

广东教育·高中 2014年5期

郑林茂 熊清明

一、完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。

Ronald, from the northern part of New York, was rich in almost every way. His estate(家产) was worth millions of dollars. He 1 houses, land, antiques and cattle. Although on the outside he had it all, he was very 2 on the inside. His wife was growing old, and the couple was childless. He had always wanted a little boy to 3 on the family legacy(遗产).

Miraculously, his wife became 4 in her later years, and she gave birth to a little boy. The boy was severely disabled, but the man 5 him with all his heart. When the boy was five, his mother died. The dad drew 6 to his special and only son. At the age of 13,the son died. The boys birth defects(缺陷) cost him his life, and the father died soon after from a broken heart.

The estate was then auctioned(拍卖) before hundreds of

7 . The first item offered was a painting of the boy. No one bid. They were waiting like vultures (禿鷹) for the riches. 8 , the poor housemaid, who helped raise the boy, 9 ¥5 for the picture and easily took the bid. To everyones 10 , the auctioneer tore down a hand written will from the back of the picture. This is what it 11 :

“To the person who thinks enough of my son to buy this painting, I give my entire estate.”

The auction was 12 . The greedy crowd walked away in shock and 13 . Who had ever thought that the father was

14 to give his entire estate to the one who cared a little for his son? The poor housemaid did not know this either. But she offered ¥5 for the worthless picture because of her true love for the boy. Just like the other bidders, how many of us have sought what we thought were big riches, only to 15 later that a little care for others is the true riches of the world.

1. A. liked B. sold C. owned D. wanted

2. A. happy B. excited C. worried D. unhappy

3. A. carry B. move C. focus D. relay

4. A. ill-mannered B. desperate

C. scared D. pregnant

5. A. educated B. loved

C. admired D. thanked

6. A. nearer B. closer

C. further D. faster

7. A. men B. women

C. bidders D. wholesalers

8. A. Finally B. Luckily

C. Surprisingly D. Interestingly

9. A. provided B. offered

C. asked D. prepared

10. A. joy B. astonishment

C. disappointment D. sadness

11. A. indicated B. wrote

C. said D. showed

12. A. ended B. criticized

C. stopped D. suspendedendprint

13. A. excitement B. confusion

C. approval D. discouragement

14. A. prepared B. forced

C. requested D. advised

15. A. come across B. find out

C. make believe D. point out


二、语法填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

I was sitting on a beach one summer day, watching two children, a boy and a girl, 16 (play) in the sand. They were hard 17 work building a detailed sandcastle by the waters edge, with gates and towers and ditches (沟) and internal passages. Just when they nearly 18 (finish) their project, a big wave came along and knocked it down, reducing 19 to a lot of wet sand. I expected the children to burst into tears, destroyed by 20 had happened to all their hard work. But they surprised me. 21 , they ran up the shore away from the water, laughing and holding hands, and sat down to build another castle. I realized that they had taught me 22 important lesson. All the things in our lives, all the 23 (complicate) structures we spend so much time and energy creating, are built on sand. Only our relationships to other people last. Sooner 24 later, the wave will come along and knock down what we have worked so hard to build up. When that happens, only the person

25 has somebodys hand to hold will be able to laugh.

(佛山市顺德区李兆基中学 熊清明)


1. C 逻辑推断。由上文提到Ronald非常富有,拥有财产几千万美元,因此可以推断他拥有很多的房产、土地、古董等等,用owned。

2. D 逻辑推断。由Although引导的让步状语从句,表转折,尽管他外在(on the outside)什么都有,但是内心(on the inside) 还是不开心(unhappy)。

3. A 背景常识。由上文可知Ronald非常富有但却无子嗣,由常识可知但凡富豪无子,都非常希望能够有一个儿子来继承自己的家业(family legacy),carry on有“传承,继续下去“的意思,非常符合语境。

4. D 词语同现。后面讲到他妻子生下了(give birth to)一个小男孩,在生之前肯定是要怀孕的(pregnant), pregnant 与 give birth to 是词语同现。

5. B 常识推断。but连接表示前后转折,就是说尽管小孩子有很严重的残疾,但是父亲并不嫌弃,还是全身心地爱他。

6. B 逻辑推断。Ronald的妻子死后,Ronald很爱他儿子,所以与儿子更加亲近了,而不是疏远。与人亲近用形容词close。near表示方位上的距离近。

7. C 逻辑推断或背景常识。由动词拍卖(auction)推断出参加的人是竞拍者。参加拍卖会的人都被称为“竞拍者”(bidder),属于常识知识。

8. A 逻辑推断。前面说到没有一个人出价(no one bid), 到最后由一个穷仆人以5美金拍下,用Finally。

9. B 习惯搭配。拍卖会中具体出价多少用offer。

10. B 词语复现。下文中说到那些贪婪的竞拍者都walked away in shock, astonishment与shock属近义复现。

11. C 习惯搭配。表示报纸上、书上写着什么内容,用it says, 而不用indicate, show或者write,这里用过去式said。

12. A 逻辑推断。由后面一句竞拍者都离开了(walk away),可知拍卖会已经结束了,用end。

13. D 逻辑推断。其他竞拍者白跑一趟没捞到什么好处,自然震惊(shock)又懊恼(discouragement)。

14. A 逻辑推断。由遗嘱内容我们知道Ronald其实早就决定好了(be prepared to)将所有遗产留给愿意购买他儿子画像的人,不是被要求(be requested to),不是被迫(be forced to),也没有被其他人建议(be advised to)。

15. B 逻辑推断。由 “big riches” 和 “true riches”对比,说明世人往往到最后才明白什么是真正的财富。find out 意为“发现,明白“。其它选项“遇到”“假装”“指出”都不符合语义。


16. playing 由句型watch sb. doing sth.(观看某人在做某事)可知。

17. at 固定搭配be hard at work表示“努力工作”。

18. had finished 表示这个动作在主句之前已经完成,所以用过去完成时。

19. it 代替前面的the project。

20. what 引导宾语从句并在从句中作主语,所示“所……的”,用连接代词what。

21. Instead 根据上下文,空格前后又有标点,故填表示“相反”的副词。

22. an 表示“一堂”重要的课。

23. complicated 过去分词作定语,表示被动。

24. or 固定搭配sooner or later “迟早;早晚”。

25. who/that 引导定语从句并在从句中作主语,先行词是人,用关系代词who或者that引导。

责任编校 蒋小青endprint


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