废体存用──Ward Shelley跨界创作的知识论背景


世界建筑导报 2013年6期


One of the more extreme effects of modern life is a sence of extreme individualism,which can be experienced as separation from history, from society, from each other,and ultimately, from ourselves. Another effect of this sence of separation is the widely discussed idea of transgressing disciplinary, genre, and media boundaries to create "new" art and research. Nevertheless, despite all this artistic and intellectual cross-pollination, it has become clear that simply hyphenating one's practice (artistethnographer, for example)does not necessarily lead to the creation of relevant work. And that, after all, is the goal of transgressing established boundaries -- artists and intellectuals aim to create perspectives that help us better understand the worlds in which we live.

Ward Shelley's work defies easy catagorization because he easily crosses boundaries of all kinds, creating perspectives that resonate with contemporary experience. "A-ha," we think when first encountering a piece from his series Unreliable Narrator, "this is how history should be told." In Just Cause, for example,Shelley represents American history as a sepertine chain of righteous wars and their unjust causes. This history begins with colonial occupations and slithers through the Indian Wars, the American Revolution, World Wars I and II, Korea and Vietnam,until it slides of f the page into the future. History of Science Fiction more explicitly narrates the organic coevolution of genre and perspective. The composition of the painting allows the viewer to read history as either the unfolding of a genre over time(reading the image from left to right)or as organically interdependent events (reading the image from top to bottom).

Shelley's collaboration with performance-architecture artist, Alex Schweder La further illustrates how relevant art does not simply cross boundaries, but rather makes salient our coevolutionary histories. In Counterweight Roommate, Shelley and Schweder La constructed a f ve-story building. Each f oor had a specif c function-- bathroom on the f rst f oor, bedroom on the second, common space on the third,another bedroom on the fourth, and the kitchen on the f fth. And here's the beauty of the design: Shelley and Scheder La roped themselves together, concretely illustrating social interdependency. For one roommate to use the bathroom, the other had to scale the wall to the kitchen. Likewise, if one wanted personal time in his room, the other also had to go to his room. The piece crosses all sorts of boundaries-- anthropology, urban planning, performance and installation art, and architecture-- to make its most relevant point: we only think we live isolated, independent lives.But the reality is that f ushing a toilet or going to bed has reprocussions we have not yet learned to imagine.







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