滕敏敏 韩传峰 刘兴华
摘要 中国大型基础设施虽然总量上有了较大增长,但往往重数量轻质量,忽视与人口、经济及社会发展相适应,所带来的资源短缺、环境污染和公共安全等问题日益突出。大型基础设施项目社会影响评价是规避社会风险,保证项目、工程、投资甚至相关政策顺利实施的有效手段,规范实用的指标体系是有效评价的基本前提。本文分析大型基础设施的内涵及其社会影响,基于中国国情特征,确定包含61个主要指标的大型基础设施项目社会影响评价初始指标集。结合调查问卷分析,通过临界比值检验和同质性检验将初始指标集修正为46个指标,经过7轮探索性因子分析,将指标集精炼为包含27个指标的指标体系,包括个人与家庭、政治与社会结构、项目的直接影响、公共资源、生态环境、社会适应性,以及社区与基础设施等7个类别。系数检验显示:总问卷与各个因子均通过信度检验;结构方程模型拟合指数满足适配标准,表明问卷结果结构效度良好,所建立的指标体系是科学有效的。
关键词 基础设施;社会影响评价;指标体系;探索性因子分析;结构方程模型
中图分类号 C915;F205文献标识码 A文章编号 1002-2104(2014)09-0170-07
作为公有公用项目,大型基础设施投资规模巨大、利益相关方众多、与社区受众联系密切[1],既涉及经济发展和环境保护,又涉及公共利益、社会秩序甚至国家安全,其规划、建设、运营和维护全过程具有复杂性和长期性,不仅要实现基本功能,更要发挥广泛而深远的社会影响,增加社会综合效益。社会影响评价(Social Impact Assessment,SIA)是把社会分析和公众参与融入到项目设计和实施中的一种方法和手段,通过系统调查分析影响项目并同时受项目影响的社会因素,提出减少或避免项目负面影响的建议和措施[2]。世界银行比较了中国50多项重大投资项目在可行性论证阶段预设的经济收益率和运行5年后的实际经济收益率,发现做过社会影响评价的项目中,基本接近或超过预设经济收益率的比例约为85%,而未做的要低得多[3]。作为一种更加理性、系统、预警性的制度安排,大型基础设施项目的社会影响评价有利于社会公平与稳定,而科学实用的评价指标体系是客观公正地进行社会影响评价的前提,因此,亟需分析把握中国国情,探索建立中国大型基础设施社会影响评价指标体系。
1 大型基础设施及其社会影响
基础设施与经济社会发展通常存在正相关关系,但两者并不总是协调发展,可能有所偏离甚至相互制约[6]。中国大型基础设施项目投入的人力、物资和信息流呈现规模超大型化特征,虽然总量上有了较大增长,但往往忽视与人口、经济及社会发展相适应,所带来的工程移民、社会公平和项目可持续性等问题日益突出。①中国工程建设的非志愿移民总数已超过4 000万人,由于不适应新的生活环境,心理感受、价值观念和生活轨迹彻底改变,原有社会关系被破坏,深刻影响社会结构的变迁与重构,导致出现长期的贫困人口,损害政府公信度;②大型基础设施项目应提供公平的就业机会,减少地区发展的不平衡,同时充分考虑相关方的利益诉求,降低人与人间的不平等。随着经济社会系统复杂性不断增强,价值取向趋于多元,大型基础设施项目的社会影响波及范围愈加广泛,利益攸关方日益众多。对项目文化可接受性及受影响民众需求一致性的轻视,引发利益阶层间的矛盾,加剧了社会阶层分化与社会不平等;
2 社会影响评价概述
3 社会影响评价初始指标集及修正
3.1 初始指标集
3.2 调查问卷及数据来源
3.3 项目分析
项目分析的主要目的是测验各个指标的适切性或可靠程度,以此来修正指标集,最常用的判别方法是临界比值检验(Critical Ration)和同质性检验,前者检验问卷的题项能否鉴别不同被调查者的反映程度,后者检验问卷的题项与问卷整体的同质性。
4 社会影响评价初始指标集精炼
应用取样适当性量数(KMO)值和Bartlett球形检验,判断各指标是否适合进行因子分析[24]。KMO取值介于0至1之间,小于0.500,表示不适合进行因子分析;介于0.500至0.800之间,表示进行因子分析的适切性适中;大于0.800,表示很适合进行因子分析。KMO与Bartlett检验统计结果如表1所示。剩余46个指标的KMO值为0.872>0.800,Bartlett球形检验的近似卡方分布值为4 600.815,自由度为1 035,显著性概率值0.000<0.05,达到显著水平,拒绝净相关矩阵不是单位矩阵的假设,表明指标间有公共因子存在,适合进行探索性因子分析(Exploratory Factor Analysis,EFA)。
