“素胚勾勒出青花笔锋浓转淡,瓶身描绘的牡丹一如你初妆……”熟悉的旋律响起,周杰伦的《青花瓷》回荡在教室上空,不少学生跟着哼唱起来。稍过片刻,我按了暂停键,要求学生翻译这个句子:“天青色等烟雨,而我在等你。”我一边提醒学生思考,一边在黑板上写下这两个句子:The clouds which were gloomy and dark meant the coming rain while the person who was depressed and lonely was waiting for you.大家的目光都集中到了黑板上。我告诉他们,这就叫做由关系代词who引导的定语从句,用一个句子来修饰一个词,被修饰的词就叫做先行词。紧接着,我用PPT展示了周杰伦的照片,让他们填上关系词:He is a popular singer song is popular among young people. He is a famous singer is from Taiwan.这个简单的warming-up后,学生对定语从句产生了兴趣。接下来,我出示一些只能用关系代词that引导的定语从句的练习题。这些练习帮助学生复习了初中的语法知识,也让他们对定语从句有了基本的认识。
下一步,讲授这节课的重点内容——关系副词引导的定语从句。首先讲授的是关系副词where引导的定语从句。我播放熟悉的儿歌“太阳天空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说,早早早,你为什么背着小书包。我去上学校,从来不迟到,爱学习, 爱劳动,长大要为人民立功劳。”我给学生展示了一幅小学生去学校的图片,并让他们把这两个句子合为一句:The school is near a park. My son studies in this school.→ The school where my son studies is near a park.紧接着,我展示了两幅熟悉的画面,潮州西湖公园和牌坊街,并让学生给下列句子填上引导词。I still remembered the park where I lost my wallet. This is the park that I visited yesterday. Have you been to the street you can find yummy food? Have you been to the street was rebuilt two years ago?
下一个知识点是关系副词when引导的定语从句。我点击鼠标,播放《七子之歌》,展示香港回归中英两国交接仪式的图片,让学生把这两个句子合并成一个句子。Theyll never forget July 1. Hong Kong returned to its motherland on July 1.→ Theyll never forget July 1 when Hong Kong returned to its motherland.接下来,我又展示了两幅温暖的画面,一幅是两个玩具木偶背靠背坐在大树下,一幅是年轻的妈妈抱着稚嫩的婴儿,请学生填引导词。The days when we lived together happily are gone forever. Have you remembered the days you were a baby in your mums arms? Do you know the baby was in her mums arms?
下一张图片是幼儿园小朋友在玩耍,并配上twins的《幼稚园》:“记得那一天,在那一天,初次上学堂,从前渡每分钟,身边也有,父母在旁。”我请前三排的同学给这三个句子填上引导词。Have you remembered the days
you stayed in the kindergarten? Have you forgotten the place you played all day without studying? Have you thought of the place was filled with laughter and tears? 与此同时,我让后三排的同学翻译这句歌词,并挑选了两个同学到黑板板书:Have you remembered the day when you began school? Have you remembered the time when your parents were with you day and night?
接下来要讲的是关系副词why引导的定语从句。我播放了《泰坦尼克号》片段,看到大船撞到冰山上,学生们都惋惜的叫了起来。我在黑板上写下这个句子,让他们填上引导词:Do you know the reason the ship crashed into the iceberg? The reason the accident happened remained a mystery.
下一个环节,我让左面三组的学生一边听古典乐曲《春江花月夜》,一边把刚才听过的感受深刻的歌词翻译为定语从句。同时,我让宣传委员到黑板上随便画一个小动物,请他们组的同学围绕这个小动物写一个定语从句。这位同学画了一只忧伤的狐狸躲在笼子里。同学们读出自己的句子:The cage where the fox stayed was broken./ The reason why the fox felt upset was that he couldnt live with his families. / The fox missed the days when he played with friends. 接下来让左面三组的同学读自己翻译的歌词:The reason why I go to school is that I want to make contributions to our motherland. / Its a wonderful morning when the sun is shining brightly and flowers are smiling happily. / I missed my dear motherland which I have been away for nearly 300 years.有学生写:What they robbed was my body but my devoted heart still belongs to my motherland.我笑着纠正他,这个不是定语从句,而是主语从句。通过这个环节,学生对语言的感受更加丰富。
这节课的最后3分钟,我用PPT展示了夕阳西下Jim & Rose在船头拥抱的剧照,并播放“My heart will go on”,让学生用关系词把下面的短文连接起来。They were Jack and Rose fell in love with each other at first sight. Jack met his sweetheart in the ship was extreme beautiful and splendid. Rose will never forget the afternoon they stood on the ship with the setting sun. The ship Jack drew picture for her will be in her memory forever. The ship
the boy fell down into the sea made her heart break. The true love is the most precious thing exists in this world.
责任编辑 魏文琦