

沈阳大学学报(自然科学版) 2014年6期


一类非自治两种群浮游生物相克模型的绝灭性 陈凤德,赵 亮(1)

锦州—葫芦岛沿海地区景观格局变化与生态服务价值评估 苏 雷,朱京海,傅立群(4)

利用白菜修复污灌区重金属污染土壤的螯合诱导植物修复技术 李玉双,胡晓钧,侯永侠,宋雪英,孙礼奇(9)

城市住宅小区宜居性的模糊数学法评价 肖 敏,陈志伟,孟广胜(14)

温度对入侵植物牛膝菊种子萌发的影响 齐淑艳,董晶晶,郭婷婷,孙晓萌(87)

异质生境芦苇叶片的生长规律 刘 澈,周 婵,张 卓(91)

小鼠肺癌细胞诱导分化后的力学特性比较 李建停,马德顺,牛庆元,张晶晶,纪珍玲(94)

城区环境宜居性关键影响因素的系统动力学模型 徐洪学,王婷婷(173)

以菌糠为调理剂的柴油污染土壤堆肥技术 宋雪英,梁茹晶,孙礼奇,何苗苗,李玉双,胡晓钧(179)

PEG模拟干旱胁迫对入侵植物牛膝菊(Galinsogaparviflora)抗氧化物酶系统的影响 董晶晶,齐淑艳,郭婷婷(184)

不同类型草原生态系统土壤物理性状 部卫平(190)

沈阳市铁西区工人新村三期园区园林景观评价 周兴文,蔡淑频,金 昊(259)

沈阳居住小区宅间空间的景观设计 曲 薇,宋文静(266)

沈阳其仕郡宜居生态小区公共空间节能减排示范工程建设 郑晓非(269)

沈阳铁西区工业迁出地居住小区土地利用优化研究 李 刚,张志全(345)

东北三省外来种子植物种类调查与分析 郭婷婷,齐淑艳,董晶晶(349)

宜居城市规划设计----以沈阳市铁西老工业搬迁区为例 付 佳,程全国,李 晔(354)

土壤外源金霉素对小白菜幼苗的毒性效应与其赋存形态的相关性 安 婧,肖明月,纪占华,魏树和,台培东(431)

沈阳辉山水库流域环境污染现状调查及综合整治 谢东青,姜春红,林静雯,吴 丹,王丹丹(437)

饮用水源地保护区内路面初期雨水的水处理工艺 李钦朋,李国旗,刘月红(442)

不同形式的高架桥对街道峡谷气流和污染物分布的数值分析 朱楚雄,梁志勇(446)


6000系铝合金晶间腐蚀研究进展 贺春林,孟小丹,马国峰,王建明(18)

间甲酚/木质素改性酚醛树脂竹胶板胶粘剂的研究 张 琳,周文富(24)

某制药企业清洁生产节能分析 李 欣,马新宇(30)

SiO2纳米粒子制备及自组装光学性能 周世奇,戴玉梅,王建华(35)

原子吸收光谱法测PM2.5中的镉和铅 李卉颖,李昕馨(38)

消弧线圈在化工类企业供电系统中的应用 张 祥(42)

时效处理对2024 Al合金晶间腐蚀性能的影响 贺春林,白莹莹,孟小丹,马国峰,王建明(99)

时效强化对连续成型Al-Zr-Be合金导体组织性能的影响 李 鹏,周天国,栾惊天(104)

再谈催化剂改变化学平衡 贺传正(109)

气相色谱法同时测定西洋参药材根中12种农药残留的含量 赵春杰,侯 哲,袁丽华,国无双,王 淼(193)

Excel绘制化学实验中的二元合金相图步冷曲线 李 锋,王 颖,李洪仁(198)

磁控溅射沉积TiN薄膜工艺优化 贺春林,朱跃长,张金林,马国峰,王建明(272)

刺松藻内生真菌长枝木霉的化学成分研究 纪珍玲,马德顺,苗凤萍(277)

等摩尔系列法测定配合物稳定常数的数据处理 李洪仁,王 颖(281)

碳纳米粒子光催化降解染料萘酚绿 李洪仁,王 颖,李 锋(358)

含铝络合离子在铜电极上的电沉积 阚洪敏,祝跚珊,张 宁,王晓阳(452)

电-声机制致高温超导特性随掺杂量演变 毛善成(457)