指数(CFI)、增值适配指数(IFI)、非标准适配指数(TLI)、简约标准适配指数(PNFI)、简约比较适配指数(PCFI)和最小信息准则(IIC)等,适配标准或临界值见表4。运用AMOS 21软件,以探索性因子分析所得到的7个公共因子为潜在变量,27个评价指标为显性变量。理论模型与实际数据的适配结果如表4所示,适配度指标值全部满足适配标准,说明理论模型的适配度尚佳,模型无需修正。可见,经过探索性因子分析所建立的指标体系的适配度指标值全部满足适配标准或临界值,问卷具有较好的结构效度,EFA所得的指标体系与问卷结果较为一致。从而,得到中国大型基础设施项目社会影响评价指标体系,见表5。
6 结 语
(编辑:常 勇)
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[20]陆菊春, 韩国文, 郑君君. 城市基础设施项目社会评价指标体系的构建[J]. 科技进步与对策, 2002,(2): 103-104. [Lu Juchun, Han Guowen, Zheng Junjun. Index System of Social Impact Assessment for Urban Infrastructure Projects[J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2002,(2): 103-104.]
[21]贾广社, 杨芳军, 游锐,等. 基于GABP的大型建设工程社会影响评价指标体系研究[J]. 科技进步与对策, 2010, 27(19): 148-152. [Jia Guangshe, Yang Fangjun, You Rui, et al. Research on the Assessment Indicator System of Social Impact of Largescale Construction Project Based on GABP Method [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2010, 27(19): 148-152.]
[22]杨庆媛, 张占录, 杨华均. 土地开发整理项目社会影响评价方法探讨[J]. 中国土地科学, 2006, 20(3): 44-49. [Yang Qingyuan, Zhang Zhanlu, Yang Huajun. Study on SIA Methods of Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Project [J]. China Land Science, 2006, 20(3): 44-49.]
[23]Churchill G A. A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing Construct [J]. Journal of Marketing Research, 1979,(16): 64-73.
[24]Spicer J. Making Sense of Multivariate Data Analysis [M]. London: Sage, 2005.
[25]Nunnally J. Psychometric Theory [M]. New York: McGrawHill, 1978.
[26]吴明隆. SPSS统计应用实务:问卷分析与应用统计[M]. 北京:科学出版社, 2003.[Wu Minglong. SPSS Statistical Application Practices:Questionnaire Analysis and Applied Statistics [M]. Beijing:Science Press, 2003.]
[27]Cui C C, Adams E I. National Identity and NATID: An Assessment in Yemen [J]. International Marketing Review, 2001, 19(6): 637-662.
