业主:总体规划及候机楼:乔治亚州机场有限公司; 飞航管制塔台、办公楼及气象大楼:Sakaeronavigatsia 有限公司
Client: master plan and terminal: United Airports of Georgia LLC
Client: Air Traffic Control Tower, offices and meteorological building: Sakaeronavigatsia Ltd.
Location: Kutaisi, Georgia
Building surface: terminal 4,500m2, Control Tower and offices 1,800m2
Height Air Traffic Control Tower: 55m.
Timing: Concept Design 2011, design development and construction 2012-2013
Status: Completed.
Photography: ©Nakanimamasakhlisi
The new Kutaisi 'King David the Builder' International Airport - which serves domestic and international flights for use by tourists, national politicians and international diplomats - incorporates both Georgia’s historic landscape and its architecture. The architecture of the terminal refers to a pavilion; a gateway, in which a clear structural layout creates an all-encompassing and protective volume. The volume is structured around a central exterior space which is used for departing passengers. The transparent space around this central point is designed to ensure that flows of passengers are smooth and that departure and arrival flows do not coincide. Both the exterior corner detail and the so called 'umbrella' structure within the terminal building – which operates as a roundabout for passenger flows - operate as the two main architectural details around which all of the airport functions are organised.
高达55米, 面积有300平方米的空中交通管制塔台是为了航站楼的补充设计。顶层的交通控制舱是塔的焦点,内部宽敞和舒适的环境能够确保员工集中注意力工作。邻近的大楼里还有1500平方米的配套办公室。
UNStudio’s design comprises the full airport development, including a revision of the runway, the master plan for the landscape and planned future development thereof, the terminal building, offices, a meteorological station and the air traffic control tower.
规划组织 organization
物流 logistics
可持续发展 sustainability
The 55m high Air Traffic Control Tower and its supporting office/operational building is designed to complement the design of the terminal. The traffic control cabin on the top level forms the focal point of the tower, with a 360 degrees view on the surrounding landscape. A spacious and comfortable interior ensures a workspace for 4-8 operators with optimal concentration. The exterior of the tower is clad with a perforated skin on a concrete core to use wind for ventilation purposes. LED Light in-between the skin and the core enhance the beacon effect of the tower at dusk and dawn by changing colour whenever there is a fluctuation in wind speed.
处理概念 panelization concept
明概念 light concept