

世界建筑 2014年10期




1.2 夜景/Night view






3层高的木结构建筑在室内也完全显露出其使用的木材的原貌,并通过放大木构件尺度、加设防火材料来满足消防需求。在整个建筑的内部都能感受到木材的温暖感和其表面的纹理。(司马蕾 译)

This is a new clubhouse for a premier golf course located two hours from Seoul by car. It consists of three buildings: a clubhouse for regular members, a VIP clubhouse, and a VIP accommodation area. Each building is constructed with a different structural system and in a modern way interpreting the traditional construction methods in South Korea.

The main clubhouse for regular members is encompassed by a roof of hexagonal wooden grid. Short-span steel structure is used in the VIP accommodation area and reinforced concrete structure in part of the VIP clubhouse.

The atrium of the main clubhouse is composed of timber columns and a glass roof that makes a transparent open space possible. The laminated timber columns rise radially and high up to the roof, where it bends slowly to form a hexagonal grid. The lower podium is a wall of large local stones, something similar to the Korean traditional stonewall structure, which gradually slants inwards towards the top.

The transparent open space created by timber structure serves as reception area, members' lounge and party rooms. The enclosed area of stone is taken up by rooms with more private functions, such as locker room, bathroom, spa center and other service rooms. Parking lot is in the basement.

Glass shutters are used for the glass wall around the open atrium so that the arium opens completely to the outside space. Full-height sliding glass doors are installed at the terrace on the upper level, which connects seamlessly the interior of the party room with the external world.

The original shape of timer can still be fully displayed inside the three-story high wood architecture. To meet the requirements of fire control, the scale of the timber components is enlarged and fire-proof materials are added. The warmth and texture of timber can be felt throughout the whole interior.

项目信息/Credits and Data

项目团队/Project Team: Shigeru Ban, Nobutaka Hiraga, Jun Matsumori, Keita Sugai, Keina Ishioka, Kuwahara Yukiko, Kan Minha

结构设计/Structural Engineers: CS Structural engineering

电气设计/Electricity Engineers: Hana Consulting Engineers

设备设计/Mechanical Engineers: Sahm-Shin Engineer

总承建方/General Contractor: CJ Engineering & Construction

结构/Structures: 木结构,钢结构,钢筋混凝土/Timber Construction, Steel Construction, Steel-reinforced Concrete

场地面积/Site Area: 1128370.00 m2

基底面积/Building Area: 4299.28 m2

总建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 20995.64 m2

层数/Number of Floor: 3, -1

建成时间/Construction Period: 2010.04

摄影/Photos: Hiroyuki Hirai

3 内景/Interior view




4 首层平面/Floor 0 plan


DONG Gong: A seed, roots and sprouts in soil, grows up in the woods, and is nurtured by the sun and the rain. At a moment, it transforms into thousands of delicate timber purlins, and becomes a parasol, gently covering the space underneath. Sunlight passes through the sky window above, slightly filters through the grid shell of the parasol, touches people who live in the space. Isn't it the most poetic destination of the seed?

LIU Yichun: In most cases, Shigeru Ban designs from the inside out. The huge umbrella-shaped wooden structures form the main space and the characteristic image of the clubhouse. The spatial relationship between the bright and high entrance hall and the golf course is clearly defined. Private functions are hidden in an enclosed masonry volume, making the image of this architecture less certain. Fortunately, the uncertainty is enhanced by the different structures of the VIP lounge area and accommodation area, so that people would take it as an add-on from a different period of time. The interior quality of the clubhouse is impeccable, especially its special atmosphere depicted by the beam structure in VIP Area. The small individual buildings scattering in the golf course prove that Shigeru Ban's design is more remarkable in small scale for the full display of its structural completeness.

Haesley Nine Bridges Golf Club House, Gyenggi, R.O.Korea, 2010

Architects: Shigeru Ban Architects, KACI International

5 内景/Interior view

6 轴测示意/Axonometric diagram

7 二层平面/Floor 1 plan

8 夜景/Night view

10.11 外景/Exterior view

12 细部/Detail

13 内景/Interior view

14 细部/Detail

15 内景/Interior view


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