

考试周刊 2014年44期


摘 要: 写作教学需要与语法教学相结合,保证学生写好简单句、并列句和复合句,挑战长难句,再由句子过渡到篇章。在教学过程中,教师应该由浅入深,引导学生在打好基础的前提下,逐步提升,直至学以致用,灵活应对。本文通过一堂实践课证明其训练效果,培养师生的务实精神。

关键词: 写作训练 魔力棒之法器 务实精神


一开始上课,我就提出了这样一个问题:How to make a different sentence? 要求学生在课快要结束时再回答。然后要求学生训练表达由五个中文关键词组成的句子,前提条件是必须在我的“魔术棒”的指挥下,尤其突出谓语动词的变化。当学生看到这几个关键词时,都觉得很简单,也非常好奇。我幽默地跟他们说,假设这个女孩就是我,彼此会更亲切。下面展示的就是我的“戏法”课。


* 这个

* 女孩

* 教

* 我们

* 英语

一、“魔力棒之法器”一&二: Tense (时态)& Voice(语态)

* The Present Indefinite一般现在时

1. Active Voice(主动):

2. Passive Voice(被动): We(给学生主语提示,以下同)


1. The girl teaches us English.

2.We are taught English (by the girl).

* The Past Indefinite一般过去时 (last year/in 2012)

1. Active Voice: The girl taught us English(last year/in 2012).

2. Passive Voice:We were taught English(last year/in 2012).

*The Future Indefinite一般将来时 (next year/in 2014)

1.Active Voice:The girl will /is going to/is to teach us English(next year/in 2014).

2.Passive Voice:We will /are going to/are to be taught English(next year/in 2014).

* The Past Future Indefinite一般过去将来时 (He told us that...)

1. Active Voice: (He told us that) the girl would /was going to/was to teach us English.

2. Passive Voice: (He told us that) we would /were going to/were to be taught English.

* The Present Continuous现在进行时 (now)

1. Active Voice: The girl is teaching us English (now).

2. Passive Voice: We are being taught English (now).

* The Future Continuous 将来进行时 (tomorrow morning)

1. Active Voice: The girl will be teaching us English (tomorrow morning).

2.Passive Voice:We will be being taught English (tomorrow morning).

* The Present Perfect现在完成时 (for 2 years/so far/up till now)

1. Active Voice: The girl has taught us English (for 2 years/so far).endprint

2. Passive Voice: We have been taught English (for 2 years/so far).

* The Future Perfect将来完成时 (for 3 years by 2014)(by:到……为止)

1. Active Voice: The girl will have taught us English (for 3 years by 2014).

2. Passive Voice: We will have been taught English (for 3 years by 2014).

* The Past Perfect过去完成时 (for 1 years by 2012)

1. Active Voice: The girl had taught us English (for 1 year by 2012).

2. Passive Voice: We had been taught English (for 1 year by 2012).

* The Present Perfect Continuous现在完成进行时 (since she graduated)

Active Voice: The girl has been teaching us English.(告诉学生此时态通常不用被动语态)


二、“魔力棒之法器”三: Mood(语气)

* The Indicative Mood陈述语气 (Take “the Present Indefinite一般现在时”for example)

1. Positive(肯定):The girl teaches us English.

2. Negative(否定):The girl doesnt teach us English.

* The Imperative Mood祈使语气

(Causative verb 使役动词 )(let):Let the girl teach us English.

(Causative verb 使役动词 ):可以用make,have,get表述

*The Subjunctive Mood虚拟语气

1. 如果她没病(now):The girl would teach us English (if she were not ill now).

2. 如果她没病(last year):The girl would have taught us English (if she had not been ill last year.)

* Question疑问句(Take “the Present Indefinite一般现在时”for example)

1.general question一般疑问句:Does the girl teach us English?

2. tag question附加疑问句: The girl teaches us English,doesnt she?

3.special question特殊疑问句(how often):How often does the girl teach us English?

4.alternative question选择疑问句(English or French):Which does the girl teach us, English or French?

* Modal Verb情态动词

1.或许:The girl may teach us English.

2.能够:The girl can teach us English.

3.想必以前:The girl must have taught us English (before).



(Take “the Present Indefinite一般现在时”for example)

我给了学生下列修饰词,主干还是那五个中心词:年轻,20岁,叫Mary,所有人,每天,无锡中学。令我高兴的是,学生非常迅速、流畅、连贯地反馈出了下列表述:The young girl of 20 called Mary/who is called Mary teaches all of us English every day in Wuxi High School. 我感觉到这种脚踏实地、循序渐进的教学引导和训练模式,对提升学生灵活掌握写作技巧、熟练运用语言的能力是非常有效的。训练在下一阶段将有更高地提升,学生也在期盼更具挑战的“魔法器”。endprint


* Simple sentence简单句(Take “the Present Indefinite一般现在时”for example)


The girl teaches us both English and French.

* Compound sentence并列句(Take “the Present Indefinite一般现在时”for example)


The girl teaches us English,but(she) doesnt teach us French.

* Subordinate clause从属句


The girl was teaching us English when I entered the classroom.


* Elliptical sentence省略句


The girl teaches us English, but the boy does not.


1. Natural order自然语序(never):The girl has never taught us English.

2. Inversion倒装语序 (never):Never has the girl taught us English.

* Parenthesis插入语


The girl ,I think,will teach us English.

I think that the girl will teach us English.

The girl will teach us English,I think.

*Transformation of Sentences句子的转换

举例:As soon as the girl had taught us English, she went back home.

1. On/upon:On /upon finishing teaching us English, she went home.

2. Hardly…when/No sooner…than:

Hardly (No sooner) had the girl finished teaching us English when(than)she went home.

* Emphasis强调 (Take “the Present Indefinite一般现在时”for example)

1.It is/was... that/who...(强调the girl:)It is the girl who/that teaches us English.

2.确实(do):She does teach us English.


六、“魔力棒之法器”七:Complex sentence(综合)

给学生的提示:It is the ( 年轻)girl(名叫)Mary who(在舞台上唱歌)when(当我们昨天走进大厅) that( )taught ( ) us( )English( )French(三年)by 2014.


It is the young girl named Mary who was singing on the stage when we entered the hall yesterday that will have taught us both English and French for 3 years by 2014.

自始至终,我这堂课的训练都没有离开过一开始设定的五个中文关键词,“戏法课”在我的“魔力棒”的指挥下得到了升华和认可,真的很神奇。课结束前,我请学生回答了这个问题:“How to make a different sentence?”课后我还布置了训练题,学生比较顺利地完成了任务。


