

教育文化论坛 2014年3期


(贵阳市 清华中学,贵州 贵阳 550025)

《英汉大词典》(上海译文出版社,1983. 8.;文中所称《英汉大词典》为2000. 1. 缩印本)是我国诸多高校和文化单位的学者们历经十数年独立研编而就的容量很大(收词20万条)、篇幅宏大(约2000万字)、发行量大(至2000年发行近25万册)的权威性语文类双语词典。


有学者提出“双语词典……保证……源语言单词及其目标译词具有真正的翻译等价关系”,并定义为“一个翻译等价单位是一个二元组合(STU,TTU),其中STU是一个源语言翻译单位,TTU是一个目标语言翻译单位,STU和TTU之间具有翻译等价关系”[1]。还有学者提出双语词典“是根据原语词的意义,采用恰当的方式译为归宿语的对应的词语”[2]。两者都涉及到的一个术语是translation equivalent,我们理解为“目标语言”对应词语,或“归宿语”的对应词语。《英汉大词典》中不少法学术语的译名未能或未完全能与“源语言翻译单位”或“原语词”相对应,存在相当或一定差距。我们通过近几年的研究发现《英汉大词典》100余个法学术语译名不确,即非原语词的对应词。我们拟将撰就4篇短文,力图修正这些译名。本文以19个法学术语为例描述《英汉大词典》译名方面存在的10个问题,与此同时,对这些术语的译名提出修正意见。



(1)private company被译成“私人公司,不公开公司(指英国股权不向公众开放的有限公司)”;据我们所知,该术语指的是:“A company incorporated under the Companies Acts which by its Articles of Association limits the number of its members to 50, restricts the right to transfer its shares, and prohibits any invitation to the public to subscribe for any of its shares debentures. Various provisions of the Companies Acts do not apply to private Companies. The great majority of companies incorporated are private companies.[1]”[4](受制于《公司条例》的股份有限公司,按其章程股东最多人数不得超过50人,限制股份转让,并禁止约邀公众认购公司股卷。《公司条例》诸多条款并不适用于private companies。绝大多数股份有限公司都是private companies)。我们的译名是:(股东人数设限的)有限公司。

(2)public company被译成“公开招股公司”,“望文”痕迹同样明显。该术语指的是:

“A company which does not by its Articles of Association impose on itself the restrictions required of a private company, and which can accordingly be of any size and solicit public subscription for its shares. Only a small minority of companies are public companies, but these include nearly all the major commercial and industrial businesses.”[4](按其公司章程无有private company固有的限制,相对说来股东人数是不设限的。只有极少数公司是public companies,但这些公司近乎涵盖所有较大的商业与工业部门)。我们的译名是:(不限股东人数的)有限公司。

(3)《英汉大词典》对court of record的译名“记录法院(指保存有法例和司法程序记录并作为永久性依据的法院)”不乏望文痕迹。court of record是“A court whose acts and proceedings are enrolled for permanent record”[4](法庭活动与审判程序当庭制成法庭笔录作为长久档案的法庭)。我们提出的修正译名为:法庭笔录法庭。



(1)《英汉大词典》对domicile, domicil的译名“(正式户口所在地的)原籍;(本人有意久住的)住所”,domicile of origin的译名“(本人)出身时的住所”,domicile of choice的译名“选定的住所(报本人选定该处为家的实际住所”就不属于“规范化”。

