

世界建筑 2014年10期




1 夜景/Night view



从座椅开始,所有的15件家具都是定制设计的,包括桌子、讲台、合唱台、善款箱、烛台和公告板。使用的材料主要为木材和纸筒。在表达这些材料内在垂直性的同时,每件家具都是为烘托大教堂的整体气氛而精心设计的。(尚晋 译)

On February 22, 2011, Christchurch experienced a devastating 6.3-magnitude earthquake. 185 people lost their lives and more than 80% of buildings downtown were either destroyed or damaged beyond repair. The spire of Christchurch's iconic "Cathedral in the Square" collapsed. The remainder of the building was severely damaged. In May of 2011, the construction of a temporary cathedral was put on schedule. Hence a paper cathedral came into being. It brings the city a monumental space that serves simultaneously for musical performances, exhibitions, and public activities. A triangle facade is formed by paper tubes of equal size and 6-meter/20-foot shipping containers. As the form is decided by the original facade, the paper tubes are set at progressively changing angles. This cathedral has a capacity of 700 people and also functions as an event and concert place.

Cardboard Cathedral Furniture

Beginning with the chairs, all 15 furniture items are specially designed, including the desks, pulpit, the choir stalls, donation boxes, candle holders, and bulletin board. The main materials used are wood and paper tubes. While expressing the inherent verticality of the materials, each item was carefully designed to enhance the overall ambiance of the cathedral.

项目信息/Credits and Data

项目团队/Project Team: Shigeru Ban, Yoshie Narimatsu, Voluntary Architects' Network

协助建筑师/Associate Architects: Warren and Mahoney/ Peter Marshall, Eugene Coleman

结构设计/Structural Engineers: Tezuka Structural Research and Laboratory, Holmes Consulting Group

总承建方/General Contractor: Naylor Love

建成时间/Construction Period: 2013.07

摄影/Photos: Bridgit Anderson (Fig.1, 5,9), Steven Goodenough (Fig.2,3,6-8,12,13)

2 内景/Interior view

3 外景/Exterior view

4 来自富山的家庭聚集在2011年2月22日地震中13名日本学生遇难的地点/Families from Toyama City gather on the site where 13 Japanese students lost their lives in the February 22 earthquake, 2011.





5 内景/Interior view


DONG Gong: Built as a temporary replacement of the church destroyed by the earthquake in 2011, the main structure of the Cardboard Cathedral is formed by paper tubes sitting on the containers at both ends. They come in sequence. Together with the polycarbonate panel above, they filter and soften the sunlight passing through, making the interior space gentle, peaceful and tranquil. The Cardboard Cathedral reveals Shigeru Ban's preference for "lightness" in architecture. I am wondering if this linguistic tendency of architectural ontology comes from his thoughts on the nature and disaster. As a contemporary attitude towards nature, "lightness" may, in a fundamental, prevent progressive environmental deterioration and relieve people from the pains brought about by natural disasters.

ZHUANG Shen: Tribute

A modern form and space with varied cross-sections is created from the abstract outline of the east and west facades of the church that was damaged by the earthquake and killed a large number of people. The beauty in this continuity and form is convincing. Nevertheless, it is paper tubes that endow the church with greater charm: The large tubes are used as building materials and the small ones as furniture. When paper, after special and complicated industrial processing, is applied to the reconstruction of a symbolic public space in a fairly short time, the "manufacturing" of the industrial system is hidden in pursue of "construction".Thus, in the home of God, arises naturally a tribute to the Creator.

Cardboard Cathedral, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2013

Architects: Shigeru Ban Architects

6-9 内景/Interior view

12.13 纸教堂的家具/Cardboard Cathedral furniture

10 概念示意/Concept diagram

11 轴测示意/Axonometric diagram


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