Abstract Chinas largescale infrastructures have greatly increased in the amount, however, more emphasis lies in quantity rather than quality, and the adaptability between the infrastructures and the demographic, economic and social development is usually neglected. As a result, the problems such as resource shortage, environmental pollution and public safety, are becoming more and more prominent. Social impact assessment for largescale infrastructure projects could avoid social risk effectively, and is an essential measure to implement the engineering, investment and even the policy relevant with the projects. The basic premise for effective evaluation is the standardized and practical indicator system. The paper analyzed the fundamental connotation and the social impact of largescale infrastructures, and proposed the initial index set for social impact assessment, including 61 indices. Based on questionnaire analysis, the initial index set was modified to 46 indices through critical ratio test and homogeneity test. Then, we run seven exploratory factor analysis, and refined the index set to 27 indices, covering individuals and families, political and social structures, the projects direct impact, public resources, ecological environment, social adaptation, as well as community and infrastructure. The coefficient test showed that overall questionnaire and each factor both passed the reliability test; structural equation model fitting indices can meet the standard adapter. The results indicate the good construct validity of the questionnaire results, and the effectiveness of the proposed index system.
Key words infrastructure; social impact assessment; index system; exploratory factor analysis; structural equation modeling
[19]徐鹤, 白宇, 朱坦,等. 城市总体规划的战略环境评价研究:以河北省丰南市黄各庄镇为例 [J]. 中国人口·资源与环境, 2003, 13(2): 96-100. [Xu He, Bai Yu, Zhu Tan, et al. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of General Planning and Case Analysis:SEA of Huang Ge Zhuang General Planning [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2003, 13(2): 96-100.]
[20]陆菊春, 韩国文, 郑君君. 城市基础设施项目社会评价指标体系的构建[J]. 科技进步与对策, 2002,(2): 103-104. [Lu Juchun, Han Guowen, Zheng Junjun. Index System of Social Impact Assessment for Urban Infrastructure Projects[J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2002,(2): 103-104.]
[21]贾广社, 杨芳军, 游锐,等. 基于GABP的大型建设工程社会影响评价指标体系研究[J]. 科技进步与对策, 2010, 27(19): 148-152. [Jia Guangshe, Yang Fangjun, You Rui, et al. Research on the Assessment Indicator System of Social Impact of Largescale Construction Project Based on GABP Method [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2010, 27(19): 148-152.]
[22]杨庆媛, 张占录, 杨华均. 土地开发整理项目社会影响评价方法探讨[J]. 中国土地科学, 2006, 20(3): 44-49. [Yang Qingyuan, Zhang Zhanlu, Yang Huajun. Study on SIA Methods of Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Project [J]. China Land Science, 2006, 20(3): 44-49.]
[23]Churchill G A. A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing Construct [J]. Journal of Marketing Research, 1979,(16): 64-73.
[24]Spicer J. Making Sense of Multivariate Data Analysis [M]. London: Sage, 2005.
[25]Nunnally J. Psychometric Theory [M]. New York: McGrawHill, 1978.
[26]吴明隆. SPSS统计应用实务:问卷分析与应用统计[M]. 北京:科学出版社, 2003.[Wu Minglong. SPSS Statistical Application Practices:Questionnaire Analysis and Applied Statistics [M]. Beijing:Science Press, 2003.]
[27]Cui C C, Adams E I. National Identity and NATID: An Assessment in Yemen [J]. International Marketing Review, 2001, 19(6): 637-662.
Abstract Chinas largescale infrastructures have greatly increased in the amount, however, more emphasis lies in quantity rather than quality, and the adaptability between the infrastructures and the demographic, economic and social development is usually neglected. As a result, the problems such as resource shortage, environmental pollution and public safety, are becoming more and more prominent. Social impact assessment for largescale infrastructure projects could avoid social risk effectively, and is an essential measure to implement the engineering, investment and even the policy relevant with the projects. The basic premise for effective evaluation is the standardized and practical indicator system. The paper analyzed the fundamental connotation and the social impact of largescale infrastructures, and proposed the initial index set for social impact assessment, including 61 indices. Based on questionnaire analysis, the initial index set was modified to 46 indices through critical ratio test and homogeneity test. Then, we run seven exploratory factor analysis, and refined the index set to 27 indices, covering individuals and families, political and social structures, the projects direct impact, public resources, ecological environment, social adaptation, as well as community and infrastructure. The coefficient test showed that overall questionnaire and each factor both passed the reliability test; structural equation model fitting indices can meet the standard adapter. The results indicate the good construct validity of the questionnaire results, and the effectiveness of the proposed index system.
