表1 :景观建筑的研究策略:实践框架(改编自戴明和史沃斐的作品,2011年)
Landscape architecture is a relatively young f eld. With its f rst professional course of study established in 1900 (Harvard University), landscape architecture has been arguably anti-academic for much of its existence, and for decades, we have heard practitioners complain that research produced by academics does not serve the needs of the profession. In this essay, I’d like to turn the complaint on its head: in a knowledge-based profession like landscape architecture, why don’t practitioners also produce research? After all, it’s not as if landscape architects don’t know how. What is holding us back?
Since the early 1990s landscape architects have been able to point to a growing body of literature produced by academics or hybrid practitioners, most of it devoted to the analysis of intellectual problems in our discipline rather than practical problems in our profession. It is fair to point out that these authors typically serve a dif ferent set of priorities from those of their practitioner cousins. The industry of higher education writes its own rules and creates its own exigencies, just as the commercial industry of design and development does. Thus we f nd that in some institutions theory and research are not means to an end – they have become ends in themselves; in some private practices competition equates to survival, leading to a reluctance to share learning experiences or make time for intellectual growth.
In the past decade or so, the rapid development of new professional programs in universities around the world, especially in China, has led to the emergence of new ,exciting, liberating, and sometimes competing agendas and perspectives. Disciplinary research has become increasingly dif fuse. Although compatible with the normal evolution of any discipline, such indeterminacy may seem confusing, even frustrating,to those seeking def nite answers and solutions to site-specif c problems.
Fortunately, in the content and structure of Design W orkshop’s practice (featured in this special issue of Architectural Worlds), we see signs that the perceived “divide”between academics and other professionals in landscape architecture is starting to close. In the face of complex challenges, many landscape practitioners have begun to recognize that a more focused and identif able research agenda is needed to competesuccessfully for work, effectively advance the values of the f eld, and to make positive impacts in the environment. My argument is that, rather than competing amongst ourselves, practitioners and academics should be working together as powerful allies in the advancement of shared knowledge. In short, for our profession to succeed, to move from “good to great,” neither landscape practitioners nor landscape academics can afford to dismiss each other ’s efforts – rather, we must f nd ways to learn from,and more importantly, learn with each other.
图3 (fig.3)CREDIT:D.A.Horchner/DesignWorkshopAprojectteamiteratesadesignsolution.一个项目小组再三强调一种设计解决方案。
Pioneering Practical Research: Documenting Success and Failure
In the effort of collecting and organizing “explicit” knowledge shared in our various domains of practice, there is a long history of productive collaboration. In 1982 the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA)established Landscape Journal, the premiere peer-reviewed journal in landscape architecture, and charged it with disseminating the “results of research and scholarly investigation relating to landscape design, planning and management.” Three decades later, a half-dozen(English-language)peer-reviewed research journals serve landscape architecture specif cally, with hundreds of others enriching the f eld in general. W orking together with CELA and Landscape Journal, the American Society of Landscape Architects(ASLA)and its state-chapter af filiates have long maintained awards programs recognizing professional as well as student research that “advances the body of knowledge” for the f eld. Similar approaches are now being adopted in other countries.
In just the past decade, the Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF)has taken another step forward by establishing a comprehensive and systematic process for documenting successful and innovative case studies in our field. The LAF Case Study Initiative was established with the publication of Mark Francis’s “A Case Study Method for Landscape Architecture” (2001)in Landscape Journal.1Subsequently, LAF undertook the Land and Community Design Case Study Series, with Francis’s Village Homes: A Community by Design (2003)among the first titles in the series.2Over time the f nancial burden of publishing a series of print monographs faltered, but a more agile new idea emerged – case study digests available on-line, providing highly accessible data for everyone from students and designers to owners and developers.Bringing these case studies into clearer focus the Landscape Performance Series(LPS)specif cally identif es projects characterized by sustainability. Since the launch of the Landscape Performance pilot study, a swiftly growing dataset of 70+ projects has already been assembled.
With ten projects accepted into the LAF LPS program (seven published), Design Workshop has actively participated in the documentation of its practical successes and failures. And as this issue of Architectural Worlds demonstrates, Design Workshop’s innovative applications of new knowledge pays dividends in many ways,including benef ts to potential competitors. Project lessons may help other designers improve visual quality, make positive social impacts on community, provide resilient ecological services, and even impart lessons about successful business models.And that raises a pivotal issue for research in practice: how to manage growing concerns over intellectual property, copyright and the competitive edge provided by new knowledge.
