

生态学报 2013年16期

许莉莉, 陈发棣,陈素梅,房伟民,朱文莹,王海滨,李佩玲

(南京农业大学园艺学院,南京 210095)


许莉莉, 陈发棣*,陈素梅,房伟民,朱文莹,王海滨,李佩玲

(南京农业大学园艺学院,南京 210095)


菊花, 近缘种属植物, 盐害指数, 耐盐性, 遗传分析

盐害是影响植物生长和产量的非生物胁迫因子之一[1- 4]。全球受盐胁迫危害的耕地约占20%[5],且呈逐年增加的趋势[6],据预测,到2050年,地球上超过50%的耕地将严重盐化[7]。因此,选择和培育耐盐植物是非常必要的。

芙蓉菊属芙蓉菊(Crossostephiumchinense(L.) Makino)多生在海岸林中,主要分布在我国中南及东南部(广东、台湾等)海滨岩缝以及日本、菲律宾等地[8- 9],属盐生植物;栽培菊花及其起源的主要亲本耐盐性较差[10],而芙蓉菊与栽培菊花属间杂交困难。因此,本研究利用汤访平[11]获得的大岛野路菊×芙蓉菊属间杂种F1为桥梁亲本,与栽培菊花进行杂交,探讨通过桥梁法将芙蓉菊的耐盐性导入栽培菊花的可能。

传统认为,数量性状受大量多基因控制;现在很多研究结果表明,数量性状表现为主基因和多基因混合遗传的模式。盖钧镒[12]等将这种混合遗传的模式视为主基因+多基因遗传体系,并提出主基因+多基因混合遗传模型分离分析方法,用于鉴别数量性状的主-多基因混合遗传模型并估计相关遗传参数。该方法已经在黄瓜[13]、萝卜[14]、番茄[15]等蔬菜以及菊花[16- 17]、结缕草[18]、假俭草[19]等观赏植物的遗传研究中得到广泛应用。菊花耐盐性的研究主要集中在生理机制以及菊属及其近缘属种等野生资源耐盐性评价等方面,对耐盐性遗传机制和基因作用方式的研究还未见报道。因此本研究应用植物数量性状主基因+多基因混合遗传模型,采用单个F2世代的分离分析方法[12,18]对F1群体耐盐性进行混合遗传分析,探索菊花近缘种属植物耐盐性的遗传规律,估计主基因的遗传效应,为菊花耐盐育种提供理论依据。

1 材料与方法

1.1 供试材料

供试母本为栽培菊品种‘韩2’(Chrysanthemummorifolium‘Han 2’),父本为菊属大岛野路菊(Chrysanthemumcrassum(Kitam.) Kitam.)×芙蓉菊属芙蓉菊(Crossostephiumchinense(L.) Makino)属间杂种F1。2009年9月进行杂交,当花序梗变黄枯萎时收集种子;2010年4月于穴盘点播,6月中旬单株编号定植在菊花苗圃地,常规大田管理。供试植物材料均种植于南京农业大学“中国菊花种质资源保存中心”。

1.2 试验方法

1.2.1 试验材料的准备

耐盐性的鉴定主要参照管志勇等[10]、邱杨等[20],并在此基础上略作修改。试验于4—5月南京农业大学“中国菊花种质资源保存中心”进行。于4月20日,采集父本、母本及62个生长势旺盛的杂交后代生长良好嫩梢于72孔穴盘扦插。插穗生根并展开10—12片叶后,将穴盘统一移至进行盐处理的大棚内,缓苗生长2 d。将长势一致的植株移于盛有自来水的塑料周转箱(体积30.0 L)内进行通气水培。缓苗生长,观察植株对周围环境的适应能力;5 d后设置盐胁迫处理,NaCl的浓度参照管志勇等[10]的研究结果,设置为120 mmol/L,对照为等体积的水,每处理设置6株重复。试验期间保持盐浓度不变。

1.2.2 耐盐性鉴定

处理7 d后调查各植株的生长情况。参照邱杨[20]盐害分级标准将苗分为6级,0级,植株生长正常;1级,植株生长基本正常,个别植株下部少数叶片褪绿;2级,植株25%以下叶片褪绿、黄化;3级,植株半数叶片褪绿、黄化;4级,植株75%叶片褪绿、黄化;5级,植株严重受害,生长完全停止。统计每级株数,计算盐害指数。


表1 菊花苗期耐盐性分类标准

1.2.3 杂种优势分析及显著性检验

杂种优势以中亲优势(Hm)表示,中亲优势(Hm)= F1平均值(Fm)-双亲平均值(中亲值,Mid-parents value,MPV)。采用Excel 2007整理数据,DPS7.05分析数据,差异显著性采用单样本均值t检验。

1.2.4 耐盐性的混合遗传分析

2 结果与分析

2.1 杂交后代的耐盐性表现

图1 ‘韩2’×(大岛野路菊×芙蓉菊) F1杂交后代耐盐性的次数分布Fig.1 Frequency distribution of salt tolerance of the hybrids between C. morifolium ‘Han 2’ and (C. crassum×C. chinense) F1

后代盐害指数次数分布见图1,‘韩2’×(大岛野路菊×芙蓉菊)F1杂交后代的耐盐性与亲本的比较及耐盐性鉴定结果见表2和表3。由图1可看出,菊花耐盐性表现连续性较好的正态分布趋势,符合多基因控制数量性状遗传特征。从表2和表3中可以看出,盐害指数在F1群体中出现广泛分离,变异系数高达53.63%。母本‘韩2’的盐害指数为33.33%,父本(大岛野路菊×芙蓉菊) F1的盐害指数为43.33%,F1群体盐害指数变异范围为3.33%—96.67%,超出了双亲值的范围。F1群体盐害指数平均值介于双亲之间,与中亲值之差,即中亲优势,为2.47,未达到显著水平。其中高耐的占14.52%,耐盐的占38.70%,中耐的占30.65%,敏盐的占9.68%,高敏的占6.45%。