一种利用互信息加权的最小二乘法丰度反演算法 赵春晖,肖健钰(45)

一类执行器偏移/卡死故障下的自适应容错控制 金小峥(50)

一类不确定切换模糊时滞系统的可靠控制 吴金男,张 乐(55)

三级倒立摆的GA-PIDNN系统辨识 张秀玲,樊红敏,臧佳音,赵 亮(113)

具有动态奖惩机制的电费收缴策略及其算法 李彦平,俞 丹,徐岱岱(119)

基于双音多频技术的智能报警系统设计 李荃高,范雪琴(124)

一种基于Internet互动学习平台的设计与应用 刘国辉,王东政(129)

一种加权的系统聚类方法及应用 原忠虎,李 佳,张 博(201)

运输与倒垛集成的多吊机调度问题 谢 谢,李彦平(208)

一类时滞切换模糊系统的静态输出反馈控制 杨 红,陶冠男,张 乐(216)

巨型子午线轮胎胶囊的反包控制算法 陈 炜(222)

宿州市城市扩展的遥感动态变化监测与评价 方 刚(284)

灰色关联分析在矿产资源开发优先序列中的应用 汪 莹,王光岐(290)

基于CLAHE的DSP实时去雾系统 许志远,王庸凯,孙 康,张大恒,丁纪铭,王 岩(296)

基于改进CGHT的光学遥感图像舰船尾迹检测 赵春晖,栾世杰(362)

一种基于改进的弹性安全换道间距规则的元胞自动机模型 徐洪学,张冬梅(369)

层次分析法的权重计算及其应用 刘莹昕,刘 飒(372)

基于全球眼的地震现场应急救援交通路径分析系统研究 马 莹,吴楠楠(376)

基于灰色预测GM(1,1)的企业利润预测 赵春阁,徐 群(382)

高光谱图像半监督局部稀疏嵌入降维算法 赵春晖,崔晓辰,齐 滨(462)

改进的万有引力搜索算法 张秀玲,臧佳音,樊红敏,赵 亮(468)

二机流水作业带不可用区间、工件可拒绝的调度问题 谢 谢,孔祥玉,郑勇跃(473)

基于主动自适应滑模控制的超混沌系统同步 颜闽秀,郑小帆(479)


冻融时间对早期混凝土抗压性能的影响试验 汪青杰,张延年,刘旭峰,徐 驰(61)

再生粗集料对混凝土性能的影响 汪振双,崔正龙,周 梅(66)

泵送粉煤灰混凝土回弹测强曲线特性 张豫川,王茂杰,王亚军,辛明静,高志远(70)

基于节点位置信息的Ad Hoc空间覆盖广播算法 白乐强,田 野(134)

陡倾层状岩体隧道衬砌承载力特性分析 王 胜(139)

桥梁水毁成因分析及防治措施综述 姜 涛,刘邦禹,王会利(143)

基于Hoek-Brown准则的小净距隧道围岩稳定性数值模拟分析 石 光(148)

考虑相邻档及绝缘子对输电导线找形的影响 谢东周,史庆雪(153)

废旧橡胶集料透水混凝土强度和透水性能试验 杨春峰,孙明博,王培竹(227)

基于加速度传感器钢管混凝土拱肋界面脱空的定性识别 赵海亮,潘盛山(230)

高放核废物处置库T-M耦合数值模拟 王 胜(234)

越江隧道联络通道冻结法施工力学模拟 石 光(240)

基于热传导理论的钢管混凝土拱肋界面脱空的定性识别 毛 健,潘盛山(244)

中短冷弯薄壁轴压构件承载力计算 周 乐,王军伟,聂晓梅(301)

桥梁冲刷预估与监测措施 王会利,叶 浩,付 裕(306)

相变储能砂浆的制备及其性能 汪振双,赵 宁(311)

建筑中水回用工程实例及分析 吴 昊,谢长青,王 聪,张 平(316)

不同预处理方式对橡胶混凝土工作性能及抗压强度的影响 于 群,孙明博,杨 敏(320)

三线交叉D梁施工过渡方法 王 栋(324)

车道模型对高速公路交通噪声预测准确性分析 曹广华,肖 芳(330)

关于非饱和渗透理论中的几项基本问题的剖析 张 平,王 聪,谢长青,吴 昊(386)