Many practitioners believe that knowledge gained from the successes or failure of project design, materials, decision-making processes or fabrication and installation,is proprietary and incidental to the services they render to a client. If such knowledge contributes to professional mastery it is usually in a “tacit” or personal way . Similarly,the rules governing distribution of intellectual property generated within research universities and analytical industries has been a major sticking point for the optimal free sharing of information. Many institutional and government grants restrict the ways in which new knowledge may be disseminated even by principal investigators.
However, alternative thinking in information science and digital innovation is pioneering new ways of sharing ideas in the public domain through fair-use clauses,open-source software and “freeware,” just to mention a few. There is also a growing movement to acknowledge “new knowledge” as a corollary benefit to practice and therefore an important and necessary form of professional capacity-building.Progressive agencies and firms such as Design W orkshop seem to be the most aggressive proponents of the discourse of “practical research,” comparing their work to engineers in research and development industries or to medical doctors conducting clinical trials. The leadership of Design W orkshop recognizes this practice as a professional challenge and embraces it as an opportunity for corporate growth. If other respected professionals have institutionalized research and development, finding ways to build investigative activities and other forms of knowledge-building into their business plans and cost structures, then why not the design professions in general –and why shouldn't landscape architects pioneer these efforts?
Sustainability and Values
Projects adhering to theories of sustainability, as commonly understood, typically have been measured according to the “Three ‘E’s,” representing the range of economic, environmental and equitable social bene f ts considered the cornerstones of sustainable design and planning. Some practitioners and scholars now advocate for broader def nitions of sustainability that include additional, less-easily measured benef ts. For instance, in 2010-11 the Council of Landscape Architecture Registration Boards (CLARB)3undertook a content analysis exploring statutory mandates in landscape architecture to safeguard and promote health, safety and welfare. In research examining the deeper conceptual dimensions of the term “welfare,” CLARB intended to assess alternative ways of measuring competency in understanding and protecting the intangibles of ‘good design’ both during the licensing examination and in professional practice. They found that the concept of welfare was so closely linked as to be almost inseparable from notions of well-being (as in joy, health, pride,attachment to place and prosperity)and therefore was an important part of the affective sustainability of designed landscapes and other places, what many consider to be the fourth cornerstone of sustainability. But how does one begin to measure the quotient of joy, of beauty or perhaps place attachment, created in the designed landscape? (see f g. 1 and f g. 2)
A seminal work in this line of thinking, the Urban Land Institute’s publication Urban Design and the Bottom Line (2008)develops a broad matrix for what the authors call the ‘quadruple bottom line.’ In examining urban values that include “return on perception,” the authors argue that aesthetic and emotional responses to placemaking are guided by “influential constituencies,” and may be measured by other, nonnumerical dividends returned on social and financial investment, including good design: “New design constituencies focus on quality of urban life, environmental and cultural sensitivity, sustainability and visual value.”4This example suggests that,by working together and by sharing what they are learning on a project by project basis, landscape architects can help communities achieve more than environmental sustainability; they also help communities compete for retention of the social and intellectual capital that makes them f ourish.
High-quality research is needed to build persuasive, grounded arguments supporting the multiple values added by design. If what we value guides everything we do and make, then what we learn and know – i.e. our expertise in landscape architecture –will be fundamentally dif ferent from other professions. Simon Swaf field has written decisively on this subject: “design creates ‘possibility spaces’ (De Landa and Ellingsen 2008)… desirable and feasible futures [that]can be shaped through design and management, and tested through scienti f c evaluation.”5Thus combining the openended values of design with the close-ended processes of research and evaluation,landscape architects must be poised to negotiate both realms. Measureable data still present the most persuasive forms of evidence to developers, investors and policymakers who, for the most part, still control global design and development agendas.However, any successful movement to establish comprehensive and robust systems of new knowledge and understanding should also be able to accept multiple values,forms and definitions of research produced by and through landscape practices –including research by design.