domicil (or domicile)是“The term in international private law for the territory having distinct legal system in which a person has, or is deemed to have, his permanent home…Domicile is distinct from nationality, and from country of actual residence, and is related to legal systems rather than states, so that a British subject may be domiciled in France, and a person is domiciled in England or in Scotland, not in United Kingdom.”[4][国际私法用语,指一个人在法律制度不同的地方有(或被视为有)永久(性)的家……,domicile既不同于国籍,也不同于实际居住的所在国,与其相关的是法律制度,而不是国家,所以,一个英国人可以定居于法国,一个人定居在英格兰或苏格兰,但不是定居在联合王国。]“A person’s domicile is a matter of law determined partly by inference from fact and partly by evidence of his expressed intention. Every person must have one domicile, and no person can have at any time more than one.”[4](一个人的domicile是一个部分由事实所作的推断部分由其所示意向的证据加以确定的法律问题。每个人都必须拥有domicile,但没有任何人在任何时候拥有一个以上的domicile)。“The law attributes to every person a domicile of origin, which persists until and unless he acquires a domicile of choice elsewhere, by residence elsewhere with the intention to reside with some permanence, and which revives if he abandons the domicile of choice. Dependent persons, such as children, have their domicile determined by there father.”[4](法律承认每个人的domicile of origin,在其意欲在他处永久居住而拥有domicile of choice之前,为domicile of origin的存续期,如果离开domicile of choice,法律只承认domicile of origin。儿童作为家属的domicile按其父的domicile决定)。“Anglo-American legal system generally prescribe that an individual’s personal law is that of his domicile, but European system commonly prescribe the law of his nationality.”(英美法律制度通常规定对个人适用的属人法是domicile所在地的属人法,而欧洲的法律制度普遍规定对个人适用的属人法是按国籍决定的)。由此可见,这三个术语的规范称名当为:domicil (domicile)—住所;domicile of origin—原始住所;domicile of choice—选定住所。

(2)《英汉大词典》对contributory的译名“(企业倒闭时)负连带偿还责任的人,负担摊派人”也存在类似情况。该术语指的是“A person who is bound to contribute to the assets of a company when it is being wound up in order to pay its depts.. there are two categories, the A list, comprising members at the commencement of the winding-up, and the B list, comprising persons who had been members within one year prior to that date. The B list is required to contribute only if the existing members cannot satisfy the contributions required of them.”[4](公司结束业务清偿债务时有义务提供资产给公司清偿债务的人。这样的人分为两类:第一类为公司结束业务起始之时的所有成员,第二类为当日之前一年内的所有成员。如果现有成员提供的资产不足以清偿全部债务,则要求第二类成员提供用以清偿债务的资产)。其规范译名当为:(公司破产时的)连带债务人。



(1)《英汉大词典》给keelhual的译名“把(人)缚在船底以施刑”便存在质量问题。该术语指的是:“To drag a person under the keel of a ship by means of ropes rigged from the yardarms, a form of punishment at one time in the Navy.”[4][让人在船下随船拖行,其办法是用缆绳将其吊在船底正下方,缆绳的另一端则系于桁端(即桅杆横杆端)。这是海军部曾一度采用的一种处罚方式]。据此,我们将其译作:吊于船下拖行(海军部曾一度采用的一种处罚方式)。

(2)《英汉大词典》给power of appointment的译名“(决定财产归属的)指名权”也可归入此类问题。该术语指“A power given by a deed or will to a person to direct that an interest in property is to devolve on a person or persons, or on one or more of those within a designated and limited group of persons.”[4][证书或遗嘱赋予让与或遗赠财产权益给一人或数人,或特定范围内的一人或数人的授权]。我们据此将其译为:(财产权益让与或遗赠的)指名权。



(1)《英汉大词典》将full age译作“成年(期)”,将majority译作“成年,法定年龄;资格”,值得商榷。法学中,full age与majority为同义词 ,指的是:“At common law the age of 21, reduced by statute as from 1970 to 18. At common law in England majority was attained at the commencement of the day preceding the twenty-first birthday but by statute it is now attained at the commencement of the eighteenth birthday. There remain some instances, such as membership of Parliament, for which a persion is disqualified until he attains 21.”[4](普通法规定为21岁,从1970年起,法律规定为18岁。在英国原为年满21岁,现为年满18岁,但存在保持不变的一些例外,例如英国议会满21岁才具备议员资格)。我们以为,将其译作“法定成年年龄”为妥。

(2)《英汉大语典》对coownership的两个译名“共同所有(权),共有(权)”同样存在类似问题。该术语的内涵为:“Two forms of co-owership of property exist, joint property or joint tenancy, where two or more persons jointly hold the same title for the same duration and seisin or possession is vested in all; and common property or tenancy in common, where each co-ower has his own title and interest to a share in the property though it is held undivided. Another form, ownership in coparcenery, was formerly possible, where two or more persons took hereditaments by the same title by descent.”[4][财产co-ownership存在两种形式。两个或两个以上的人共有(或占有)财产,在相同存续期间共同享有同一所有权,并共同占有;这种共有财产(或共同占有)是指各共同所有人对不能进行分割的财产份额享有自己的权益。另一种形式为共同享有所有权,在从前是可能的,即是说,两个或两个以上的人按血统确定的相同资格继承财产]。可见,co-ownership指的是:共有(存在两种共有形式:按份共有,共同共有)。



