近日 重庆市政府外事侨务办侨务处赴上海与香港应善良福利基金会签订捐资项目协议书 该基金会捐赠38万元人民币分别支持忠县马灌镇洛阳村村级公路、磨子乡小李村卫生室和磨子乡堰口村卫生室建设3个项目。上述项目是应善良福利基金会今年启动的“侨爱工程—万侨助万村活动”试点项目 目前 该基金会只在云南省和重庆市进行试点。
Hong Kong Yin Shin Leung Charitable Foundation Supported for the "Overseas Chinese Support Villages' Activity"
Chongqing Foreign and overseas Chinese Affairs Office went to Shanghai to sign donated signed project agreement with Hong Kong Yin Shin Leung Charitable Foundation, they donated 380,000 Yuan respectively support the 3 construction projects of village road in Luoyang village in Zhong county, health clinics in Xiaoli village and Yankou village in Mozi town. These are experimental projects of "the love project-Overseas Chinese Support Villages Activity" that was launched by Hong Kong Yin Shin Leung Charitable Foundation this year. Currently the Foundation only runs projects in Yunnan province and Chongqing.
This activity is an important initiative that Chongqing Foreign and overseas Chinese Affairs Office system makes use of community resources in support of the new rural construction.