表2 ‘韩2’×(大岛野路菊×芙蓉菊)F1杂交后代耐盐性与亲本的比较

表3 ‘韩2’ ×(大岛野路菊×芙蓉菊)F1杂交后代耐盐性的鉴定


表4 不同遗传模型下的极大似然函数值与AIC值


表5 适合性检验结果

表6 B-2模型下遗传参数估计

3 讨论

形态变化是植物受到逆境胁迫最直接的反映[22],因此本研究选用可以直观反映植株受害程度的盐害指数作为耐盐性鉴定的指标。虽然植物耐盐性是一个复杂的生理过程[23],但盐害指数常作为耐盐性鉴定的重要指标[20- 21,24,25- 29]。管志勇等[10]研究发现120 mmol/L NaCl胁迫下菊花近缘种属植物耐盐性差异显著性最高,因此本研究选用NaCl的浓度为120 mmol/L。栽培菊花遗传背景复杂,基因组高度杂合,与(大岛野路菊×芙蓉菊)F1杂交后代性状广泛分离,相当于林木植物上常用的“假-F2代”[16];主基因+多基因混合遗传模型在许多异质性比较高的作物中有相关报道[16- 19];植物在生长发育中,幼苗期对盐胁迫伤害表现较为敏感[24]。因此,本研究应用植物数量性状主基因+多基因混合遗传模型,采用单个F2世代的分离分析方法[12,18],对‘韩2’× (大岛野路菊×芙蓉菊)F1杂交后代苗期盐害指数进行遗传分析。




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XU Lili, CHEN Fadi*, CHEN Sumei, FANG Weimin, ZHU Wenying, WANG Haibin, LI Peiling


Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemumgrandiflorum, sym.Chrysanthemummorifolium) is a leading ornamental species in garden and cut flower.The aims of this study were to find the genetic mechanism of salt tolerance of relative genera species of chrysanthemum, which will provide an experimental basis for choosing and breeding salt tolerant germplasm. In allied genera of chrysanthemum, many wild species possess elite attributes such as resistance to disease, insect, virus and abiotic stresses,Crossostephiumchinenseis one of them. But it is usually difficult to obtain hybrids betweenCrossostephiumchinenseand chrysanthemum cultivars. Bridge parent is an effective way to overcome the barriers of wild hybridization and transfer useful genetic variation to elite germplasm. The F1 progeny ofChrysanthemumcrassum(Kitam. Kitam.×Crossostephiumchinense(L.) Makino, as bridge parent, was crossed withChrysanthemummorifolium‘Han 2’, then the progenies were obtained successfully. The salt tolerance of plants is a complex physiological process, but morphological changes is the most direct reflection of the stress, so salt harm index is often used as an important indicator of tolerance identification. Based on the salt harm index, salt tolerance inheritance of F1population was investigated by single generation segregation analysis method of the mixed major gene plus polygene mixed inheritance model of quantitative traits under the treatment by the concentration of NaCl 120 mmol/L. The results showed that the transgressive segregation of salt tolerance commonly existed in F1progenies; the salt harm index ranged from 3.33% to 96.67%, the phenotypic coefficient of variability was 53.63%, mid-parent heterosis was 2.47, did not reach a significant level. According to the data, F1population could be divided into high salt tolerant, salt tolerant, middle tolerant, sensitivity, and high sensitivity grade, respectively, in which 14.52% are high salt tolerant, 38.70% are salt tolerant, 30.65% are middle tolerant, 9.68% are sensitive, 6.45% are high sensitive. Based on the vaules of AIC and the tests for goodness _ of - fit under different models, salt tolerance of relative genera species of chrysanthemum was accorded with B-2 model with additive-dominant effect, additive and dominant effect of the first major gene were 18.06, -17.99; additive and dominant effect of the second major gene were 19.13,-1.44. The heritability of major genes for salt tolerance was 61.4%. These data indicated that the F1 progeny of the intergeneric, as bridge parent, crossed with chrysanthemum to innovate salt tolerant chrysanthemum germplasm is practicable. Two major genes with dominantly additive gene effects were detected for salt tolerance in relative genera species of chrysanthemum. The heritability of the major genes was high, so the salt tolerance can be screened in the earlier generation. This study just takes a single generation genetic analysis for the salt tolerance in relative genera species of chrysanthemum and failed to detect the presence of multiple genes control or estimate the impact of environmental factors on salt tolerance, but detection of these major genes controlling the salt tolerance traits would provide a theoretical basis for the further study of QTL analysis and molecular marker assisted breeding program for salt tolerance traits in chrysanthemum.

chrysanthemum; relative genera species of chrysanthemum; salt harm index; salt tolerance; genetic analysis

江苏省科技支撑计划(BE2011325; BE2010303);教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-10-0492);上海市科技兴农重点攻关项目[沪农科攻字(2009)第3-3号];国家自然科学基金项目(31171987)

2012- 05- 21;

2012- 11- 15

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许莉莉, 陈发棣,陈素梅,房伟民,朱文莹,王海滨,李佩玲.栽培菊花与菊属-近缘属属间杂种杂交后代耐盐性的遗传分析.生态学报,2013,33(16):4902- 4908.

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