(1)《英汉大词典》给wayleave的译名为“(矿主、电力公司等使用私人土地作通道用的)通行权,通道土地使用权”,我们以下述原文释义为依据:“A right of way under, across or over land, as for running a pipeline under it, carrying goods across it, or suspending wires or cables above it.”[4](地下、地面及其上空的通行权,即用于铺设地下管道,在地面安装相关设施,在其上空安装电缆或在地下安装地下电缆)。将其译作:(管道、电缆地下、地面及其上空的)通行权。

(2)《英汉大词典》给know-how的译名“技术”,“窍门”,亦为有残缺的译名。该术语特指:“The information, practical knowledge, techniques, and skill required for the achievement of some practical end, particularly in industry or technology. It has come to be recognized as virtually a kind of incorporeal property, saleable like a patent right.”[4][实现某一有价值的目标(特别是工业上或技术上)所需的信息、有实用价值的知识、技巧与专门技术。事实上已被确认为一种无形财产,象专利权一样可予出售]。know-how对应于汉语中的专有技术(亦称“技术秘密”、“技术诀窍”)。


坚持“吾国固有其名,虽具体而微,仍以固有者为译名”[3]的译名原则需要具备一个“重要条件”是“译名须恰合原文意义”[3]。《英汉大词典》对有的术语的译名所使用的汉语中的现成用语并不对应于英语术语,即是说,出现了适用不当(或曰适用错误)。例如:“边界”一词指的是“地区和地区之间的界限(多指国界)”[5],而《英汉大词典》却将其作为metes and bounds的译名。

metes and bounds指的仅仅是:“The limits or boundaries of a tract of land, as marked by natural features, manmade structures, or markers. Where a widow was intitled, at common law, to dower, her share was set apart to be held in severalty and she was said to hold it by metes and bounds. In the U. S. metes and bounds descripitions of land are common where survey areas are irregularly shaped and of varied sizes. The boundaries are stated by directions and distances, and identifiable features or marks at corners.”[4][以天然地形地物、人造建筑或标识为标记的一大片土地的所在的范围或分界线。按照普通法规定,寡妇有权继承亡夫遗产,她所得的那块土地是由metes and bounds界定的。在美国,勘测中通用metes and bounds界定形状各异、大小不同的土地(地域或地方),分界线为方向、距离以及可识别的地形地物及各个角的标记]。其译名当为:地界。



foreclosure的译名“(抵押人)回赎抵押品权利的取消”过于冗长。该术语指的是:“The process whereby a mortgagee may make effectual his ownership of the lands mortgaged, which arises as soon as the day fixed for redemption is past. On bringing an action for foreclosure a further day is appointed for payment, and, if the money is not than paid, the property is adjudged to belong to the mortgagee absolutely for the whole interest of the mortgagor, and any subsequent legal mortgage is extinguished. The effect is to bar the mortgagor’s equity of redemption.”[4]指下述过程:超过原定回赎期日产生的抵押权人有效拥有的抵押土地所有权。提起foreclosure之诉,回赎期日就是清偿之日,若不付款清偿,抵押物便被认定绝对归抵押权人充抵债权人的产权,后续抵押已不复存在。其结果便是阻止了抵押权人的回赎权)。我们提出的修正译名为:抵押权消灭。


有学者提出:“双语词典要做到完全等值对译,必须深入理解原文词典对词的释义内容,然后在译语中找出其对应词。”[2]《英汉大词典》对某些术语的译名未能以权威性原文词典的释义为据,加之理解又有失偏颇,未能在译语中找出其对应词,例如对capacity的译名“[律]能力(法律上得享受某种权利、得作出某行为或得负某种责任的资格)”,不公译名不当,括注部分亦欠妥。“One of the attributes of a person or entity having legal personality, denoting legal ability to bear and exercise rights or to be affected by legal duties or liabilities. According to a person’s status he may have full legal capacity or capacity qualified in certain respects. Thus an infant or minor or person of unsound mind has restricted legal capacity as compared with the person of full age and sound mind.”[4](一个人或具有法律的属人性的实体的属性之一,表示享受权利或法律义务或责任受到影响的能力。按其身份可有完全capacity或在某些方面受限制的capacity。因此,与心理健全的成年人比较起来,心理不健全的未成年人只具有受到限制的capacity)。这正好对应于汉语中的“行为能力(是民事行为能力的简称)”[6]。



