Positive Solution for Nonlinear Higher-Order Neutral Variable Delay Difference Equations with Continuous Arguments*
YANG Jia-shan,LIU Xing-yuan
(Department of Science and Information,Shaoyang University,Shaoyang 422004,Hunan China)
Positive Solution for Nonlinear Higher-Order Neutral Variable Delay Difference Equations with Continuous Arguments*
YANG Jia-shan,LIU Xing-yuan
(Department of Science and Information,Shaoyang University,Shaoyang 422004,Hunan China)
Positive solution for a class of nonlinear higher-order neutral variable delay difference equations with continuous arguments is studied.Using the fixed point theorem in Banach space and a lot of inequality techniques,some sufficient conditions for the existence of eventually positive solution for the equations are obtained.The examples are presented to illustrate the effects of our theorems.
eventually positive solution;continuous arguments;nonlinear;neutral delay difference equation;fixed point theorem
1 Introduction
Obviously,eq.(1)includes a lot of neutral delay difference equations,which have a very wide range of applications in scientific research and practice.So any research results about oscillation and asymptotic are very important.Our purpose in this article is to obtain new criteria for the nonoscillation of eq.(1).With the fixed point theorem in Banach space and a lot of inequality techniques,some new sufficient conditions for the existence of eventually positive solutions of the equations are obtained.In this article,our attention is restricted to those solutions x(t)for eq.(1)where x(t)is not eventually identically zero.As is customary,we recall that a solution x(t)for eq.(1)is said to be an eventually positive solution if x(t)>0for sufficiently large t(t≥t0).
We consider the following assumptions:
2 Main Results
ProofFrom condition(H2),choose n1≥n0sufficiently large such that-
Clearly,Tis continuous.For every x∈B1and n≥n1,we have
Now we show that Tis a contraction mapping on B1.In fact,for∀x(1),x(2)∈B1and n≥n1,we have
Furthermore,we can obtain,for sufficiently large n,
hence,x(t)is a bounded eventually positive solution for eq.(1).This completes the proof.
Theorem2 Assume that conditions(H1)and(H2)hold,if there exists a constant psuch that-1<p≤b(t)<0.Then,the eq.(1)has a bounded eventually positive solution.
ProofSimilar to the proof of theorem 1.Choose n2≥n0sufficiently large such that
Define a subset B2in Bas
and then it is easy to see that B2is a bounded,closed and convex subset of B.We define an operator T:B2→Bas the following
Clearly,Tis continuous.For∀x∈B2and n≥n2,we have
By similar argument,for∀x(1),x(2)∈B2and n≥n2,we have
It follows that
Furthermore,we can obtain,for sufficiently large n,
hence,x(t)is a bounded eventually positive solution of eq.(1).The proof of the theorem is completed.
Theorem3 Assume that conditions(H1)and(H2)hold,if there exist constants p1and p2such that-∞<p1≤b(t)≤p2<-1.Then,the eq.(1)has a bounded eventually positive solution.
ProofSimilar to the proof of theorem 1.Choose n3≥n0sufficiently large such that
bounded,closed and convex subset of B.We define an operator T:B3→Bas following:
Obviously ,Tis continuous.For∀x∈B3and n≥n3,wehave
Furthermore,we can obtain,for sufficiently large n,
hence,x(t)is a bounded eventually positive solution for eq.(1).This completes the proof.
Example1 Consider the following second-order neutral difference equation with continuous arguments:
(2)If take
Then,one can see that the conditions of theorem 3are satisfied.So,by theorem 3,this equation exists a bounded eventually positive solution.In fact,it is easy to verify that x(t)=1is such a solution.
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(责任编辑 向阳洁)
(邵阳学院理学与信息科学系,湖南邵阳 422004)
*Received date:2012-12-15
Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province(12JJ6006);Hunan Province Science and Technology Project(2012FJ3107)
Biography:Yang Jia-shan(1963-),male,was born in Chengbu County,Hunan Province,professor of Shaoyang University;research area are differential and difference equation.