

高中生·高考指导 2014年9期




Student volunteers in Washington D.C. recently visited the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History to test a new program. They were among the first to help test a new exhibit at the museum.

The program has an unusual name,spoken as “Curious” and written as Q ̄? ̄R ̄I ̄U ̄S. The exhibits are designed so young people can learn about science by taking part in experiments. Program combines the newest technologies and scientific equipment with more than 6,000 museum objects,both real and digital. Students from local schools helped develop the exhibit. Teachers will bring their science students to the exhibit in the mornings. In the afternoons,the exhibits will be open to everyone.

Many of the students already have their favorite activities at the center. Nate Reistetter,who is 13 years old,said he liked exploring the specimen① drawers. “There was a cast of a dinosaur bone and you can scan the QR code(computerized bar code) on the computers and it will tell you all about where it was found and all sorts of stuff about it,”he said. Addie Alexander is 12 years old,and she likes the bee display. Addie said the bumble bee and the yellow bumble bee when theyre not under the microscope look pretty much the same except ones bigger than the other. But she said when she looked at the two insects under the microscope,they were very different. Student Ben Werb said he likes the learning centers openness,and he enjoyed in an exhibit that lets people use their senses to learn more about objects. For example,he said a butterfly smells a little like tea.

Involving the senses—smell,touch,hearing—is one of the exhibits major goals. At one display, students recreated the sounds of insects called crickets,and they handled human bones in a laboratory. The scientific investigation of human remains is called forensic anthropology②. It is often used to identify a person who has died and to learn the cause of death.

Q?rius can also be found online,and this means visitors can continue their experiments after they leave the museum.

And thats the Education Report. Im Jerilyn Watson.


①specimen n. 样品;范例;(化验的)抽样;某种类型的人

②anthropology n. 人类学

1. The underlined word“identify” can be replaced by ______.

A. recognize B. recall

C. question D. honour

2. What can we learn from the passage?

A. The program has more than 6,000 real museum objects.

B. The experiments can be done digitally without staying in the museum.

C. Dealing with human bones is quite a horrible experience.

D. The public cant see the exhibit until the students finish all the tests.

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Ben Werb likes the tea that smells like a butterfly.

B. Nate Reistetter likes the openness of the learning center.

C. Addie Alexander likes exploring the specimen drawers.

D. All students can be involved in something they are interested in.

4. The exhibits are intended to ______.

A. make students interested in going to museum

B. test the studentsability of handling scientific objects

C. let teenagers learn about science through their own participation

D. collect digital information for a website named Q?rius

5. The article is probably taken from ______.

A. a websites education page

B. a radio stations education report

C. a magazine about education

D. a book about education








1.“There was a cast of a dinosaur bone and you can scan the QR code(computerized bar code)on the computers and it will tell you all about where it was found and all sorts of stuff about it,”he said.

分析:本句含直接引语,引语部分由两个并列连词and连接三个并列分句,主要结构为“There was ... and you can ... and it will ...”。另外,最后一个分句中含有由where引导的宾语从句,作介词about的宾语。


2. Addie said the bumble bee and the yellow bumble bee when theyre not under the microscope look pretty much the same except ones bigger than the other.

分析:本句含间接引语,引语部分为主从复合句,主句为the bumble bee and the yellow bumble bee look pretty much the same except ones bigger than the other。时间状语从句为when theyre not under the microscope,位于句子中间,在一定程度上会干扰同学们的阅读思维。



It is often used to identify a person who has died and to learn the cause of death.


分析:含定语从句的复合句。先行词是a person,关系代词who在从句中作主语。it指代forensic anthropology。(作者单位:贵州遵义市四中)



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