(1)《英汉大词典》给corespondment的译名“[律](夫或妻因对方与人通奸而提起离婚诉讼中的)共同被告(指与配偶通奸者)”属于主次相混。该术语指“a person named as guilt of adultery with the defendant in a divorce suit””[7][离婚诉讼中通奸的被告人被贯此名(的人)];“a person charged with having commited adultery with the wife or husband from whom a divorce is being sought”[8](被控告与其妻或夫通奸并导致与其夫或妻离婚的人)。这里仅指“一个人”,即指第三者,不存在“共同被告”。还有一种英语原文辞书对该术语的释义为:“Prior to 1969 when a husband sought to divorce his wife on the ground of her adultery he normally had to cite the other man as a co-respondent. The co-respondent might be held liable in damage to the husband.”[4](1969年前,当丈夫以其妻子与人通奸而与其离婚时,他通常会指出被称之为co-respondent的另外一个男人。此人因对他造成伤害而负法律责任)。此术语含义的主体部分是“the other man”——另外一个男人,即《英汉大词典》译名括注中的“与配偶通奸者”。该词典将其作为括注欠妥。我们将此术语译为:(离婚诉讼中通奸的)第三者。

(2)《英汉大词典》将disorderly house的译名“[律]1、妓院2、赌场”,以排序方式表示主、次关系;我们以为,这种表述方式不够理想。该术语指的是:“A brothel, common gaming house, or a disorderly place of entertainment. The term is most commonly used of premises used as a brothel.”[4](妓院,赌场或妨碍治安的娱乐场所)。该术语常指妓院。据此,我们暂将disorderly house译为:妓院(该术语也可用赌场或其它妨碍社会安宁之地)。



(1)《英汉大词典》给open court的译名“公开法庭(指正式开庭处理司法审理事务的法庭,或者准许公众旁听的开放法庭)”,以“公开”修饰法庭欠妥。

必须强调,“对案件的审理,实行公开审判的制度”,称为“公开原则”,“公开审判”指法院的审判活动向公众公开,准许公众旁听[6]。open court指的就是“A court-room open to any member of the public, as contrasted with proceedings in chamber. The general rule is that all courts in which judicial proceedings are heard are open courts, but exceptionally the public may be excluded, if statute or the interests of justice require it.”[4][(审判活动)向公众任成员公开的法庭,与秘密审判室相对,其一般规则是审判活动让公众旁听。所有法庭都是open court,仅相关法规规定或审判不需要公开进行除外]。此文据些将其译作:公开审判庭。


我们知道,狭义的控告必然写明“控告对象和被控告人的犯罪事实”;“罪状”是“犯罪行为的名称和犯罪过程特征的描述”[6],可见,“罪状”是不能“被控告的”。count指:“In criminal procedure a count is a distinct paragraph of an indictment charging a distinct offence. One indictment may contain any number of counts charging separate crimes.”[4](count是指控一种犯罪的公诉书中指控犯罪的那单独的一段。一份公诉书可含数种指控的犯罪)。我们将其译作:(公诉书中的)罪状。

[1] 全如.术语理论——知识的发展和知识框架[J].术语标准化与信息技术,2002(2):24-25.

[2] 黄建华,陈楚详.双语词典学导论[M].北京:商务印书馆,2001.

[3] 《翻译通讯》编辑部.译研究论文集[G].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1984.

[4] The Oxford Companion To Law, New York, Oxford, University Press, 1980.

[5] 中国社会科学院语言研究所.现代汉语词典[M].北京:商务印书馆,1973.

[6] 栗劲,李放.中华实用法学大词典[M].长春:吉林大学出版社,1988.

[7] Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, Springfield, Massachusetts, U. S. A., G&C Merriam Company, 1973.

[8] Webster’s New World dictionary of the American Language, USA, William Collins + World Publishing Co. INC. 1980.