CFRP布加固受弯钢梁试验研究与理论分析 周 乐,张建鹏,白云皓(391)

大跨径钢筋混凝土拱圈安装过程设计 刘 康,黄才良,王会利(396)

基于有限元的桥梁计算分析与加固方案设计 孙 林,檀永刚(400)

确定自锚式悬索桥索力的影响矩阵法 吕 哲,郑 力(404)

钢斜拉桥的稳定性评估 于德安,檀永刚,张 哲(408)

屈曲约束支撑钢筋混凝土框架结构的消能减震分析 朱 江(486)

顶部偏心缩进结构的扭转效应 康定有,蔡贤辉,仲伟秋,张宏民(491)


变系数分数阶反应- 扩散方程的数值解法 马亮亮,刘冬兵(76)


椭球转动惯量的计算及温度对其的影响 王 曈,程 钊,王 慧(84)

钢卷仓库中的吊机调度问题 谢 谢,李彦平(159)

超导射频接收线圈品质因数 肖景魁,宋礼兴,吴春俐(166)

一类不确定T-S模糊系统的H∞控制器设计 张 莹(169)

Toeplitz-Hausdorff定理的新证明 张 云,陈冬君,叶永升(248)

轿车扭杆梁后桥硬点设计方法 张 伟,范晓轩,赵永昌,刘 慧(250)

空间几何元素一般相交问题的求解 沈丽萍,王 刚(255)

非连通图C4m-1∪C12m-8∪G的优美标号 吴跃生(334)

一类线性Weingarten子流形的分类问题 杨 丹,丁 宇,黄坤龙(338)

一类时间分数阶延迟微分方程的数值解法 张艳敏,郭 萍,段素芳(342)

基于专家系统的数学网上交互学习系统的设计 马乾凯,曹一鸣,李忠海(413)

中国剩余定理在交换环上的推广 潘 桔,陆 媛(418)

相似比不严格成比例情况下振动台模型设计 张 琳,邱文亮,姜 涛(421)

基于层次分析法的矿用车辆选型风险评价 张 健,刘小英,王丽萍(426)

线性过程矩收敛精确渐近性的一个结果 邹广玉(498)

基于策略型顾客的损失厌恶型供应链协调 张青青,韩金仓(501)

随机波动率模型下几何平均亚式期权的定价 唐 玲,林志超(510)

状态依赖下不确定切换线性系统有限时间稳定性分析 王跃华,孙晓靓(514)



Total Contents of Vol.26,2014


Extinction of a Non-autonomous Two Species Allelopathic Phytoplankton ModelChenFengde,ZhaoLiang(3)

Change of Landscape Patternand Evaluation of Ecological Services in Jinzhou-Huludao Coastal AreaSuLei,ZhuJinghai,FuLiqun(8)

Chelate-induced Phytoextraction of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil of Irrigation Area by CabbageLiYushuang,HuXiaojun,HouYongxia,SongXueying,SunLiqi(13)

Urban Residential Livability Evaluation Based on Fuzzy Mathematics MethodXiaoMin,ChenZhiwei,MengGuangsheng(17)

Effects of Temperature on Seed Germination Characteristics ofGalinsogaParvifloraQiShuyan,DongJingjing,GuoTingting,SunXiaomeng(90)

Leaf Growth Rule ofPhragmitescommunisin Different HabitatsLiuChe,ZhouChan,ZhangZhuo(118)

Comparative Study on Mechanical Characteristics of Mice’s Lung Carcinoma Cells after Induced DifferentiationLiJianting,MaDeshun,NiuQingyuan,ZhangJingjing,JiZhenling(98)

System Dynamics Model of City Environment Livability Key Influence FactorsXuHongxue,WangTingting(178)

Composting of Diesel Fuel Contaminated Soil with Mushroom ResiduesSongXueying,LiangRujing,SunLiqi,HeMiaomiao,LiYushuang,HuXiaojun(183)

Effect of PEG Simulative Drought Stress on Antioxidant Enzyme System ofGalinsogaparvifloraDongJingjing,QiShuyan,GuoTingting(189)

Soil Physical Properties of Three Types of Grassland EcosystemBuWeiping(192)

Comprehensive Evaluation of Landscape Architecture of the Third Stage of Worker’s Village in Tiexi District of ShenyangZhouXingwen,CaiShupin,JinHao(265)

