High-performance channel estimation and compensation scheme for OFDM receivers with IQ imbalances
Shu Feng Tong Juanjuan Li Jun Wang Jin Gu Chen Lu Jinhui
(1School of Electronic and Optical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)(2National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China)(3Ministerial Key Laboratory of JGMT, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)
High-performance channel estimation and compensation scheme for OFDM receivers with IQ imbalances
Shu Feng1,2,3Tong Juanjuan1Li Jun1Wang Jin1Gu Chen1Lu Jinhui1
(1School of Electronic and Optical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)(2National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China)(3Ministerial Key Laboratory of JGMT, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)
A pilot pattern across two orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) symbols with a special structure is designed for the channel estimation of OFDM systems with inphase and quadrature (IQ) imbalances at the receiver. A high-efficiency time-domain (TD) least square (LS) channel estimator and a low-complexity frequency-domain Gaussian elimination (GE) equalizer are proposed to eliminate IQ distortion. The former estimator can significantly suppress channel noise by a factorN/(L+1) over the existing frequency-domain (FD) LS, whereNandL+1 are the total number of subcarriers and the length of cyclic prefix, and the proposed GE requires only 2Ncomplex multiplications per OFDM symbol. Simulation results show that by exploiting the TD property of the channel, the proposed TD-LS channel estimator obtains a significant signal-to-noise ratio gain over the existing FD-LS one, whereas the proposed low-complexity GE compensation achieves the same bit error rate (BER) performance as the existing LS one.
inphase and quadrature (IQ) imbalance; equalizer; channel estimation; time domain; frequency domain; least square
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has been adopted by several standards such as LTE/LTE-advanced, wireless local area network (IEEE 802.11a, g and n), wireless metropolitan area network (IEEE 802.16d, e and m), digital audio broadcasting, DVB-T/C, digital radio mondiale and digital video broadcasting. Compared with the heterodyne receiver, the receiving RF architecture of direct conversion has been recently reconsidered as a promising solution in OFDM systems to reduce the cost and power consumption of the receiver[1-3]. However, the receiving RF architecture of direct conversion is severely distorted by gain and phase imbalances between the I and Q paths due to imperfections of the analog component design[1-3]. This will seriously damage the orthogonality among subcarriers in OFDM systems and yield inter-carrier interference, which will form a large bit error rate (BER) floor. Therefore, the estimation and compensation of IQ imbalance in the direct conversion receivers are extremely important for improving system performance.
The schemes for cancelling IQ imbalance have been investigated by several scholars. In Ref.[1], the authors derived the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) loss of IQ imbalances in OFDM receivers and proposed several frequency-domain (FD) and time-domain (TD) compensation methods, such as post-FFT least-squares, adaptive least mean square (LMS) and pre-FFT TD compensation to eliminate IQ distortions. These methods were extended to IQ imbalances at both the transmitter and the receiver[4]. Blind estimation and compensation schemes in the time domain were also proposed[5]. The joint estimation of the IQ imbalance and several other impairments such as phase noise and frequency offset were investigated in Refs.[6-10]. In Ref.[6], a finite impulse response (FIR) filter followed by an asymmetric phase compensator was proposed to correct both frequency dependent and frequency independent IQ imbalances. In Ref.[8], a differential filter was employed to estimate both frequency offset and IQ imbalance. A compensation method based on the subcarrier allocation of OFDM signals was proposed in Ref.[9]. Feigin et al.[11]extended the research of Tx/Rx IQ imbalances to the case of packet-switched systems. Narasimhan et al.[12-13]focused on pilot designs and reduced complexity compensation in MIMO-OFDM systems with IQ imbalances. Gregorio et al.[14]proposed a MIMO-PD (pre-distorter) that compensates both crosstalk and IQ imbalance in MIMO-OFDM systems. In Ref.[15], the digital compensation of both the transmitter and the receiver IQ imbalances in MIMO-OFDM transmission over doubly selective channels was studied, and two receiver schemes were proposed to simultaneously mitigate the IQ imbalance and channel time variation effects by using a novel IQ formulation. In Ref.[16], the authors proposed two pre-compensation algorithms with and without IQ imbalance parameters in order to compensate for the channel non-reciprocity caused by a frequency-independent IQ imbalance. In Ref.[17], authors utilized convex optimization methods to optimize the power of all active subcarriers, and employed the adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo model to select a training sequence to minimize the mean square error (MSE) of the channel estimator while suppressing the effect of the IQ imbalance. Additionally, a joint estimation of IQ imbalance and channel impulse response was proposed in Ref.[18] for MIMO-OFDM systems.
Unfortunately, in Ref.[1], the FD-LS channel estimation did not exploit the TD property of the channel with IQ imbalance. Thus, it required more than twenty training OFDM symbols to achieve the BER performance of ideal channel knowledge with no IQ imbalances (abbreviated as ideal IQ below). Clearly, this scheme had a low bandwidth efficiency. To solve this problem, an LS channel estimator has been designed, which fully exploits the TD property of channel parameters and significantly reduces the impact of channel noise. Also, it requires only two OFDM symbols to obtain the BER performance of the system without IQ imbalances. It should be noted that “equalizer” is equivalent to “compensation” in this paper.
