世界城市和地方政府联合组织 UCLG亚太区大使彼得·伍兹来渝访问
7月20-22日 世界城市和地方政府联合组织 UCLG 亚太区大使彼得·伍兹与中国人民对外友好协会欧亚部副主任张若宁一行7人来渝访问 与重庆市友协进行了深入交流 共同探讨“城市基础设施论坛”相关筹备工作。
在渝期间 重庆市友协副会长王广成会见伍兹一行 双方就论坛的举办细节进行了深入交流。城市基础设施论坛将于9月9-10日由重庆市人民政府、全国友协、UCLG亚太区以及伦敦《今日城市》杂志共同在重庆举办。届时将有联合国人居署、世界银行、世界开发银行等机构官员 中外城市市长以及大型企业代表出席。
世界城市和地方政府联合组织 简称“UCLG” 于2004年5月在法国巴黎成立 由世界城市协会联合会、地方政府国际联盟和世界大都市协会合并组成 是目前最大的世界城市和地方政府国际组织。组织的总部设在西班牙巴塞罗那。
The Ambassador to the Asia-Pacific Region of UCLG Visited Chongqing
On July 20-22nd, the Ambassador to the Asia-Pacific of the World Organization of United Cities and local governments(UCLG)region, Peter · Woods , Zhang Ruoning, Deputy Director of the Eurasian Department of Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries ,of total 7 people visited Chongqing, to conduct in-depth exchanges and friendship with Chongqing People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries to explore "Forum on Urban Infrastructure" related preparatory work.
During their visit in Chongqing, the Vice-President of Chongqing People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries Wang Guangcheng met with Woods, they had in-depth exchanges on details of the Forum. The Urban Infrastructure Forum will be jointly held in Chongqing on September 9-10th by the Chongqing Municipal People's Government, the National Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries , the Asia-Pacific region of UCLG, as well as the Journal in London CityToday.Till then the officials from institutions such as the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, the World Bank, the international Bank for Reconstruction and Development, mayors from cities and representatives of large enterprises in China and abroad will attend this event.