

上海医药 2014年14期


摘 要 结直肠癌是消化道恶性肿瘤之一,发病率较高,且呈不断上升趋势,严重影响患者的生活质量和生存期望。本文对国内外结直肠癌检测技术进行综述,以使社区全科医师对结直肠癌的检测方法有更全面的认识,掌握不同检测方法的适应证和禁忌证,有利于结直肠癌的早诊断、早治疗。

关键词 结直肠癌 检测技术 应用

中图分类号:R735.3+7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2014)14-0024-04

结直肠癌是目前发病率较高的恶性肿瘤,在欧美发达国家,其发病率居恶性肿瘤第2位,仅次于肺癌,也是最常见的胃肠道恶性肿瘤[1]。近年来,我国结直肠癌发病率和死亡率呈不断上升趋势,死亡率为恶性肿瘤第5位[2]。研究表明,95%的结直肠癌源于结直肠腺瘤[3]。从腺瘤到癌的演变过程估计平均为10年,因而有充分的时间进行筛查和早期处理,阻止其进展为癌症[4]。同时,Ⅰ期结直肠癌患者术后5年生存率可达74%,但Ⅳ期患者仅为6%[5]。提高结直肠癌的检出率,使更多的患者得到及时有效的治疗,对提高生活质量和延长生存期有重要意义。目前国内常用的结直肠癌检测方法有粪潜血试验(fecal occult blood test, FOBT)、双对比钡剂灌肠检查(double contrast barium enema, DCBE)、结肠镜检查、CT和MRI技术等,现综述如下。





DCBE检查灵敏度较结肠镜差,对于≥1 cm的息肉,DCBE检查的灵敏度约为50%,对较小的息肉,常表现为假阴性[12]。虽然其灵敏度不高,但仍有许多优点,如价格便宜,不需严格的镇静和制动,安全性和可用性高。此外,由于结肠镜检查有时会错过病变,DCBE可作为结肠镜检查的补充手段。但随着影像技术的不断革新和发展,熟练掌握DCBE技术的医生逐渐减少。尽管如此,良好的肠道清洁准备和严格的透视及点片,仍能显示大多数的息肉和癌症[13]。对那些不愿或无法进行结肠镜检查的患者,结肠DCBE造影是一种补充手段。


结肠镜检查提供了直接可视化的效果,可同时去除可疑病变,是唯一能提供筛查、诊断、治疗及随访结直肠癌的整个诊治管理手段。其对结直肠癌和较大息肉的诊断灵敏度为96%,小息肉为73%;特异性分别为94%和92%[14]。虽然结肠镜检查被认为是检测结直肠癌的金标准,但仍有6%的腺瘤被漏诊,直径6~9 mm的腺瘤漏诊率约为13%,而5 mm以下的漏诊率则高达27%[15]。






相对于肠镜检查,CT结肠成像(CT Colonography,CTC)检查有以下几处优势:①可提供全结肠成像,对结肠梗阻性病变可越过梗阻部位,了解近侧肠段内的情况,避免了多发病变的漏诊。②结合多平面重组技术、表面遮盖显示、透明显示技术等三维成像技术,定位更准确,避免了结肠镜检查仅依赖刻度带来的偏差。③可在二维、三维图像间任意转换,有利于观察肠壁及肠外器官,为外科医生提供更生动、全面的信息。④CTC检查可发现其他器官的转移、局部浸润及局部淋巴结转移,为治疗方案的选择提供依据,这些都是肠镜所无法比拟。⑤CTC检查结直肠病变是患者易接受的新方法,具有操作简单方便、时间短、安全无痛等优点,不需要镇静剂,尤其适合于不能承受或拒绝肠镜检查的患者。荟萃分析表明,CTC检查对直径≥10 mm息肉的灵敏度为85%~93%,特异性为97%;对于6~9 mm息肉的灵敏度为87%~86%,特异性为86%~93%,对结直肠癌的灵敏度高达96%[20]。Graser等[21]比较4种检查方法在无症状人群结直肠癌检出的效能,CTC检查为96.7%,肠镜检查为100%,乙状结肠镜检查为83.3%,FOBT为26%。

与磁共振结肠成像(MR Colonography,MRC)检查比较,CTC检查的优点包括:①图像采集时间更短,从而减少运动伪影;②各向同性体素的分辨率;③更广泛的可用性;④降低操作者的依赖性;⑤三维成像;⑥更低的成本等[22]。

CTC检查的不足之处是:①结肠粪便伪影,易导致假阳性;②不能真正观察黏膜的组织学改变,不能活检;③扁平病灶及炎性病变不易检出;④结肠充气或灌水不足及过度影响检查结果;⑤检查前仍需肠道准备;⑥对于<1 cm病灶检出能力低等缺点,影响了仿真内镜的工作效率。此外,还应考虑到CTC检查在全腹扫描中,由大范围多期薄层扫描带来的大剂量X线电离辐射,该射线剂量可能超过患者1年甚至2年的筛选检查总耐受量[23]。




