

外文研究 2014年1期


Freewillandempiricalresearchinlinguisticsstudy(p. 1)

XUShenghuan(College of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

There are mainly three ways applied in scientific research, linguistics study included, namely, theoretical thinking, quantitative analysis and empirical experiment done for forming research questions and coming to findings, with theoretical thinking being the basic step and, empirical research, an important step. It is a good thing to introduce advanced empirical equipments to linguistics study, including ERP, as this demonstrates multiple ways and means in the study, and inevitably enriches and deepens the knowledge about language, bringing forth a new light in the study. Nevertheless, while its good points should be fully evaluated, its possible weak points should not be neglected.

ThemeaningofCognitiveGrammar’sviewonmodality(p. 7)

ZHANGChuchu(School of Foreign Languages, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410015, China)

How can we make a unitary and monosemantic description of the complex and varied uses of a modal verb? How can we explain the phenomenon that the value of a modal verb can transfer between different degrees? How can we tell the semantic difference between a modal verb and a non-modal when both of them overlap in meaning? How can we define modality with a unitary criterion and distinguish it from other linguistic categories? These are difficult questions that have always been perplexing the scholars in their study of modality. However, our research suggests that the “Dynamic Evolutionary Model” proposed by Cognitive Grammar points out a promising approach to solving these problems.

InterpretationofChineseantonymco-occurrenceconstructionsfromtheperspectiveofmetonymy(p. 15)

WUShuqiong(School of Foreign Languages, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing 401120, China)

Antonym co-occurrence is very prevalent in Chinese. This paper first describes the representation of antonym co-occurrence in Chinese language. Then the metonymic thinking in antonym co-occurrence is explored. Based on theYOUXYOUYconstruction andZUOV1YOUV2 Construction, the paper analyzes the metonymic inference underlying the interpretation of the antonym co-occurrence constructions. It is found that conceptual metonymy triggered by co-occurring antonyms is a necessary cognitive mechanism in interpreting Chinese antonym co-occurrence constructions.

Fromgenerativegrammartoconstructiongrammar:AcasestudyofHAVE(p. 21)

ZHANGSongsong(School of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China; School of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Jinling Institute of Technology, Nanjing 210001, China)

WANGShaohua(School of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China)

English verbal HAVE is a widely studied topic in the field of grammar. The reading of the HAVE paradigm from generative perspective illustrates that there is a syntactical relation of derivation between HAVE and BE. The construal of HAVE construction argues that possession HAVE construction is the prototype while the others are extensions; the ralation between them is that of superordinate and inheritance. Moreover, construction grammar can complement generative grammar by supplementing and polishing some of its hypotheses.

Linguisticculturalanalysisofpoetry(p. 25)

ZHANGHong(College of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

Taking poems as a cultural phenomenon, the analysis of poems in light of the linguistic-cultural study uses language as a bridge and text as a basis, combining the literary and linguistic analysis of the text as an organic whole. At the same time, it takes the linguistic factors and the factors outside language such as cultural backgrounds into consideration, looking into the inherent relationship between the linguistic units within a text and its connection with the themes of the poem. The main purpose of this analysis is to reveal the innermost feelings of the poet, disclose the characteristics of the culture behind it, and discover the nature of the covered history and culture.

ReactiveinterrogativesentenceinRussian(p. 31)

JIXiaojun(School of Foreign Languages, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China)

Interrogative sentence always plays an initiative role in dialogues. Its primary function is to seek for main information, while the secondary one is to express indirect speech acts. However, there is a special kind of interrogative sentence in Russian, which is named as reactive interrogative sentence. Different from the initiative role in dialogues, it corresponds to the previous turn and shows its distinctive features in the aspects of semantics, pragmatics, syntax and intonation.

AnexplorationofthesemanticmeaningofChineseconditionalsentencesfromtheperspectiveofdiscoursemeaningconstruction(p. 37)

TONGFuqi(College of Literature, Anqing Normal University, Anqing 246011, China)

This paper refers to the Chinese conditional sentences assembly as conditional relationship category, points out that this category can be divided into semantic subcategories, and with them as a starting point, this paper explores the communicative intention related to them. The communicative intention is the very starting point of discourse meaning construction. The semantic meaning of conditional relationship category and communicative intention are closely related and interactive, and the process of discourse meaning construction serves as the basis of the selection of discourse forms. The various semantic meanings of the conditional relationship category are related to the communicative intention as well as discourse forms. When the discourse forms are adopted and enter specific communicative practice, relative semantic meaning is activated and a certain communicative intention is expressed accordingly.

AsyntacticandprosodicstudyoftheChinesefour-syllableverbalidioms’abilityoftakingobject(p. 43)

JIALinhua(International Education Institute, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China; Center for Studies of Chinese as a Second Language, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing 100083, China)

Previous studies have shown that Chinese four-syllable transitive verbal idioms generally cannot take their own objects. However, statistics show that their frequency of taking objects varies from often to completely not, thus forming a continuum of gradual transition. A verbal idiom’s ability of taking object depends on its internal structure’s solidification; only those with high-degree solidification cannot take their own objects. As the biggest and heaviest foot unit of a sentence, this kind of verbal idiom cannot assign nuclear stress to its object. Driven by the force of nuclear stress, the object has to be moved forward to the beginning of the sentence.

