

中国船检 2014年5期

本刊记者 杨培举


本刊记者 杨培举



























After the baptism of the fi nancial crisis and the market,Chinese shipbuilding industry should introspect and should consider whether we haven’t cleared up our ideology of development? Why Chinese shipbuilding enterprises ignore the development rules and the experience of the world’s successful enterprises and choose a road to an indef i nite future? Why we are short of enterprises of specialty and strength? Are we still infatuated with becoming large scale enterprises?Many domestic experts suggest that China should establish its own consortiums. Bai Yimin, Japanese economy research expert believes that the consortiums in China should be formed by the state enterprises,surrounding the complete set of industry chain and enabling coordinated and uniform development of the whole industry. They are in fact the “flotilla of aircraft carriers” and the platform, they should have industry,business, fi nancing and should develop together with medium and small enterprises, so that more such enterprises will play their role. Medium and small enterprises should become “expertise fighters” which take oあ and land on this platform.

Just as Mr Bai Yimin said, Japanese companies have a lot of experience that we can learn from. When we mention “Made in Japan”, large enterprises such as Toyota, Honda, Mitsubishi, SONY, Panasonic, etc.will come to our minds. However, it is millions of medium and small enterprises that is supporting “Made in Japan” and gives it its spiritual core. Between the medium and small enterprises which account for 99%of Japanese enterprises and the large enterprises they support, a unique structure of “series of enterprises” like the pyramid has been established. In this structure, the relationship between the large enterprises at the top of the pyramid and small and medium-sized enterprises which constitute the base of the pyramid by level, is not as simple as making orders and providing the required products and services. Downstream enterprises not only produce spare parts for upstream fi rms, but also carry out deep-level research and development and constantly improve the processing technology in a specialized fi eld.Many Japanese small and medium-sized enterprises produce only one type of product over tens of years,they specialize on only one technology and polish up only one technique and have become the best in their respective fi elds. This specialization is also recognized by the upstream large enterprises, which maintains the long-term and stable cooperative relations between them,thus contributing to the virtuous cycle of the structure of“series of enterprise”.

Ye Tan, the famous domestic economy critic, has her own opinions about establishing consortiums. She believes that China should learn from South Korea which adopts the mold of large capital and groups. Industrial consolidation does more good than harm, and we can learn from South Korea which converts shipbuilding enterprises into consortiums by means of acquisitions.The required resources acquired from acquisitions in the diき cult period can either integrate the industrial chain or to conduct diversif i ed operation. There is no shortcut for China's industrial transformation. Shipbuilding enterprises with low-end technology and high pollution should be left to be phased out, whilst manufacturing companies with high-end technology such as Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard can be converted as the new consortium with marketization and competition. China’s machinery industry is doing this, the shipbuilding industry will also do the same, and the key is that these enterprises should maintain their competitiveness as opposed to this transformation being controlled by the laid-back monopoly nobles.

It seems that Chinese shipbuilding industry still has a very big space for imagination, China has demand,capital, market, manufacturing base, labor advantage, it can be said that she has everything, but the one thing she lacks is the link, and this is the exact purpose of forming a new consortium in shipbuilding industry. Nothing but it can revitalize the “great game” of the whole shipbuilding industry. It alone can determine the result of the game.

Obviously, the next question that confronts us is how to establish a consortium we are dreaming of?

Reporter Yang Peiju

We have been calling for many years for a bigger and stronger Chinese shipbuilding industry. However, we seem to have some deviation in understanding the “big” and “strong”enterprises. In essence, there is no necessary cause and eあ ect between being “big” and being “strong”, being “big”does not necessarily mean being “strong”. The correct way for the development of enterprise is to become big on the basis of being specialized and strong. It would be extremely dangerous for enterprises to become big without any competitiveness. From this perspective, the domestic shipping industry is just going in the opposite direction. Shipbuilding and equipment industries are all engaging in low-end products and lack expertise advantages. Few enterprises are working hard on specialty and strength, most of them just want to take the short-cut and want to become big over one night by relying on capital and scale, it is diき cult for them to hold on and to focus over several or dozens of years. This behavior of the enterprise can make it earn money while the market is good, however, when the market is bad, enterprises relying on capital and scale will soon vanish.

The Reverse Thinking of Shipbuilding Giants


造船出海 扬帆启航