

转化医学杂志 2014年3期







1 资料与方法

1.1 资料 细胞学检查胸腹腔积液,苏木素和伊红染色发现恶性或不能排除恶性的细胞样本104例。

1.2 方法

1.2.1 涂片制备及免疫组化染色 样本保存液液基细胞学沉降式制片。样本保存液用95%乙醇固定10~15 min,行钙结合蛋白(Calretinin,CR)、葡萄糖转运蛋白-1(glucose transporter-1,Glut-1)、细胞表面糖蛋白MOC31、上皮抗原(epithelial antigen,EA)免疫组化染色(均为迈新试剂)。

1.2.2 结果判定 以细胞特定部位均匀着棕黄色或棕褐色、细胞数>10%为阳性。

2 结果

104 例疑上皮性肿瘤胸腹腔积液免疫组化CR、Glut-1、MOC31、EA阳性表达结果及对腺癌、恶性间皮瘤、反应性间皮细胞增生的敏感性、特异性见图1~4和表1。

图1 反应性增生的间皮细胞CR标记细胞浆阳性

图2 恶性间皮瘤细胞Glut-1标记细胞膜阳性

图3 腺癌细胞MOC31标记细胞浆/胞膜阳性

图4 散在腺癌细胞EA标记细胞浆阳性

表1 104例CR、Glut-1、MOC31、EA阳性表达及其敏感性和特异性

3 讨论


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Application of liquid based cell production of immunohistochem ical staining in the diagnosis of pleural effusion and ascites

TAN Yongxing,JIANGWeimin,LIYanmei,TU Yunjiao
(Department of Pathology,The First People′s Hospital of Honghe Prefecture,Mengzi Yunnan 661199,China)

ObjectiveTo study the liquid based cytology production technology application of immunohistochemical staining.MethodsHematoxylin and eosin staining smear samples of suspiciousmalignant tumor cells remaining preservation solution made more than LBP system and then smear for immunohistochemical stain glucose transporter-1(Glut-1),calretinin(CR),cell surface glycoprotein MOC31,epithelial antigen(EA).ResultsOne hundred and four cases of suspicious tumor after chest water by immune markers clearly distinguished as carcinoma or mesothelioma or reactive mesothelium cell hyperplasia.ConclusionThe immunohistochemical antigen-antibody reaction is high specificity and sensitivity of biochemical reactionswith specific antigen recognition. Antigen molecules in the cellular and subcellular level testing is difficult to achieve and replace,which has a broad application in cytology.Unidentified pleural effusion by cell immunohistochemical staining,combined application of CR,Glut-1,MOC31,and EA properties can clearly distinguish effusion.

Pleural effussion;Seroperitoneum;Cytology;Thinlayerliquidbasedsmears;Staining





2014-03-27 本文编辑:冯 博)