Landscape Design in Space Among Residential Buildings in ShenyangQuWei,SongWenjing(268)

Public Space Energy Conservation Demonstration Projects of Shenyang Qishijun Livable Ecological Residential AreaZhengXiaofei(271)

Optimization of Land Use in Residential Area of Former Industrial Land in Tiexi District of ShenyangLiGang,ZhangZhiquan(348)

Investigation and Analysis on Species of Exotic Spermatophyte in Three Provinces in Northeast ChinaGuoTingting,QiShuyan,DongJingjing(353)

Planning and Design of Livable City----Taking Tiexi Old Industrial Relocation Area as an ExampleFuJia,ChengQuanguo,LiYe(357)

Toxic Effect of Exogenetic Chlortetracycline on Chinese Cabbage Seedling and its Relationship with Occurrence

Form of Chlortetracycline in SoilsAnJing,XiaoMingyue,JiZhanhua,WeiShuhe,TaiPeidong(436)

Investigation on Present Environmental Pollution in Huishan Reservoir Region of Shenyang and CountermeasuresXieDongqing,JiangChunhong,LinJingwen,WuDan,WangDandan(441)

Water Treatment Technology of Highway Initial Rainwater in Drinking Water Source Protection AreasLiQinpeng,LiGuoqi,LiuYuehong(445)

Numerical Analysis of Air Flow and Pollutant Distribution in Street Canyons under Different Forms of ViaductsZhuChuxiong,LiangZhiyong(451)


Research Development in Intergranular Corrosion of 6000-Series Aluminum AlloysHeChunlin,MengXiaodan,MaGuofeng,WangJianming(34)

Synthesis and Properties of M-cresol/Lignin-modified Phenolic Resin Bamboo Plywood Adhesives SystemZhangLin,ZhouWenfu(29)

Energy Saving of Clean Production of a Pharmaceutical CompanyLiXin,MaXinyu(34)

Preparation of SiO2Nanoparticle and Its Optical PropertiesZhouShiqi,DaiYumei,WangJianhua(37)

Determination of Cadmium and Plumbum in PM2.5 by Atomic Absorption SpectrometryLiHuiying,LiXinxin(41)

Application of Arc Suppression Coil in Power Supply System of Chemical EnterprisesZhangXiang(44)

Effect of Artificial Aging Treatment on Intergranular Corrosion of 2024 Al AlloyHeChunlin,BaiYingying,MengXiaodan,MaGuofeng,WangJianming(103)

Influence of Aging Strengthening to Microstructures and Properties of Al-Zr-Be Alloy Conductor Prepared by Continuous FormingLiPeng,ZhouTianguo,LuanJingtian(108)

On Change of Chemical Equilibrium Caused by CatalystHeChuanzheng(112)

Gas Chromatography Method for Simultaneous Determination of Twelve Pesticide Residues in Root of American GinsengZhaoChunjie,HouZhe,YuanLihua,GuoWushuang,WangMiao(197)

Cooling Curve Drawing of Binary Alloy Phase Diagram by ExcelLiFeng,WangYing,LiHongren(207)

Process Optimization of TiN Thin Films Prepared by Magnetron SputteringHeChunlin,ZhuYuechang,ZhangJinlin,MaGuofeng,WangJianming(276)

Chemical Constituents fromTrichodermalongibrachiatum,an Endophytic Fungus Derived from Marine Green AlgaCodiumfragileJiZhenling,MaDeshun,MiaoFengping(319)

Data Processing in Determination of Stability Constants of Complexes with Equimolar Series MethodLiHongren,WangYing(283)

Degradation of Naphthol Green by Carbon Nanoparticles as Photocatalytic DegradationLiHongren,WangYing,LiFeng(361)

Electrochemical Depositionof Al (Ⅲ) Complexation on Copper ElectrodeKanHongmin,Zhushanshan,ZhangNing,WangXiaoyang(456)

Electron-Phonon Coupling Leading to High-Temperature Superconductivity with Doping Content EvolutionMaoShancheng(513)


An Abundance Inversion Algorithm Based on Mutual Information-weighted Least Squares ErrorZhaoChunhui,XiaoJianyu(49)

Adaptive Fault-tolerant Control with a Class of Actuator Bias/Stuck FaultsJinXiaozheng(54)

Reliable Control for a Class of Uncertain Switched Fuzzy Time-delay SystemsWuJinnan,ZhangLe(60)

