

电子与信息学报 2014年5期

郑桂妹 陈伯孝 吴 渤


郑桂妹*陈伯孝 吴 渤

(西安电子科技大学雷达信号处理国家重点实验室 西安 710071)



1 引言

2 阵列及其信号模型

图1 本文所提三正交分离式极化敏感稀疏阵列结构


3 本文算法描述

3.1 基于ESPRIT的高精度模糊DOA估计

3.2 虚拟精-粗估计拟合解模糊



4 计算机仿真结果

仿真1 目标两维DOA估计及其配对

仿真2 估计性能与信噪比关系比较

5 结论


图2 本文算法目标2维DOA估计星座图

图3 2维DOA估计均方根误差随信噪比变化曲线

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郑桂妹: 男,1987年生,博士生,研究方向为矢量传感器阵列、MIMO雷达信号处理.

陈伯孝: 男,1966年生,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向包括新体制雷达系统与雷达信号处理、阵列信号处理、精确制导与目标跟踪等.

吴 渤: 男,1989年生,博士生,研究方向为极化敏感阵列信号处理.

DOA Estimation with Three Orthogonally Oriented andSpatially Spread Polarization Sensitive Array

Zheng Gui-mei Chen Bai-xiao Wu Bo


This paper discusses the issue of multiple targets’ Direction Of Arrival (DOA) estimation for Spatially Spread Polarization Sensitive Array (SS-PSA). First, the signal model of sparsely uniform SS-PSA with three orthogonally oriented polarized-antenna is presented. Then the rotational invariance of the proposed uniform array is utilized to calculate the ambiguous DOA estimation by means of ESPRIT method. The spatial phase shift raised by spatially spread polarized-antenna is compensated by the ambiguous DOA estimation to obtain virtual collocated polarized-antenna. The corresponding virtual DOA estimation is calculated by the multi-dimensional angle structure among the virtual collocated polarized-antenna. Finally, the multiple targets’ DOA estimation is obtained by extracting the minimum norm of the difference between the ambiguous DOA estimation and the corresponding virtual DOA estimation. The proposed array can reduce the array mutual coupling by using the spatially spread polarized-antenna instead of conventional collocated polarized-antenna. Moreover, the DOA estimation accuracy can be improved greatly because of the extended aperture offered by the sparse array. Computer simulation results verify the effectiveness and high-accuracy of the proposed SS-PSA DOA estimation algorithm.

DOA estimation; Polarization Sensitive Array (PSA); Spatially spread polarized-antenna; Array mutual coupling; ESPRIT







国家自然科学基金(61001209, 61101244, 61071175),中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(K5051202038)及长江学者和创新团队计划(IRT0954)资助课题


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