

世界建筑 2014年10期




1 内景/Interior view

该项目由日本与中国的大学合作完成,具体内容是设计与建造纸管结构的临时教室,项目所在的小学曾于2008年5月在四川大地震中受灾。尽管大部分重建援助项目都是临时住宅的建设,我们仍得到了成都成华区教育局要求重建校舍的邀请。原先的校舍被官方认定为不能继续使用,并作为被推迟重建的部分教学设施项目被完全关闭。因此,我们用纸管重建了一些临时教室,它们成本低廉且可循环利用,使用的建筑材料也可在当地获得。整个暑假期间,共约有120名日本与中国的志愿者协同工作,在日益深入的相互理解中完成了项目的建设工程。为此,我们研究出简单易行的建构方法与平面方案,适合志愿者等技术不熟练的人员进行施工。通过合理的施工管理,大约共用40天完成了3座建筑(共9间教室) 的建设任务。这是在中国建成的首批纸管建筑,也是在四川大地震灾区最早得到重建的校园建筑。(徐知兰 译)

2 鸟瞰/Aerial view

This collaborative project between the Japanese and Chinese universities involved the design and construction of temporary paper-tubestructured classrooms at the elementary school struck by the Sichuan earthquake on May 2008. While most of the reconstruction projects were temporary housing, we received a request from the Chengdu Education Bureau to rebuild classroom buildings. These buildings had been officially designated as unusable and had been completely shut down as part of the delayed reconstruction of educational facilities. We therefore designed some temporary classrooms to be built of paper tubes, which are cheap, recyclable, reusable, and readily available on site. During the summer vacation, about 120 Japanese and Chinese volunteers worked together on the construction with increasing mutual understandings. We developed simple building methods and plans suited to unskilled people like volunteers. With appropriate construction management, three buildings (nine classrooms in total) were completed in about forty days. These were the first buildings of papertube structure in China and also the first school buildings that had been rebuilt in the earthquakestricken area.

项目信息/Credits and Data

项目团队/Project Team: Keio University Shigeru Ban + Hironori Matsubara Laboratory

结构设计/Structural Engineer: Minoru Tezuka

建筑施工/Construction: Keio University Shigeru Ban+ Hironori Matsubara Laboratory, Southwest Jiaotong University (China), The Education Department of Chenghua District in Chengdu City (China)

主要结构/Main Structure: 纸管,木/Paper tubes, wood

基底面积/Building Area: 614.4m2

总建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 614.4m2

建成时间/Construction Period: 2008.09

摄影/Photos: LI Jun

3 外景/Exterior view





4.5 草图/Sketch


FENG Jiang: Students had mixed emotions towards the schools severely damaged by the Wenchuan Earthquake. On the campus of Hualin Elementary School of Chengdu city, three parallel classroom buildings in paper-tube structure were assembled in a short time by Shigeru Ban and volunteers. Each classroom is 6m in width and 9.76m in length. The columns are 2.44m in height. All the classrooms are spacious, top-lit, and of an amiable scale. The section of each classroom consists of 4 spans and 5 paper-tube beams, secured by steel wires. The span is 1.8m wide. Lengthwise there are 4 bays. Each bay is 2.44m wide.The eave gallery forms an attractive space for students to enjoy their playtime.

HAO Lin: Action Research for Reality

Once participated in post-earthquake reconstruction in Sichuan, I pay much attention to how other people approach the issue. In short, Shigeru Ban's method was to test an efficient and economical mode suitable for disaster areas. The construction is straightforwardconsisting of no more than paper tube beams connected by wooden joints and tension rods. Probably influenced by Buckminster Fuller, Ban's architecture has evolved from the heavy load-bearing paper wall and paper colonnade system in his earlier works, to a lighter structure (similar to his series of experiments in the Kyoto Art and Architecture University). The choice of material choice is now more of environmental and economic concerns and the layering structure is easier to be replaced or developed. Additionally, the building has become more adaptive, easier to be prefabricated and constructed, and more participable by general public. Ban's architecture represents an innovative way of thinking about "cost, weight, strength, energy".The approach has much exceeded the purely aesthetic limits of most contemporary Japanese architects.

Paper Temporary Chengdu Hualin Elementary School, Chengdu, China, 2008

Architects: Shigeru Ban Architects

12 草图/Sketch


华林 向爱而行
华林 修身立德 以道致远
华林 一企千人助万家
华林 行稳致远