MRC检查由于卓越的软组织分辨力和多平面成像技术,可用于结直肠肿瘤的检出、鉴别和分期,已成为结直肠肿瘤术前评估标准[25]。结直肠癌筛查的终极目标是检测与临床相关的息肉。多中心研究结果提示,对于直径>10 mm的病灶,MRC检查的检出率在96%~100%,<5 mm的检出率为10%~33%[26]。由此推断,即使使用最成熟的扫描仪器和序列技术,MRC检出小病灶(直径<5 mm)的能力仍受到限制。

尽管上述几项特征使MRC检查在评价结肠增殖性病变方面具有明显优势,但若要MRC检查成为一项具有广泛应用前途的结肠影像学临床检查方法,仍需解决一系列问题。首先是技术方面,MRC图像空间分辨率较差;无法区分假息肉、腺瘤型息肉及腺癌;图像质量易受肠腔内残存气体的影响;不能很好显示恶性病变对肠壁侵犯的程度;发现病变后不能进行病理活检和及时处理。其次是经济方面, MRC检查所需费用昂贵,主要包括MR基础扫描费较高,图像后处理及其解释时间较长,结肠灌肠的对比剂(Gd水溶液)用量较大。第三是可操作性方面,MRC检查前须进行标准的清洁肠道准备,影响了患者对本项检查的耐受性。总之,MRC检查是一种新技术,随着MR技术的不断更新与完善,会成为临床上检查结肠病变的有效方法。


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Hundt W, Braunschweig R, Reiser M. Evaluation of spiral CT in staging of colon and rectum carcinoma[J]. Eur Radiol, 1999, 9(1): 78-84.

Gollub MJ, Schwartz LH, Akhurst T. Update on colorectal cancer imaging[J]. Radiol Clin North Am, 2007, 45(1): 85-118.

赵锡海, 许建荣, 李澄, 等. 多层螺旋CT结肠水灌肠与钡剂灌肠及纤维结肠镜对大肠病变诊断价值[J]. 中国医学影像技术, 2006, 22(6): 923-926.

Mulhall BP, Veerappan GR,Jackson JL, et al. Meta-analysis: computed tomographic colonography[J]. Ann Intern Med, 2005, 142(8): 635-650.

Graser A, Stieber P, Nagel D, et al. Comparison of CT colonography, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy and faecal occult blood tests for the detection of advanced adenomainan average risk population[J]. Gut, 2009, 58(2): 241-248.

Hara AK, Johson CD, Reed JE, et a1. Colorectal polyp detection with CT colonography: two-versus three-dimentional techniques[J]. Radiology, 1996, 200(1): 49-54.

Mulhall BP, Veerappan GR, Jackson JL. Meta-analysis: computed tomographic colonograpy[J]. Ann Intern Med, 2005, 142(8): 635-650.

Rex DK, Johnson DA, Anderson JC, et al. American college of gastroenterology guidelines for colorectal cancer screening 2009[J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 2009, 104(3): 739-750.

Luboldt W, Bauerfeind P, Wildermuth S, et a1. Contrast optimization for assessment of the colonic wall and lumen in MR colonography[J]. J Magn Reson Imaging, 1999, 9(5): 745-750.

Nusko G, Mansmann U, Partzsch U, et a1. Invasive carcinoma in colorectal adenomas: multivariate analysis of patient and adenoma characteristics[J]. Endoscopy, 1997, 29(7): 626-631.


Domjan J, Blaquiere R, Odurny A. Is minimal preparation computed tomography comparable with barium enema in elderly patients with colonic symptoms?[J]. Clin Radiol, 1998, 53(12): 894-898.

Winawer SJ, Stewart ET, Zauber AG, et al. A comparison of colonoscopy and double-contrast barium enema for surveillance after polypectomy[J]. N Engl J Med, 2000, 342(24): 1766-1772.

Rubesin SE, Levine MS, Laufer I, et al. Double-contrast barium enema examination technique[J]. Radiology, 2000, 215(3): 642-650.

Greegor DH. Diagnosis of large-bowel cancer in the asymptomatic patient[J]. JAMA,1967, 201(12): 943-945.

Blakeborough A, Sheridan MB, Chapman AH. Complications of barium enema examinations: a survey of UK consultant radiologists 1992 to 1994[J]. Clin Radiol, 1997, 52(2): 142-148.

Kealey SM, Dodd JD, MacEneaney PM, et a1. Minimal preparation computed tomography instead of barium enema/colonoscopy for suspected colon cancer in frail elderly patients: an outcome analysis study[J]. Clin Radiol, 2004, 59(1): 44-52.

Hundt W, Braunschweig R, Reiser M. Evaluation of spiral CT in staging of colon and rectum carcinoma[J]. Eur Radiol, 1999, 9(1): 78-84.

