[摘要] 目的 研究壮筋续骨汤对大鼠股骨骨折后降钙素(CT)和活性维生素D3(VitD3)水平影响。方法 成年健康雄性Wistar大鼠72只,切断股骨中段制备骨折模型,采取壮筋续骨汤灌胃治疗。X线观察骨折愈合情况,酶联免疫吸附试验检测血清CT和VitD3水平。结果 大鼠骨折后7d骨折线明显,14d纤维性骨痂形成,21d开始钙盐沉着,28d有骨性骨痂形成。大鼠骨折后7~21d,治疗组骨痂结构变化与模型组相应时间比较无明显差异,但至28d治疗组骨痂结构优于模型组。模型组和治疗组大鼠血清CT和VitD3水平在骨折后7~28d明显高于对照组(P<0.05),模型组与治疗组在7~21d无显著差异,但在28d治疗组明显高于模型组(P<0.05)。 结论 壮筋续骨汤可在骨折愈合后期通过维持血清CT和VitD3水平而促进骨折愈合。
[关键词] 壮筋续骨汤;骨折;降钙素;维生素D3;大鼠
[中图分类号] R274.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 2095-0616(2014)04-32-04
Effect and significance of ZJXG decoction on the serum levels of CT and VitD3 in femur fracture rats
WANG Xiangjie1 ZHOU Zhen2 WANG Gongguo1 ZHU Hanzhong2 PAN Yuexing1
1.Department of Orthopedics, Rizhao Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Rizhao 276800,China;2.Institute of Integrative Medicine, Qingdao University Medical College,Qingdao 266021,China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the effects of Zhuang Jin Xu Gu(ZJXG) decoction on the serum levels of calcitonin(CT) and active vitamin D3(VitD3) in femoral fracture rats. Methods Femur fractures were generated in 72 male adult Wistar rats by cutting femur transversely at middle point. ZJXG decoction was administered orally after surgery for 28d. The healing process was analyzed by X-ray. The serum levels of CT and VitD3 were assessed by enzyme linked immunobsorbent assay(ELISA). Results X-ray indicated that the fracture line of the femoral fracture-end was clear at 7d, fibrous callus tissue formed at 14d, Ca2+ salt deposited at 21d and osseous callus tissues formed at 28d. During fracture 7-21d, no difference of the callus tissues structure existed between model and treatment groups, but in treatment group it was better than that in model group at 28d. ELISA results showed that the serum levels of CT and VitD3 were higher than those in control group at 7-28d(P<0.05). There were no significant difference between model and treatment groups at 7-21d, but in treatment group it was higher than that in model group at 28d(P<0.05). Conclusion ZJXG decoction could enhance the fracture healing by reducing the decomposition of CT and VitD3 in femur fracture rats.
[Key words] ZJXG decoction;Fracture;Calcitonin;Vitamin D3;Rats
骨组织形成过程中,激素调节与生长因子调节、神经系统调节共同形成了神经-内分泌-局部生长因子调节网络,参与骨组织形成的整个过程[1]。降钙素(calcitonin,CT)、甲状旁腺素(parathyroid hormone,PTH)和维生素D3(vitamin D3,VitD3)一起组成维持人体钙磷代谢平衡的三大主要调节激素[2]。CT多肽由32个氨基酸构成,作用于成骨细胞,促进骨小梁改建,加速骨折愈合[3]。1,25二羟基维生素D3(VitD3)是维生素D在体内唯一有活性的形式,是钙被机体吸收的载体,钙只有在活性VitD3的作用下方能被骨骼利用,且能提高成骨细胞的活性,抑制破骨细胞的活性,使骨小梁能正常形成,软骨性骨痂正常骨化[4]。临床应用提示,壮筋续骨汤具有促进骨折愈合的作用,但其作用机制尚不十分清楚[5-6],本实验试图观察壮筋续骨汤对大鼠股骨骨折后血清CT和VitD3水平变化的影响,探讨其促进骨折愈合的机制。endprint
1 材料与方法
1.1 动物分组
1.2 模型制备
1.3 治疗方法
1.4 X线摄片
X线摄片(GE Revolution RE/d型,USA)观察骨折愈合情况。
治疗后7、14、21、28d每组各取6只大鼠观察。动物先禁食12h,自腹主动脉采血4mL,4000rpm离心10min,分离血清,ELISA试剂盒(BG公司)测定血清CT和VitD3水平。在测定前室温复溶,再次离心取上清标本100μL,用酶标仪(Bio-Rad 550型,美国)在450nm条件下测定CT和VitD3的吸光度值,依据样品的吸光度值在坐标上标出对应的CT和VitD3浓度,以ng/L表示。
1.6 统计学处理
2 结果
2.1 X线观察
2.2 血清CT水平
2.3 血清VitD3水平
3 讨论
[1] Garcia Delgado I,Preto S,Gil Fraguas L.Calcitonin, etidronate, and calcidiol treatment in bone loss after cardiac transplantation[J].Calcif Tissue Int,1997,60(2):155-159.