Design and Generalizable Knowledge
Growing evidence from the f eld (ASLA, LAF, Internet, etc.)suggests that many forms of research are integrated within professional practices of landscape architecture. W e believe a variety of investigative strategies already take place in the design of f ces and construction f elds of the profession, from teams assembled for the sole purpose of solving a special problem to a director of research in a design of f ce whose job it is to assess and organize the measurable bene f ts of built projects. This new elasticity is precisely what needs to take place in order for the f eld of landscape architecture to realize its latent capacity for cross-case comparison. (see f g. 3)
In order to gain a better understanding of the current shape and scope of practical research, my colleagues and I have launched an exploratory survey to probe attitudes toward research investigations being conducted by professionals. W e also seek to test and illustrate a comprehensive framework, f rst introduced in Landscape Architecture Research: Inquiry, Strategy, Design (2011), that accounts for multiple strategies of practical research taking place in landscape architecture (T able 1).6In particular, our survey asks practitioners to relate their typical professional services and investigations to a generally accepted def nition of “research” (based on federal regulations and as adopted by the Collaborative Institutional Training Institute)that is equal parts standard and elastic: “a systematic investigation including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.”7Although highly generic, we think this def nition has great utility for describing the range of practices potentially undertaken by f eld and off ce professionals. It encompasses a variety of strategies and the methods employed for each that accommodates everything from experiment to design-as-research;from participatory design process to historic interpretation; and from straight-up descriptive case study to dynamic modelling.
Early responses to our survey indicate some resistance from practitioners on the notion of generalizability, as if broader expertise is unreasonable or untenable in the pursuit of sensitive design. But what good designer does not develop overarching insights from site-specif c or project-based investigations which are relevant to other sites and settings? Yes, there are clear dif ferences in intellectual value between one-off solution-based investigations undertaken as a fee-for-service and original,generalizable research efforts undertaken solely for its knowledge value. But research practices need not be limited to such black-or-white propositions. If, in the solution of client-based problems, project information is systematically reclaimed, organized as a dataset, and rigorously analyzed according to theoretically-informed questions,then the f xed traditional boundaries between practice and research quickly become blurred. Our survey of practical research thus seeks exemplary models of professional practice that show a way forward – those not only making research a commitment but also a “brand”; not just a business model but a type of advocacy.
Table 1. Research Strategies in Landscape Architecture: A Framework for Practice(adapted from Deming & Swaff eld, 2011)
As one of the professional exemplars to be featured in our forthcoming study, Design Workshop is not alone in its pursuit of a larger professional research agenda; however this f rm’s projects are among the best examples of how professional practice is retaking the f eld of knowledge production from academia and invigorating the discourse of research. How does the work of Design W orkshop f t into our larger framework?Among the nine basic research strategies that we identify in Table 1, Design Workshop participates in at least two strategies for generalizable practical knowledge:
Descriptive Strategies include the preparation of both comparative and longitudinal case studies. Objective reporting and description of new places and/or practices belong properly to case study research. For instance, by participating in this issue of Architectural Worlds as well as in the LAF Landscape Performance Series of case studies, Design W orkshop is collecting, organizing and presenting case study data to assist in a collective understanding of the patterns of success and failures fundamental to larger problematizing and investigation. By honestly and objectively examining both the failures and successes of the work, new knowledge may be grounded or conceptual, range over an extended time frame and will always, simply by def nition, involve new social and environmental variables.
Projective Design Strategies involve what is sometimes called research-by-design.Design process as a research strategy is activated when theoretical principles or propositions are projected through design in order to re-frame existing questions or through innovation to raise new disciplinary questions.8Yes, there are compelling ethical reasons to maintain a clear separation between the interests of providing services and the interests of generating new knowledge, as in medicine. There are, however, instances where design investigations may achieve combined ends,especially where the client shares in the project goals. (see f g. 4 and f g. 5)
When projective design is harnessed to a theoretical agenda (for instance when a theory of sustainability and/or social equity suggests development of ‘complete streets’),several things can happen: (1)a new theory of generative process emerges (design theory); (2)derivative theory is applied/tested to improve the generation of new places,images, phenomena, relationships and impacts (applied research in/through design)or (3)grounded theory emerges from observation of the work produced (evidencebased design). Variations of design-as-research can thus contribute powerfully to new disciplinary knowledge. Some popular permutations, such as formal and typological/comparative analyses, more properly belong to classif cation and interpretive strategies.But all come with an important caveat: only if the purposes, procedures and results of project success and failures are reported rigorously and evaluated in an unbiased way(i.e. without bias or inherent “interest”)may we speak of design as research.