GA-PIDNN System Identification for Triple Inverted PendulumZhangXiuling,FanHongmin,ZangJiayin,ZhaoLiang(118)

An Electricity Charge Strategy and Algorithm Based on Dynamic Rewards and Punishment MechanismLiYanping,YuDan,XuDaidai(123)

Design of Intelligent Alarm System Based on Dual-tone Multi-frequencyLiQuangao,FanXueqin(128)

Design and Application of Platform for Interactive Learning Based on InternetLiuGuohui,WangDongzheng(133)

A Weighted System Clustering Method and Its ApplicationYuanZhonghu,LiJia,ZhangBo(207)

Coordinate Transportation and Shuffling Operations in Multi-Crane Scheduling ProblemXieXie,LiYanping(215)

Static Output Feedback Control For a Class of Time-Delay Switched Fuzzy SystemsYangHong,TaoGuannan,ZhangLe(221)

Bladder Turn-up Control Algorithm of Giant Radial TireChenWei(254)

Dynamic Monitoring and Evaluation of Urban Expansion in Suzhou City Based on Remote SensingFangGang(289)

Application of Grey Correlation Analysis in Priority Sequence of Mineral Resources DevelopmentWangYing,WangGuangqi(295)

DSP Real-Time Fog Removal System Based on CLAHEXuZhiyuan,WangYongkai,SunKang,ZhangDaheng,DingJiming,WangYan(300)

Ship Wake Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Image Based on Modified CGHTZhaoChunhui,LuanShijie(368)

A Cellular Automata Model Based on Improved Rules of Flexible Safe Lane Changing DistanceXuHongxue,ZhangDongmei(371)

Computation of Weight in AHP and Its ApplicationLiuYingxin,LiuSa,WangWeiyao(375)

Earthquake Site Emergency Rescue Transportation Path Analysis System Based on Global EyeMaYing,WuNannan(381)

Prediction of Corporate Profits Based on Grey Prediction GM (1,1)ZhaoChunge,XuQun(385)

Dimensionality Reduction Algorithm of Remote Sensing Image Using Semi-supervised Local Sparse EmbeddingZhaoChunhui,CuiXiaochen,QiBin(467)

Improved Gravitational Search AlgorithmZhangXiuling,ZangJiayin,FanHongmin,ZhaoLiang(472)

Two-machine Flow-shop Scheduling Problem with Unavailable Interval and RejectionXieXie,KongXiangyu,ZhengYongyue(478)

Active Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Synchronization of Hyperchaotic SystemsYanMinxiu,ZhengXiaofan(485)


Experimental Research on Compressive Property of Crumb Rubber Concrete Based on Freezing and Thawing TimeWangQingjie,ZhangYannian,LiuXufeng,XuChi(65)

Influence of Recycled Coarse Aggregate on Concrete PropertiesWangZhenshuang,Cuizhenglong,ZhouMei(80)

Characteristics of Rebound Strength Detection Curve of Pumping Fly Ash ConcreteZhangYuchuan,WangMaojie,WangYajun,XinMingjing,GaoZhiyuan(75)

Node Location Based Space-Covered Broadcast Algorithm in Ad Hoc NetworksBaiLeqiang,TianYe(138)

Mechanical Characteristics of Tunnel Lining under Steep-dipping Bedded Rock Mass ConditionsWangSheng(142)

Review of Causes and Prevention Measures for Bridge WashoutJiangTao,LiuBangyu,WangHuili(147)

Numerical Simulation Analysis on Surrounding Rock Stability of Small Clear Distance Tunnel Based on Hoek-Brown CriterionShiGuang(152)

Influence on Form-Finding of Transmission Conductor Considering Adjacent Span and InsulatorXieDongzhou,ShiQingxue(158)

Experimental Study on Strength and Permeability of Waste Rubber Aggregate Pervious ConcreteYangChunfeng,SunMingbo,WangPeizhu(229)

Qualitative Identification of Interface Separation of Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Based on Acceleration SensorZhaoHailiang,PanShengshan(233)

Numerical Simulation of Two-Dimension Thermo-Mechanical Coupling in Nuclear Waste RepositoryWangSheng(239)

Mechanical Simulation of Freezing Method Construction of Liaison Channels in Cross-river TunnelShiGuang(243)