[2] Giardino R,Fini M,Nicdi Aldini N,et al.Effects of synthetic salmon calcitonin and alendronate on bone quaiity in ovariectomized rats[J].Minerva Med,1997,88(4):469-477.
[3] Yang D,Guo J,Divieti P,et al.Parathyroid hormone activates PKC-delta and regulates osteoblastic differentiation via a PLC-independent pathway[J].Bone,2006,38(4):485-496.
[4] Wu HW.Research on prevention and treatment of secondary osteoporosis[J].China Journal of Modern Medicine,2004,14(7):75-78.
[5] 王祥杰,周缜,潘月兴,等.壮筋续骨汤促进骨折愈合的实验研究[J].临床医学工程,2012,19(1):33-35.
[6] 王祥杰,周缜,王贯习,等.壮筋续骨汤对骨折大鼠血清BMP和NPY水平的影响[J].临床医学工程,2012,19(2):188-190.
[7] Pan YX,Wang XJ,Du ZX,et al.Zhuang Jin Xu Gu Decoction improves fracture healing in rats by augmenting the expression of NPY[J].J Dent Med Med Sci,2012,3(8):517-521.
[8] 王祥杰,潘月兴,杜志仙,等.壮筋续骨汤对大鼠骨折骨痂中骨形态发生蛋白-7和神经肽Y表达的影响[J].中华中医药杂志,2013,28(8):2420-2422.
[9] 郑朋飞,董展,王结果,等.降钙素经ERK-MAPK信号通路调控成骨细胞核心结合因子a1mRNA表达[J].实用临床医药杂志,2009,13(4):35-38.
[10] Mehta NM,Malootian A,Gilligan JP.Calcitonin for osteoporosis and bone pain[J].Curr Pharm Des,2003,9(32):2659-2676.
[11] Wallach S,Rousseau G,Martin L.Effects of calcitonin on animal and in vitro modds of skeletal metabolism[J].Bone,1999,25:509-516.
[12] 李晓林,罗新乐,余楠生,等.鲑鱼降钙素对骨质疏松大鼠骨折愈合的影响[J].中国骨质疏松杂志,2003,9(2):111-113.
[13] Petersen MM,Lauritzen JB,Schwarz P.Effect of nasal calcitonin on post-traumatic osteopenia following ankle fracture, a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study in 24 patients[J].Acta Orthop Scand,1998,69(3):347-350.
[14] Shibata T,Shira-ishi A,Sato T,et al.Vitamin D hormone inhibits osteoclastogenesis in vivo by decreasing the pool of osteoclast precursors in bone marrow[J].J Bone Miner Res,2002,17(4):622-629.
[15] Duque G,El Abdaimi K,Henderson JE,et al.Vitamin D inhibits Fas ligand-induced apoptosis in human osteoblasts by regulating components of both the mitochondrial and Fas-related pathways[J].Bone,2004,35(1):57-64.
[16] Adams JS,Kantorvich V,Wu C,et al.Resolution of vitamin D insufficiency in osteopenic patients results in rapid recovery of bone mineral density[J].J Clin Endocrinol Metab,1999,84(7):729-2732.
[1] Garcia Delgado I,Preto S,Gil Fraguas L.Calcitonin, etidronate, and calcidiol treatment in bone loss after cardiac transplantation[J].Calcif Tissue Int,1997,60(2):155-159.
[2] Giardino R,Fini M,Nicdi Aldini N,et al.Effects of synthetic salmon calcitonin and alendronate on bone quaiity in ovariectomized rats[J].Minerva Med,1997,88(4):469-477.
[3] Yang D,Guo J,Divieti P,et al.Parathyroid hormone activates PKC-delta and regulates osteoblastic differentiation via a PLC-independent pathway[J].Bone,2006,38(4):485-496.
[4] Wu HW.Research on prevention and treatment of secondary osteoporosis[J].China Journal of Modern Medicine,2004,14(7):75-78.
[5] 王祥杰,周缜,潘月兴,等.壮筋续骨汤促进骨折愈合的实验研究[J].临床医学工程,2012,19(1):33-35.
[6] 王祥杰,周缜,王贯习,等.壮筋续骨汤对骨折大鼠血清BMP和NPY水平的影响[J].临床医学工程,2012,19(2):188-190.
[7] Pan YX,Wang XJ,Du ZX,et al.Zhuang Jin Xu Gu Decoction improves fracture healing in rats by augmenting the expression of NPY[J].J Dent Med Med Sci,2012,3(8):517-521.
[8] 王祥杰,潘月兴,杜志仙,等.壮筋续骨汤对大鼠骨折骨痂中骨形态发生蛋白-7和神经肽Y表达的影响[J].中华中医药杂志,2013,28(8):2420-2422.
[9] 郑朋飞,董展,王结果,等.降钙素经ERK-MAPK信号通路调控成骨细胞核心结合因子a1mRNA表达[J].实用临床医药杂志,2009,13(4):35-38.