Naturally, micro-research processes inform almost all design problems: site systems must be modelled and evaluated; costs and program areas must be calculated; and so on. However, if not generalizable and shared, knowledge thus gained cannot be claimed as research. This can be confusing. Non-research corollaries of Hermeneutic Interpretation may be engaged by designers in telling stories on or about sites;understanding of artifacts and indexical traces may enrich and guide site-specif c design choices of materials and spatial sequence. Non-research corollaries of Evaluation &Diagnosis are used in every site analysis, for instance in determining the quality and depth of soils for construction or the desirability of certain views on or of f-site. Nonresearch corollaries of Engaged Action are activated every time a design team runs a public hearing or elicits feedback on schematic design or programming for a campus or park. No matter how critically valuable, however, most of these site-specif c corollary activities do not and can not satisfy the requirements of a broader research agenda.
New Knowledge & the Culture of Gatekeeping
Much outstanding practice-based research being done today in landscape architecture is emerging from new partnerships between private practice and public agencies collaborating with academics and with each other. Even the lean funding climate is supportive for these kinds of productive research alliances. Highlighting this renewed interest in research is signi f cant in two ways: f rst, it may become easier for academicians to partner with of f ces on shared research questions, satisfying both proprietary and academic/peer-reviewed dimensions; and, secondly, professional activities may soon be driven, even dominated, by larger questions of health, safety and welfare, including climate change, resource management, social justice, and public health, the statutory legitimation of the f eld.
There are points of friction to be overcome – notably in peer review and accreditation,both residual practices from a past century that weigh heavily on academics in particular. In principle, both are necessary practices, symbolic of preserving intellectual integrity through a consensual process of self-governance within a professional and/or scholarly community. But it is admittedly hard to imagine practioners subjecting themselves to the sometimes capricious, time-consuming, and often gruelling demands these procedures can place on investigators. The ages-old tradition of academic peer review model thus involves a level of risk especially for young practitioners and academics that they often cannot af ford and seek to avoid.In the frenetic pace of both contemporary media and academic funding cycles, old models of peer review are breaking down already because it simply takes too long to see high quality work in print, even on-line. If an investigator’s goal is practical impact,as opposed to, say, academic credibility or prestige, these forms of peer review might be seen as frustrating obstacles.
The new generation of academics, especially those with ambitious hybrid design and research agendas, opt to take their work to alternatives venues and audiences,with different critical and editorial agendas. Because both research and creative investigation can take many dif ferent forms, so too can peer-review. Some major research universities are now beginning to accept that many forms of critical reception,evaluation and acclaim by peer audiences may suf f ce to indicate the basic tenets of research and creative quality, including internal and external validity, absence of bias,applicability, reliability, originality, and economy.
Given these emergent practices, what forms might a peer-review process or its equivalent for practice-based research take? It undoubtedly depends on the format and the content of the work. Some journals (both print and on-line)dramatically shorten or alter the traditional peer review process or by-pass it altogether in favor of editorial, board/committee or more informal Wiki-type, continuous voluntary and consensual review processes (such as Wikipedia). Design competitions and awards programs are often reviewed by an event-specific jury chosen for their experience and critical insight whose deliberations are often conducted in an intensive and concentrated time-frame. Funding and fellowship applications and exhibitions of work are often selected in similar ways.
Collaborative work, especially with repeat clients and/or trusted project specialists,are other ways of observing peer reception. Built work, refereed studios or design projections that are published and/or critically acclaimed by recognized cultural analysts may also be accepted as forms of peer review. Given all this, it is likely that the culture of professional “gate-keeping” will continue to change, if slowly, both inside and outside the academy, despite the fact that there is still no strong consensus on the def nition, the logic, the purpose and the benef ts of research produced by and for professionals in our f eld.