1 System Model
In the OFDM systems with IQ imbalance as shown in Fig.1, an OFDM symbol hasNsubcarriers, and the transmitted block ofNdata symbols overNsubcarriers is denoted as
Taking IDFT operation on Eq.(1) yields
Then, the received OFDM symbol before being distorted by IQ imbalance is expressed as
whereΛ=diag{H}, and
whereh=[h(1),h(2),…,h(L+1)]Tis the channel impulse response (CIR). The received OFDM symbol after being distorted by IQ imbalance is written as
Fig.1 Discrete baseband OFDM systems with an IQ imbalance at the receiver
whereμ=cos(θ/2)+jαsin(θ/2) andν=αcos(θ/2)-jsin(θ/2) withθandαbeing phase and amplitude imbalances between I and Q branches[1], respectively. Taking FFT operation on Eq.(6) gives
where the operation # is defined as[1]
From Ref.[1], ifX=Fx, then
Thus, we obtain the following identity:
In the following, channelhis assumed to be constant during one frame and changes from one frame to another.
2 Proposed Pilot Pattern, Channel Estimator and Equalizer
In the following, a low-complexity Gaussian elimination is proposed to cancel the IQ distortion by using operation #. Then, a particular training pattern using two adjacent OFDM symbols is designed and a TD-LS channel estimation is presented to provide a high-precision estimation of the channel parametersν/μ*,μHandν*H. Additionally, the estimation ofμHandν*Hby the FD-LS in Ref.[1] is also transformed to the time domain and again back to the frequency domain to improve the accuracy of the estimation.
2.1 Gaussian elimination equalizer in FD
Since (diag{H}s)#=diag{H#}s#and (diag{H#}s#)#=diag{H}s, making a mathematical operation # on Eq.(7) yields
Definingκ=ν/μ*which can be estimated by existing channel estimators, based on Eqs.(7) and (12), we construct the following formula:
which has removed the IQ distortion in Eq.(7) and it is represented as
Eq.(14) yields the following detector as
which can be simplified as
To complete the detection ofsin Eqs.(15) or (16), we need to estimate parametersκ,μH, andν*Hin advance, where
It should be noted that Eqs.(17) and (18) are the building blocks of channel estimation in Section 1.
where Re(x) denotes the real part ofx.
2.2 Pilot pattern design and TD-LS estimation of channel parameters
Let us devise the frequency-domain pilot vectors of two pilot OFDM symbols at the start of a frame as
Then, combining Eqs.(24) to (27) forms the following equations:
Stacking Eqs.(20), (23), (28) and (30) gives a large matrix-vector form as
Thus, the TD-LS estimate ofμhis given as
whereP=[IL+10(L+1)×(N-L-1)]. Then, we have the estimate ofμHas
In the same way, we combine Eqs.(21), (22), (29) and (31) into a large matrix-vector form
whose # operation forms
and Eq.(36) results in the LS estimation ofν*h.
Then, we have the estimate ofν*Has
In terms of Eqs.(33), (34), (37), and (38), the estimate ofκcan be defined as
From Eqs.(33), (34), (37) and (38), we obtain the MSEs ofν*HandμHas follows:
3 Simulation and Discussion
In the following, a typical OFDM system is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed channel estimator, the proposed compensation method and those existing channel estimations and compensation schemes. An ideal OFDM receiver with no IQ imbalance and a receiver with no compensation are used as performance references. It is noted that A stands for the channel estimator and B denotes the equalizer below.
Simulation parameters are as follows: The OFDM symbol lengthN=128, cyclic prefixL=16, signal bandwidth BW=2 MHz, digital modulation QPSK, and the carrier frequencyfc=2 GHz. Channelhis selected to be the typical urban (TU) channel.
Fig.2 compares the proposed schemes with the FD-LS channel estimator plus the Post-FFT LS equalizer (FD-LS/Post-FFT) for different values of IQ imbalance parameters whereNTdenotes the number of training OFDM symbols (TOSs) per frame. From these figures, it is evident that the proposed joint scheme of the TD-LS estimator plus GE equalizer, with only two TOSs, can achieve the BER performance of ideal IQ at low and medium SNRs, whereas the joint scheme of the FD-LS estimator plus the LS equalizer in Ref.[1] costs approximately 32 TOSs to realize almost the same BER performance. Thus, the proposed scheme has a higher bandwidth efficiency compared to the FD-LS estimator plus the LS equalizer.
Tab.1 makes a complexity comparison of four schemes including the proposed scheme of TD-LS/GE, and the existing schemes of FD-LS/Post-FFT, FD-LS/Pre-FFT Corr, and SPP/Pre-FFT Corr in Ref.[1], whereNFis the total number of non-training OFDM symbols. The TD-LS/GE scheme put forward has almost the same computational amount as the three existing schemes.
Tab.1 Complexity comparison for five schemes of channel estimation plus compensation
4 Conclusion
In this paper, a joint scheme of combining a TD-LS channel estimator and a FD-GE equalizer is investigated in OFDM systems with IQ imbalance at the receiver. Compared with the existing schemes such as FD-LS/Post-FFT LS, SPP/Pre-FFT Corr and FD-LS/Pre-FFT Corr in Ref.[1], this scheme shows much better BER performance. More importantly, it requires only two OFDM training symbols to achieve the BER performance of the ideal IQ at low and medium SNR regions, whereas three existing schemes, including FD-LS/Post-FFT LS, SPP/Pre-FFT Corr and FD-LS/Pre-FFT Corr, require around twenty OFDM training symbols to achieve the same BER. Concerning complexity, the proposed TD-LS/FD-GE has the same as the existing schemes.
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束 锋1,2,3童娟娟1李 隽1王 进1顾 晨1陆锦辉1
Received 2014-04-20.
Biography:Shu Feng (1973—), male, doctor, professor, shufeng@njust.edu.cn.
s:The Open Research Fund of National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory of Southeast University (No.2013D02), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No.30920130122004), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.61271230, 61472190).
:Shu Feng, Tong Juanjuan, Li Jun, et al.High-performance channel estimation and compensation scheme for OFDM receivers with IQ imbalances[J].Journal of Southeast University (English Edition),2014,30(4):416-421.
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