Qualitative Identification of Interface Separation of Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Based on Heat Conduction TheoryMaoJian,PanShengshan(247)

Capacity of Calculation Theory of Cold-Formed Thin-Wall Steel under Axial Compression about Short and Middle MembersZhouLe,WangJunwei,NieXiaomei(305)

Prediction and Monitoring of Bridge ScourWangHuili,YeHao,FuYu(310)

Preparation and Properties of Phase Change Energy Storage MortarWangZhenshuang,ZhaoNing(315)

Engineering Project and Analysis of Reclaimed Water System for BuildingsWuHao,XieChangqing,WangCong,ZhangPing(319)

Impact of Different Pretreatments on Performance and Compressive Strength of Rubber ConcreteYuQun,SunMingbo,YangMin(323)

Transition Method of Construction for Three-Line-Cross D BeamWangDong(329)

Accuracy of Lane Prediction Models for Highway Traffic NoiseCaoGuanghua,XiaoFang(333)

Basic Issues in Unsaturated Hydraulic TheoryZhangPing,WangCong,XieChangqing,WuHao(390)

Experimental Study and Theoretical Analysis of Flexural Beam Strengthened by CFRPZhouLe,ZhangJianpeng,BaiYunhao(395)

Installation Process Design of Long-Span Reinforced Concrete Arch RingLiuKang,HuangCailiang,WangHuili(399)

Bridges Computational Analysis and Reinforcement Design Based on Finite ElementSunLin,TanYonggang(403)

Determining Construction Suspender Force of Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge Based on Influence MatrixLyuZhe,ZhenLi(407)

Stability Evaluationof Steel Cable-Stayed BridgeYuDe’an,TanYonggang,ZhangZhe(412)

Energy Dissipation on Buckling Restrained Braces in Reinforced Concrete Frame StructureZhuJiang(490)

Effects of Eccentric Setback at Top Storey on Inelastic Seismic Responses of BuildingsKangDingyou,CaiXianhui,ZhongWeiqiu,ZhangHongmin(497)


A Numerical Method for Fractional Reaction-Dispersion Equation with Variable CoefficientsMaLiangliang,LiuDongbing(80)

On Diophantine Equationx3±53=3py2DuXiancun,LiuYufeng,GuanXungui(83)

Calculation of Rotary Inertia of Ellipsoid and Influence of TemperatureWangTong,ChengZhao,WangHui(86)

Crane Scheduling in Warehouse of CoilXieXie,LiYanping(165)

Quality Factor of Superconducting RF Receiving CoilXiaoJingkui,SongLixing,WuChunli(168)

H∞Control of T-S Fuzzy Systems with Real Parametric UncertaintyZhangYing(172)

A New Proof of Toeplitz-Hausdorff TheoremZhangYun,ChenDongjun,YeYongsheng(249)

Hard Point Design of Twist Beam Rear AxleZhangWei,FanXiaoxuan,ZhaoYongchang,LiuHui(254)

Solution to General Intersection Problems of Space Geometrical ElementsShenLiping,WangGang(258)

Graceful Labeling of Unconnected GraphC4m-1∪C12m-8∪GWuYuesheng(337)

Classification Problem of a Kind of Linear Weingarten SubmanifoldsYangDan,DingYu,HuangKunlong(341)

A Numerical Method for Solving One Time Fractional Delay Differential EquationZhangYanmin,GuoPing,DuanSufang(344)

Design of Online Interactive Learning System of Mathematics Based on Expert SystemMaQiankai,CaoYiming,LiZhonghai(417)

Generalization of Chinese Remainder Theorem in Commutative RingPanJu,LuYuan(420)

Shaking Table Model Design Under Circumstances of Similarity Ratio is not Strictly ProportionalZhangLin,QiuWenliang,JiangTao(425)

Risk Evaluation for Selection of Mine Trucks Based on Analytic Hierarchy ProcessZhangJian,LiuXiaoying,WangLiping(430)

A Result on Precise Asymptotics for Moment Convergence of Linear ProcessZouGuangyu(500)

Loss-averse Supply Chain Coordination Based on Strategic CustomersZhangQingqing,HanJincang(509)

Geometric Average Asian Option Pricing under Stochastic Volatility ModelTangLing,LinZhichao(513)

Finite Time Stability of Uncertain Switched Linear Systems under State-dependent SwitchingWangYuehua,SunXiaoliang(517)