[10] Mehta NM,Malootian A,Gilligan JP.Calcitonin for osteoporosis and bone pain[J].Curr Pharm Des,2003,9(32):2659-2676.
[11] Wallach S,Rousseau G,Martin L.Effects of calcitonin on animal and in vitro modds of skeletal metabolism[J].Bone,1999,25:509-516.
[12] 李晓林,罗新乐,余楠生,等.鲑鱼降钙素对骨质疏松大鼠骨折愈合的影响[J].中国骨质疏松杂志,2003,9(2):111-113.
[13] Petersen MM,Lauritzen JB,Schwarz P.Effect of nasal calcitonin on post-traumatic osteopenia following ankle fracture, a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study in 24 patients[J].Acta Orthop Scand,1998,69(3):347-350.
[14] Shibata T,Shira-ishi A,Sato T,et al.Vitamin D hormone inhibits osteoclastogenesis in vivo by decreasing the pool of osteoclast precursors in bone marrow[J].J Bone Miner Res,2002,17(4):622-629.
[15] Duque G,El Abdaimi K,Henderson JE,et al.Vitamin D inhibits Fas ligand-induced apoptosis in human osteoblasts by regulating components of both the mitochondrial and Fas-related pathways[J].Bone,2004,35(1):57-64.
[16] Adams JS,Kantorvich V,Wu C,et al.Resolution of vitamin D insufficiency in osteopenic patients results in rapid recovery of bone mineral density[J].J Clin Endocrinol Metab,1999,84(7):729-2732.
[1] Garcia Delgado I,Preto S,Gil Fraguas L.Calcitonin, etidronate, and calcidiol treatment in bone loss after cardiac transplantation[J].Calcif Tissue Int,1997,60(2):155-159.
[2] Giardino R,Fini M,Nicdi Aldini N,et al.Effects of synthetic salmon calcitonin and alendronate on bone quaiity in ovariectomized rats[J].Minerva Med,1997,88(4):469-477.
[3] Yang D,Guo J,Divieti P,et al.Parathyroid hormone activates PKC-delta and regulates osteoblastic differentiation via a PLC-independent pathway[J].Bone,2006,38(4):485-496.
[4] Wu HW.Research on prevention and treatment of secondary osteoporosis[J].China Journal of Modern Medicine,2004,14(7):75-78.
[5] 王祥杰,周缜,潘月兴,等.壮筋续骨汤促进骨折愈合的实验研究[J].临床医学工程,2012,19(1):33-35.
[6] 王祥杰,周缜,王贯习,等.壮筋续骨汤对骨折大鼠血清BMP和NPY水平的影响[J].临床医学工程,2012,19(2):188-190.
[7] Pan YX,Wang XJ,Du ZX,et al.Zhuang Jin Xu Gu Decoction improves fracture healing in rats by augmenting the expression of NPY[J].J Dent Med Med Sci,2012,3(8):517-521.
[8] 王祥杰,潘月兴,杜志仙,等.壮筋续骨汤对大鼠骨折骨痂中骨形态发生蛋白-7和神经肽Y表达的影响[J].中华中医药杂志,2013,28(8):2420-2422.
[9] 郑朋飞,董展,王结果,等.降钙素经ERK-MAPK信号通路调控成骨细胞核心结合因子a1mRNA表达[J].实用临床医药杂志,2009,13(4):35-38.
[10] Mehta NM,Malootian A,Gilligan JP.Calcitonin for osteoporosis and bone pain[J].Curr Pharm Des,2003,9(32):2659-2676.
[11] Wallach S,Rousseau G,Martin L.Effects of calcitonin on animal and in vitro modds of skeletal metabolism[J].Bone,1999,25:509-516.
[12] 李晓林,罗新乐,余楠生,等.鲑鱼降钙素对骨质疏松大鼠骨折愈合的影响[J].中国骨质疏松杂志,2003,9(2):111-113.
[13] Petersen MM,Lauritzen JB,Schwarz P.Effect of nasal calcitonin on post-traumatic osteopenia following ankle fracture, a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study in 24 patients[J].Acta Orthop Scand,1998,69(3):347-350.
[14] Shibata T,Shira-ishi A,Sato T,et al.Vitamin D hormone inhibits osteoclastogenesis in vivo by decreasing the pool of osteoclast precursors in bone marrow[J].J Bone Miner Res,2002,17(4):622-629.
[15] Duque G,El Abdaimi K,Henderson JE,et al.Vitamin D inhibits Fas ligand-induced apoptosis in human osteoblasts by regulating components of both the mitochondrial and Fas-related pathways[J].Bone,2004,35(1):57-64.
[16] Adams JS,Kantorvich V,Wu C,et al.Resolution of vitamin D insufficiency in osteopenic patients results in rapid recovery of bone mineral density[J].J Clin Endocrinol Metab,1999,84(7):729-2732.