Key words infrastructure; social impact assessment; index system; exploratory factor analysis; structural equation modeling
[19]徐鹤, 白宇, 朱坦,等. 城市总体规划的战略环境评价研究:以河北省丰南市黄各庄镇为例 [J]. 中国人口·资源与环境, 2003, 13(2): 96-100. [Xu He, Bai Yu, Zhu Tan, et al. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of General Planning and Case Analysis:SEA of Huang Ge Zhuang General Planning [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2003, 13(2): 96-100.]
[20]陆菊春, 韩国文, 郑君君. 城市基础设施项目社会评价指标体系的构建[J]. 科技进步与对策, 2002,(2): 103-104. [Lu Juchun, Han Guowen, Zheng Junjun. Index System of Social Impact Assessment for Urban Infrastructure Projects[J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2002,(2): 103-104.]
[21]贾广社, 杨芳军, 游锐,等. 基于GABP的大型建设工程社会影响评价指标体系研究[J]. 科技进步与对策, 2010, 27(19): 148-152. [Jia Guangshe, Yang Fangjun, You Rui, et al. Research on the Assessment Indicator System of Social Impact of Largescale Construction Project Based on GABP Method [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2010, 27(19): 148-152.]
[22]杨庆媛, 张占录, 杨华均. 土地开发整理项目社会影响评价方法探讨[J]. 中国土地科学, 2006, 20(3): 44-49. [Yang Qingyuan, Zhang Zhanlu, Yang Huajun. Study on SIA Methods of Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Project [J]. China Land Science, 2006, 20(3): 44-49.]
[23]Churchill G A. A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing Construct [J]. Journal of Marketing Research, 1979,(16): 64-73.
[24]Spicer J. Making Sense of Multivariate Data Analysis [M]. London: Sage, 2005.
[25]Nunnally J. Psychometric Theory [M]. New York: McGrawHill, 1978.
[26]吴明隆. SPSS统计应用实务:问卷分析与应用统计[M]. 北京:科学出版社, 2003.[Wu Minglong. SPSS Statistical Application Practices:Questionnaire Analysis and Applied Statistics [M]. Beijing:Science Press, 2003.]
[27]Cui C C, Adams E I. National Identity and NATID: An Assessment in Yemen [J]. International Marketing Review, 2001, 19(6): 637-662.
Abstract Chinas largescale infrastructures have greatly increased in the amount, however, more emphasis lies in quantity rather than quality, and the adaptability between the infrastructures and the demographic, economic and social development is usually neglected. As a result, the problems such as resource shortage, environmental pollution and public safety, are becoming more and more prominent. Social impact assessment for largescale infrastructure projects could avoid social risk effectively, and is an essential measure to implement the engineering, investment and even the policy relevant with the projects. The basic premise for effective evaluation is the standardized and practical indicator system. The paper analyzed the fundamental connotation and the social impact of largescale infrastructures, and proposed the initial index set for social impact assessment, including 61 indices. Based on questionnaire analysis, the initial index set was modified to 46 indices through critical ratio test and homogeneity test. Then, we run seven exploratory factor analysis, and refined the index set to 27 indices, covering individuals and families, political and social structures, the projects direct impact, public resources, ecological environment, social adaptation, as well as community and infrastructure. The coefficient test showed that overall questionnaire and each factor both passed the reliability test; structural equation model fitting indices can meet the standard adapter. The results indicate the good construct validity of the questionnaire results, and the effectiveness of the proposed index system.
Key words infrastructure; social impact assessment; index system; exploratory factor analysis; structural equation modeling