孙兆霞 崔春红
[中图分类号]R783.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2014)20-1717-04
Study on relation between the lip shape and facial profile in Han nationality young females
SUN Zhao-xia,CUI Chun-hong
(1.Department of Anatomy,Shandong Wanjie Medical School,Zibo 255213,Shandong,China)
Abstract: Objective Evaluated relationship with lips soft tissue and facial profile in normal young normal,measure the normal values of lip soft tissue. Methods A sample of 2012~2013 grade students (female,70, age 18~19 years old, the Han nationality) was obtained.The mean height of lips, lips width mean,positive three Court mean, morphological facial height,width of face, feature high mean value,internal the angular distance mean were obtained with facial soft tissue directly measured. Results The mean values of lips soft tissue obtained from this sample, these mean values were about lips height:(3.45±0.608)cm,labrum height:(1.95±0.317) cm, upper skin lips height:(1.29±0.326)cm, upper vermilion border height:0.67±0.201 cm, lower lips height:(1.55±0.349)cm, lower skin lips height:0.79±0.336, upper vermilion border height:(0.77±0.199)cm, upper lower vermilion border height:(1.48±0.297)cm,lips width :(4.37±0.341)cm,upper facial height: (5.92±0.770)cm, middle facial height:(5.75±0.427)cm, lower facial height:(6.07±0.607)cm,width of face:14.40±1.174cm, morphological facial height:(11.85±1.144)cm, feature high mean value:(18.59±1.234)cm, internal the angular distance:(3.32±0.339)cm. Conclusion The mean values of lip soft tissue were defined in normal reference young female;Many of reference values have correlated positively (P<0.01), which were embodied between the lips width and inner canthal distance (P=0.005),upper lips high (P=0.000), lips height (P=0.007).The changing trend of lip morphology was more thick, more wide and more narrow, more thinner. The positive correlation were between the upper lips high (P=0.043), lower lips height (P=0.004), the lips height (P=0.011) and upper facial height. Between lips height and the height of every lips except the lower lips high no related were positive correlation, it was significant positive correlation with the upper lips and the lower lips height (P=0.000). Between upper lips height and the height of every lips except the lower skin lips high no related were positive correlation,it was significant positive correlation with the upper lips height and upper vermilion border height, upper lower vermilion border height, the upper skin lips height,the lips height(P=0.000), the lower lips height (P=0.002), the upper vermilion height impacted on upper lips height were more greater than the upper skin lips height.It was significant positive correlation with the lower lips height and lower skin height (P=0.000),lips height (P=0.000), the mentolabial sulcus position affected on the lower lips height. It was significant positive correlation with the upper vermilion height and lower upper vermilion height (P=0.000).It was not related between height, width of lips and feature height, morphological facial height, width (P>0.05).It provided morphological basis for plastic surgery according to the values of lip soft tissue and the correlation of the normal reference values.
Key words:lip;soft tissue;morphometry
1 资料和方法
1.1 一般资料:选择2012~2013级在校女学生共70名,年龄18~19岁[1-4];均为汉族。五官端正、无面部畸形及整容史。
1.2 测量方法及要求:游标卡尺(精确到0.02mm)直接测量。安静室内自然光线,测试者取坐位,头位于Frankfort平面且与地面平行,显示正常发际线及双侧等大耳郭、双目平视正前方、上下唇自然闭合[1,5-7]。
1.4 测量项目见表1。
1.5统计学分析:采用SPSS 17统计软件进行测量项目的相关分析,计量资料均已采用x±s表示, P<0.05为差异具有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 唇高与上唇高和下唇高相关性显著,回归方程:①上唇高与唇高Y=0.810+1.354X, R2=0.499;②唇高与下唇高Y=1.373+1.370X R2=0.724,其中唇高受下唇高影响显著。
2.2 上唇高与上红唇高、上下红唇高、上白唇高及唇高相关性显著,回归方程:③上唇高与上下红唇高Y=0.146+0.684X, R2=0.534;④上唇高-上白唇高Y=1.039+0.707X,R2=0.528;⑤上唇高-上红唇高Y=1.178+1.161X,R2=0.542;其中上唇高受上红唇高影响显著其他各项。
2.3 下唇高与下白唇高、唇高相关性显著,回归方程:⑥下白唇高-下唇高Y=0.912+0.802X,R2=0.604,其中下唇高受唇高影响显著;
2.4 上红唇高与上下红唇高相关性显著,回归方程:⑦Y=0.740+1.113X,R2=0.568。
3 讨论
3.1 Moreira[3]等研究不同年龄的青少年(7、11、18岁,男女性)单侧完全性唇腭裂术后,鼻唇软组织发育不平衡,上唇短、下唇长,唇形态高度失协调,因此,唇腭裂患者在术后出现的继发鼻唇畸形需要进行修复,而修复及后期效果的评估需要有正常参考值[1-2]。本研究对18~19岁[1-4]在校学生的唇形态进行相关分析,研究所见口列宽与唇高(Y=3.431+0.272X,R2=0.234,P=0.007)和上唇高(Y=3.063+0.670X,R2=0.387,P=0.000)呈现正相关,体现唇形态改变的趋势是越厚越宽,越窄越薄;口裂宽与内眦距离(Y=2.731+0.487X,R2=0.264,P=0.005)呈现正相关,因此,口唇形态修复手术可参考口裂宽度。
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[收稿日期]2014-04-22 [修回日期]2014-06-10