Gollub MJ, Schwartz LH, Akhurst T. Update on colorectal cancer imaging[J]. Radiol Clin North Am, 2007, 45(1): 85-118.

赵锡海, 许建荣, 李澄, 等. 多层螺旋CT结肠水灌肠与钡剂灌肠及纤维结肠镜对大肠病变诊断价值[J]. 中国医学影像技术, 2006, 22(6): 923-926.

Mulhall BP, Veerappan GR,Jackson JL, et al. Meta-analysis: computed tomographic colonography[J]. Ann Intern Med, 2005, 142(8): 635-650.

Graser A, Stieber P, Nagel D, et al. Comparison of CT colonography, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy and faecal occult blood tests for the detection of advanced adenomainan average risk population[J]. Gut, 2009, 58(2): 241-248.

Hara AK, Johson CD, Reed JE, et a1. Colorectal polyp detection with CT colonography: two-versus three-dimentional techniques[J]. Radiology, 1996, 200(1): 49-54.

Mulhall BP, Veerappan GR, Jackson JL. Meta-analysis: computed tomographic colonograpy[J]. Ann Intern Med, 2005, 142(8): 635-650.

Rex DK, Johnson DA, Anderson JC, et al. American college of gastroenterology guidelines for colorectal cancer screening 2009[J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 2009, 104(3): 739-750.

Luboldt W, Bauerfeind P, Wildermuth S, et a1. Contrast optimization for assessment of the colonic wall and lumen in MR colonography[J]. J Magn Reson Imaging, 1999, 9(5): 745-750.

Nusko G, Mansmann U, Partzsch U, et a1. Invasive carcinoma in colorectal adenomas: multivariate analysis of patient and adenoma characteristics[J]. Endoscopy, 1997, 29(7): 626-631.


Domjan J, Blaquiere R, Odurny A. Is minimal preparation computed tomography comparable with barium enema in elderly patients with colonic symptoms?[J]. Clin Radiol, 1998, 53(12): 894-898.

Winawer SJ, Stewart ET, Zauber AG, et al. A comparison of colonoscopy and double-contrast barium enema for surveillance after polypectomy[J]. N Engl J Med, 2000, 342(24): 1766-1772.

Rubesin SE, Levine MS, Laufer I, et al. Double-contrast barium enema examination technique[J]. Radiology, 2000, 215(3): 642-650.

Greegor DH. Diagnosis of large-bowel cancer in the asymptomatic patient[J]. JAMA,1967, 201(12): 943-945.

Blakeborough A, Sheridan MB, Chapman AH. Complications of barium enema examinations: a survey of UK consultant radiologists 1992 to 1994[J]. Clin Radiol, 1997, 52(2): 142-148.

Kealey SM, Dodd JD, MacEneaney PM, et a1. Minimal preparation computed tomography instead of barium enema/colonoscopy for suspected colon cancer in frail elderly patients: an outcome analysis study[J]. Clin Radiol, 2004, 59(1): 44-52.

Hundt W, Braunschweig R, Reiser M. Evaluation of spiral CT in staging of colon and rectum carcinoma[J]. Eur Radiol, 1999, 9(1): 78-84.

Gollub MJ, Schwartz LH, Akhurst T. Update on colorectal cancer imaging[J]. Radiol Clin North Am, 2007, 45(1): 85-118.

赵锡海, 许建荣, 李澄, 等. 多层螺旋CT结肠水灌肠与钡剂灌肠及纤维结肠镜对大肠病变诊断价值[J]. 中国医学影像技术, 2006, 22(6): 923-926.

Mulhall BP, Veerappan GR,Jackson JL, et al. Meta-analysis: computed tomographic colonography[J]. Ann Intern Med, 2005, 142(8): 635-650.

Graser A, Stieber P, Nagel D, et al. Comparison of CT colonography, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy and faecal occult blood tests for the detection of advanced adenomainan average risk population[J]. Gut, 2009, 58(2): 241-248.

Hara AK, Johson CD, Reed JE, et a1. Colorectal polyp detection with CT colonography: two-versus three-dimentional techniques[J]. Radiology, 1996, 200(1): 49-54.

Mulhall BP, Veerappan GR, Jackson JL. Meta-analysis: computed tomographic colonograpy[J]. Ann Intern Med, 2005, 142(8): 635-650.

Rex DK, Johnson DA, Anderson JC, et al. American college of gastroenterology guidelines for colorectal cancer screening 2009[J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 2009, 104(3): 739-750.

Luboldt W, Bauerfeind P, Wildermuth S, et a1. Contrast optimization for assessment of the colonic wall and lumen in MR colonography[J]. J Magn Reson Imaging, 1999, 9(5): 745-750.

Nusko G, Mansmann U, Partzsch U, et a1. Invasive carcinoma in colorectal adenomas: multivariate analysis of patient and adenoma characteristics[J]. Endoscopy, 1997, 29(7): 626-631.