Thepluralizationandglobalizationofliterature:OnthesignificanceofAmericanmodernism(p. 50)

LIWeiping(College of English Language and Literature, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China)

Modernism in American literature, which was another significant literary movement since Romanticism, exerted a strong impact on the innovation and transformation of modern American literature. This paper is intended to discuss the essence and characteristics of American modernism, explore its aesthetic heroism and theme of alienation, and reveal its positive influence on the pluralization and globalization of American literature in the 20thcentury.

Re-understanding“modernism”inthehistoricalcontextofChina’scriticalstudies:AfterreadingProfessorShengNing’sModernismRevisited(p. 55)

ZHANGHelong(Institute of Literature Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China)

In “Introduction” to his new bookModernismRevisited(2011), Professor Sheng Ning has addressed such critical issues as the synchronic “transplantation” of the academic discourse, the “disruption” of the scholarly studies, and the convenient modification of the previous discourse by revisiting “modernism” in the historical context of China’s modernist studies. This paper is intended to make further discussions of the relevant issues by pointing out that the historical inheritance of the scholarly tradition has been in significant parallel with the synchronic “transplantation” in the critical studies of Western modernist literature, and the “legitimization” of current attitudes towards it has been a product of diverging academic and non-academic elements that have fused during the long historical process.

Fromlosstocontrol:Erdrich’strollnarrationinherstorycycleThePlagueofDoves(p. 61)

ZHANGQiong(English Department, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China)

The Native American writer Louise Erdrich’sThePlagueofDoves(2008) continues her signature “story cycle” pattern, especially its troll narration which reveals the author’s exquisite art control throughout the creation. In the work, various kinds of narrative voices are developed with conflicts in emotion, history, culture and ethnic differences. However, the off-beats are ingeniously heading for their harmony, reforming and even transforming the characters as well as readers’ cognitive dimension. Erdrich’s “story cycle” is getting its prominence compellingly in this novel.

ModernisminEuropeandinChina,takingLukcs,BrechtandLuXunasexamples(p. 69)

GAOJihai(College of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

EsperanzainDeleuze’sperspective:Becominganomadsubject(p. 74)

LINan(Foreign Literature Institution, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing 100089, China; Foreign Language School, Shanxi Normal University, Linfen 041004, China)

The French theorist Deleuze unfolds his literary theory among those outstanding post-modernists. Based on his philosophical thinking, this thesis discusses the famous contemporary Mexican-American woman writer Sandra Cisneros’TheHouseonMangoStreet. By so doing, we can better understand the nomad subjectivity in the heroine Esperanza. Her desire to change her name, as well as her memory that provides desire with force, makes her spectacular nomad subjectivity and her post-modern air.

OnBirthbyTanizakiJunichiro(p. 79)

HANXu(Department of Foreign Languages, China Youth University for Political Sciences, Beijing 100089, China)

Tanizaki Junichiro is an important writer in Japanese literature. His entire writing career was profoundly influenced by Japanese classical literature.Birthis a drama written by him and is also his literary debut. In this paper, the author studiesBirth, trying to indicate the importance of classical literature in his early writing career as well as the way he inherits the tradition and contributes to the development of the Japanese classical literature.

AprobeintotheEnglishtranslationofThePeonyPavilion(p. 84)

WANGHong(School of Foreign Languages, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China)

ThePeonyPavilionis the masterpiece of Tang Xianzu, the famous Chinese writer in the Ming Dynasty. It is called one of the four great ancient Chinese dramas, the other three beingTheWestChamber,ThePalaceofEternalLife, andThePeachBlossomFan. Tang Xianzu is also called the “Oriental Shakespeare” asThePeonyPavilionis artistically comparable to William Shakespeare’sRomeoandJuliet. In this paper, the author probes into the history of the English translation ofThePeonyPavilionand pays special attention to the three complete English versions by Cyril Birch, Zhang Guangqian and Wang Rongpei. Meanwhile the author analyzes translators’ concept of translation, translation principles and strategies they stick to. In view of the difficulty and complexity of translating ancient Chinese drama such asThePeonyPavilion, the author argues that co-translation and co-publication are the new routes for the future English translation ofThePeonyPavilion.

Atrans-disciplinaryapproachwithnewperspectives:ReviewonTranslation,HumourandtheMedia(p. 93)

DONGHaiya(School of Education, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China)

Edited by DeliaChiaro,Translation,HumourandtheMedia(2010)is the first academic collection of papers which explore an under-researched topic—the translation of humor in media (cinema, TV, cartoon, video games etc). The thirteen papers, contributed by the world-famous scholars in translation studies and humor studies, provide a detailed trans-disciplinary study by taking strength from other areas of study, for example, sociology, linguistics, psychology, semiotics and mass communication. This book not only discusses the translation of humor in film and TV comedies, the traditionally established areas of media, but also explores the new areas, such as the intra-lingual subtitling of humor in TV programs and the simultaneous interpretation of humor in live TV shows.

InfusionanddriftofculturalpoeticsinKennethRexroth’sEnglishtranslationofChinesepoetry(p. 98)

WEIJiahai(School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430070, China)

The Chinese poems,translated by Kenneth Rexroth, the distinguished poet and translator,enjoys the heterogeneous isomorphism with his poetry creation. Guided under the translation view of sympathy, his translated poetry cherish the passion in the Chinese poetry instead of the formal structure. Deeply influenced by the Taoism, he filters the Chinese Confucian ethics in the source versions. Meanwhile, the skills of the Chinese Mountain-water paintings and the Western Cubist ones enlighten the variation of the form in his translated versions. The interaction between his creation and translation of Chinese poetry not only enriches the forms of English poetry, but also gives a useful inspiration to the localization of the Chinese translation of the Western literature.

