

世界建筑导报 2013年5期

建筑师:TFP Farrells



Architect: TFP Farrells

Location: Ningbo, PRC

Client: Ningbo Eastern New Town Development & Investment Co., Ltd


TFP Farrells的设计通过一条与人形成互动的、可以举行沿街活动的城市道路,使中央商务(CBD)和政府行政区(GOV)之间形成有机的联系;该联系道路既顺应了规划中现有的城市架构,同时又是该城市架构的延续。在联系道路的两端将有相应的节点,形成进入项目地块的门户,沿路将有开放空间,可供举办各种活动。设计之另一重点是意图塑造出多层式的社群 - 人们的互动形式不只是局限于水平面上,从此更可以透过空中花园丶地下广场丶平台丶高层天桥及天台花园等场所作出垂直面的视觉交流。设置这些“聚合点”的用意是希望能将建筑物的不同层次的空间活化,无论是身体层面上,视觉层面上,公共层面,半公共空间层面以及私人空间层面皆如是。我们的方案将力争创造一个促进城市生活和人员互动的、充满活力的公共空间和现代社区。


The project is located in the newly developed new town in the Eastern part of Ningbo City in Zhejiang Province, China. With its proximity to Shanghai and Hangzhou, and as one of the economic development centre of the Yangtze river delta, Ningbo has a strong manufacturing sector for export and is one of the greenest cities in China. Its port in Beilun District is the best natural deepwater port in East China. Eastern New Town is located to the east of the Ningbo old city, an extension of the old city centre and will soon become the new central core district in eastern Ningbo. The site is easily accessible by railway and is only 40 minutes away from Ningbo airport.

TFP Farrells’ design aims to create a positive connector between the Central Business District (CBD)and the Government Administrative District (GOV)by creating an urban route through where human interaction and streetscape activities take place. The connector is also a response and a continuation of the existing urban framework in planning. Nodes are created at each end of the connector forming gateways to the project site. Open spaces are created along the connector where various activities take place. Another key concept is the idea of a multi-layered community. Not only people interact horizontally along the connector but also vertically in the means of sky-gardens, sunken plaza, raised podium, high-level bridges and roof terraces. These ‘meeting places’ aim to activate the site at all levels: physically, visually, public, semipublic and private. Our scheme strives to create dynamic public spaces and modern community that promotes urban living and human interaction.

Two office buildings, each at 152m and 76m respectively mark the corners of the project site, the difference in height relates to the dif ference in height restrictions of the CBD area and the GOV area.Various retail components are located in the more public-oriented zone along the main city axis whereas the more private-oriented residential buildings are located along the northern side on top of the retail podiums. A business hotel of approximately 120 no. of rooms is strategically located near the eastern end of the site closer to the of f ce building and the Government Administrative District (GOV)for business travellers doing business in the area. A 350m long retail street which spans across the 3 sites not only connects the buildings together but also act as the main connector between the Central Business District (CBD)and the Government Administrative District (GOV).