Research: A Global Enterprise
The authors of professional research now include everyone – landscape practitioners in private sector design; multidisciplinary or corporate consulting f rms; not-for-prof t f rms; public sector agencies, as well as hybrid academic practitioners. Research is being produced and consumed at an accelerating pace; some have even predicted that practice-based research will challenge the traditional process of peer-reviewed publications that simply move too slowly to be relevant. Most accomplished practitioners are skilled multi-disciplinary collaborators, impatient with the “silos” of academic knowledge. Students wish to see how the research skills and methods they are learning may be translated into professional applications and, ideally , into professional employment, with signi f cant bearing on the shape/focus of professional curricula in schools of landscape architecture. All this suggests that new knowledge needs to be shared and implemented far more quickly than traditional journal models can currently handle; at the same time, it is in the interest of the profession to ensure the rigorous vetting of new ideas and practices and to be wary of the unintended consequences of ill-thought-out approaches.
As practitioners take greater responsibility for practical research, one can easily imagine the research agenda of the academy beginning to morph in response,perhaps accepting the mandate for greater impact, with a sharper focus on the production of knowledge leading to desired social and environmental outcomes.Although this may lead to more rational instrumentality, it could also change the discussion towards recognizing our shared values – what some have called value rationality.9After all, most landscape architects share certain goals in common:to create or preserve good and healthy places, build knowledge, gain mastery(technical, predictive, conceptual and ethical knowledge), ensure our continual collective improvement, and serve society. This set of core values of fers the hope that early adopters of practical research methods will stimulate better design, greater professional impact, and therefore higher aspirations for what landscape designers and planners can and should know.
In principle, the range of scales at which our ideas take shape should only strengthen the global enterprise of landscape architecture. That global enterprise is communicated through advocacy, emerging professional organizations, standards and regulation of best practices, conferences, professional curricula, mentoring and partnerships formed across disciplinary and national borders. The Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture (CHSLA)is rapidly moving the profession forward in this hugely important country and developing a system for accrediting their impressive network of schools. The International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA)is making important strides towards enhancing landscape architecture professionalism in Africa, South America and other regions. The Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA)is advocating and mentoring with academics in Mexico, Central and South America, and the Pacific Rim/South Asia on strengthening standards for professional education program in landscape architecture. In reality however,the global enterprise of landscape architecture is weakened when members fail to generate and share their knowledge at the same visionary level and range of scales as our professional advocates. (see f g.6)
Recognizing that landscape architecture is a relatively small professional force in a global marketplace may persuade us to re-think the role of knowledge production in developing the “competitive edge” of the profession as a whole.10In an age of innovation it is insuf ficient for any individual of fice to maintain its competitive edge without contributing to the greater knowledge base of the discipline. As Kurt Culbertson points out earlier in this issue, both talent and training contribute to maintaining a competitive edge that may be manifested at the off ce level in exemplary project-scale work as well as through broader disciplinary expertise. The attention now being paid to comprehensive development of an evidence base “proving” the values,benef ts and impact of landscape architecture signals just how important knowledge formation has become in maintaining the competitiveness of the whole profession.
When individual firms compete for work, they withhold professional services and practical expertise from their clients until a contract is signed. Yet other, perhaps larger applied design and engineering professions may like to claim they have similar expertise. This is the real playing f eld, an interdisciplinary competition for new knowledge and new impacts. By sharing general and speci f c disciplinary knowledge,all landscape architects help each other (and themselves)improve the capacity of the profession to compete at the largest scales for the highest stakes, securing signif cant public investment and making broad environmental policies and impacts. If we can compete on the playing f eld of new knowledge, we may f nally see landscape architecture maturing intellectually and finding its rightful place among the world’s important disciplines. If we can’t or won’t compete at this level, then how shall we defend landscape architecture against redundancy?
1 Mark Francis. “A Case Study Method for Landscape Architecture.” Landscape Journal, vol. 20:1, (2001), 15-29.
2 Mark Francis. Village Homes: A Community by Design. Washington, DC: Landscape Architecture Foundation Land and Community Design Case Study Series, 2003.
3 CLARB (ERIN Research)n.d. “Landscape Architecture and Public Welfare: A Foundation Paper, Executive Summary.” Washington, DC: Council of Landscape Architecture Registration Boards. https://www.clarb.org/Documents/Welfare-execsummary-public-v1.pdf [accessed May 11, 2013]. Founded in the mid-1960s, the Council of Landscape Architecture Registration Boards (CLARB)is mandated with advocacy and protection of professional registration standards such as testing and licensing in landscape architecture. Formed to serve registration efforts in the United States, CLARB also plays an important role in advocacy and mentoring of similar organizations in other countries. “CLARB's mission is to foster the public health, safety and welfare related to the use and protection of the natural and built environment affected by the practice of landscape architecture.” https://www.clarb.org/about[accessed May 28, 2013].
