期:2014-04-10) (本文编辑:蔡元元)endprint



[1] Fietkau R.Concurrent radiochemotherapy for the treatment of solid tumors[J].Strahlenther Onkol,2012,188(Suppl 3):263-271.

[2] Reed M F,Mathisen D J.Tracheoesophageal fistula[J].Chest Surg Clin N Am,2003,13(2):271-289.

[3] Ishida K,Iizuka T,Ando N,et al.Phase II study of chemoradiotherapy for advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the thoracic esophagus: nine Japanese institutions trial[J].Jpn J Clin Oncol,1996,26(5):310-315.

[4] Celaya P S,Valero Z M.Nutritional management of oncologic patients[J].Nutr Hosp,1999,14(Suppl 2):43-52.

[5] Ramos C M,Boleo-Tome C,Monteiro-Grillo I,et al.The diversity of nutritional status in cancer: new insights[J].Oncologist,2010,15(5):523-530.

[6] Bozzetti F,Cozzaglio L,Gavazzi C,et al.Nutritional support in patients with cancer of the esophagus: impact on nutritional status, patient compliance to therapy, and survival[J].Tumori,1998,84(6):681-686.

[7] Fietkau R,Lewitzki V,Kuhnt T,et al.A disease-specific enteral nutrition formula improves nutritional status and functional performance in patients with head and neck and esophageal cancer undergoing chemoradiotherapy: results of a randomized, controlled, multicenter trial[J].Cancer,2013,119(18):3343-3353.

[8] Pai P C,Chuang C C,Tseng C K,et al.Impact of pretreatment body mass index on patients with head-and-neck cancer treated with radiation[J].Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys,2012,83(1):e93-e100.

[9] Buntzel J,Krauss T,Buntzel H,et al.Nutritional parameters for patients with head and neck cancer[J].Anticancer Res,2012,32(5):2119-2123.

[10] Da S J,Mauricio S F,Bering T,et al.The relationship between nutritional status and the Glasgow prognostic score in patients with cancer of the esophagus and stomach[J].Nutr Cancer,2013,65(1):25-33.

[11] Bollschweiler E,Herbold T,Plum P,et al.Prognostic relevance of nutritional status in patients with advanced esophageal cancer[J].Expert Rev Anticancer Ther,2013,13(3):275-278.

[12] Andreyev H J,Norman A R,Oates J,et al.Why do patients with weight loss have a worse outcome when undergoing chemotherapy for gastrointestinal malignancies?[J].Eur J Cancer,1998,34(4):503-509.

[13] Arends J,Bodoky G,Bozzetti F,et al.ESPEN guidelines on enteral nutrition: non-surgical oncology[J].Clin Nutr,2006,25(2):245-259.

[14] Miyata H,Yano M,Yasuda T,et al.Randomized study of clinical effect of enteral nutrition support during neoadjuvant chemotherapy on chemotherapy-related toxicity in patients with esophageal cancer[J].Clin Nutr,2012,31(3):330-336.

[15] Murphy R A,Mourtzakis M,Chu Q S,et al.Nutritional intervention with fish oil provides a benefit over standard of care for weight and skeletal muscle mass in patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer receiving chemotherapy[J].Cancer,2011,117(8):1775-1782.

(收稿日期:2014-04-10) (本文编辑:蔡元元)endprint



[1] Fietkau R.Concurrent radiochemotherapy for the treatment of solid tumors[J].Strahlenther Onkol,2012,188(Suppl 3):263-271.

[2] Reed M F,Mathisen D J.Tracheoesophageal fistula[J].Chest Surg Clin N Am,2003,13(2):271-289.

[3] Ishida K,Iizuka T,Ando N,et al.Phase II study of chemoradiotherapy for advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the thoracic esophagus: nine Japanese institutions trial[J].Jpn J Clin Oncol,1996,26(5):310-315.

[4] Celaya P S,Valero Z M.Nutritional management of oncologic patients[J].Nutr Hosp,1999,14(Suppl 2):43-52.

[5] Ramos C M,Boleo-Tome C,Monteiro-Grillo I,et al.The diversity of nutritional status in cancer: new insights[J].Oncologist,2010,15(5):523-530.

[6] Bozzetti F,Cozzaglio L,Gavazzi C,et al.Nutritional support in patients with cancer of the esophagus: impact on nutritional status, patient compliance to therapy, and survival[J].Tumori,1998,84(6):681-686.

[7] Fietkau R,Lewitzki V,Kuhnt T,et al.A disease-specific enteral nutrition formula improves nutritional status and functional performance in patients with head and neck and esophageal cancer undergoing chemoradiotherapy: results of a randomized, controlled, multicenter trial[J].Cancer,2013,119(18):3343-3353.

[8] Pai P C,Chuang C C,Tseng C K,et al.Impact of pretreatment body mass index on patients with head-and-neck cancer treated with radiation[J].Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys,2012,83(1):e93-e100.

[9] Buntzel J,Krauss T,Buntzel H,et al.Nutritional parameters for patients with head and neck cancer[J].Anticancer Res,2012,32(5):2119-2123.

[10] Da S J,Mauricio S F,Bering T,et al.The relationship between nutritional status and the Glasgow prognostic score in patients with cancer of the esophagus and stomach[J].Nutr Cancer,2013,65(1):25-33.

[11] Bollschweiler E,Herbold T,Plum P,et al.Prognostic relevance of nutritional status in patients with advanced esophageal cancer[J].Expert Rev Anticancer Ther,2013,13(3):275-278.

[12] Andreyev H J,Norman A R,Oates J,et al.Why do patients with weight loss have a worse outcome when undergoing chemotherapy for gastrointestinal malignancies?[J].Eur J Cancer,1998,34(4):503-509.

[13] Arends J,Bodoky G,Bozzetti F,et al.ESPEN guidelines on enteral nutrition: non-surgical oncology[J].Clin Nutr,2006,25(2):245-259.

[14] Miyata H,Yano M,Yasuda T,et al.Randomized study of clinical effect of enteral nutrition support during neoadjuvant chemotherapy on chemotherapy-related toxicity in patients with esophageal cancer[J].Clin Nutr,2012,31(3):330-336.

[15] Murphy R A,Mourtzakis M,Chu Q S,et al.Nutritional intervention with fish oil provides a benefit over standard of care for weight and skeletal muscle mass in patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer receiving chemotherapy[J].Cancer,2011,117(8):1775-1782.

(收稿日期:2014-04-10) (本文编辑:蔡元元)endprint