4 Dennis Jerke, Douglas Porter, and Terry Lassar. Urban Design and the Bottom Line: Optimizing the Return on Perception. Washington, DC: Urban Land Institute, 2008, 16.
5 Simon R. Swaff i eld. “Empowering Landscape Ecology – Connecting Science to Governance through Design Values.” Landscape Ecology (pub. on-line June 09, 2012). DOI 10.1007/s10980-012-9765-9, n.p. In this passage,Swaff i eld cites M. De Landa and Eric Ellingsen, “Possibility Spaces” in 306090: Models. 11 (2008), 214-217.
6 M. Elen Deming and Simon Swaff i eld. Landscape Architectural Research: Inquiry, Strategy, Design. Hoboken,NJ: John Wiley and Sons, 2011. Also see S. R. Swaff i eld and M. E. Deming. “Research Strategies in Landscape Architecture: Mapping the Terrain.” European Journal of Landscape Architecture, (Spring 2011), 34-45.
7 Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI). n.d. Co-Founders: Paul G. Braunschweiger Ph.D., Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, and Karen Hansen, Director, Institutional Review Off i ce, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. https://www.citiprogram.org/aboutus.asp [accessed May 11, 2013].
8 Forms of design research involving synthetic/transformational design and projective design strategies have been very capably described by S. Nijhuis and I. Bobbink in their recent article “Design-Related Research in Landscape Architecture.” Journal of Design Research, vol. 10: 4, (2012), 239-257.
9 Simon R. Swaff i eld. “Empowering Landscape Ecology – Connecting Science to Governance through Design Values.” Landscape Ecology (pub. on-line June 09, 2012). DOI 10.1007/s10980-012-9765-9, n.p.
10 Simon Swaff i eld has also argued this point in recent publications and lectures. For more in this vein, see the transcript of Swaff i eld’s 2012 Olmsted Lecture at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design. http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/#/events/simon-swaff i eld-frederick-law-olmsted-lecture-knowing-landscape.html.
About the author:
Dr. M. Elen Deming is Professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign where she teaches design studio, history and theory, and research design. Her education includes a doctorate in design from the Harvard Graduate School of Design, and degrees in Art History, Landscape Architecture, and Environmental Studies. Co-editor of Landscape Journal from 2002 with James F . Palmer, Deming assumed the role of sole editor from 2006 to 2009. She is a past President of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture(CELA). Deming and Simon Swaf f eld co-authored Landscape Architecture Research: Inquiry/Strategy/Design(Wiley, 2011), a framework describing several research strategies utilized in landscape architecture today . A new book that examines research emerging from professional practices, f rms and agencies is forthcoming.
Additional Biographies for Architectural Worlds (AW)
Lake Douglas
Lake Douglas, PhD, is associate professor at Louisiana State University’s Robert Reich School of Landscape Architecture, where he is undergraduate coordinator and holds the Robert S. Reich Teaching Professorship. His extensive writings on design issues have appeared in books, professional publications, academic journals, and the popular press in America and Europe. His most recent book, Public Spaces, Private Gardens A History of Designed Landscapes in New Orleans (2011)has received national recognition through numerous professional and academic awards. Douglas served as a reader and editor of the articles in this issue.
Fenglin Du
Fenglin Du is a Registered Landscape Architect in Texas who has worked on numerous projects with Design Workshop for more than ten years. She received a Master of Landscape Architecture degree from Texas A&M University in 2003 and a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Tsinghua University in 1999, where she also holds a Bachelor degree in Edition from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature. Fenglin assisted in reviewing the Chinese translations of several articles in this issue.
Pengzhi Li
Pengzhi Li graduated from Beijing Forestry University in 2008 with a Master of Landscape Architecture degree, and currently is a third year student at Texas A&M University in the Master of Landscape Architecture program. Pengzhi assisted in reviewing the Chinese translations of several articles in this issue.