

世界建筑导报 2013年5期

建筑师:TFP Farrells



Architect: TFP Farrells

Location: Shenzhen, PRC

Client: Shenzhen Kingkey Real Estates Development Co. Ltd

总部位于伦敦的TFP Farrells从众多世界知名的建筑师中脱颖而出,在国际设计竞赛中获胜,受委托设计高达441.8米的京基100大楼及有关总体规划,当中还包括5座住宅楼及2座办公/酒店式住宅塔楼。项目于2007年年尾开始施工,到2011年竣工时不但成为深圳最高建筑,同时也获世界高层都市建筑学会 (CTBUH)认证为全球2011年落成的最高建筑。

这座100层的超高层大楼建筑面积达210,000平方米,属于该地410,000平方米总体规划的一部分。地库商场共有两层,可直接连接新建地铁站;173,000平方米的甲级写字楼占大厦70层, 而35,000平方米的六星级深圳瑞吉酒店则占20层,酒店设有先进的会议及商务设施。建筑最顶端的三层为高耸入云的空中花园,内设的餐厅有多种风格迥异的餐饮,供客户选择。大楼坚守合理而高效的规划原则,结合略有弧度的轮廓,使每一楼层均可按需求进行不同的平面设计。




标准办公楼层间设4.2米充裕层高, 将阳光引进每个楼层纵深之处。办公室周边的立柱布置可确保每个楼层具有畅通无阻的工作环境, 同时饱览室外的荔枝公园、深圳市及更远美景。通过设置通向核心区四侧紧急逃离楼梯的走廊通道,核心区的布置可允许多种租赁选择。


Won in the international competition featuring some of the world’s best known architects, TFP Farrells were commissioned with the masteplan of KK100 Development which included the design of the 441.8m tower, five residential towers and 2 of fice/serviced apartment buildings. The construction commenced in late 2007 and was topped out in 201 1. KK100 is the tallest tower in Shenzhen, and it was the tallest of the world among those completed in 201 1, conf rmed by the Council of Tall Building and Urban Habitat (CTBUH),

The 100 storey tower comprising over 210,000m2 of accommodation is part of their master plan design for a 417,000m2 mixed use development. There are one f oor of basement retail connecting directly to a new metro station; 173,000m2 of Grade A off ce space over 70 f oors; and, 35,000m2 over 20 f oors of “6 Star” business hotel complete with state-of-the-art conference and business facilities. A variety of f ne dining options are contained within the crowning sky garden feature on the top 3 f oors.Rational and eff cient planning principles combined with the gently curved pro f le result in a desirable variety in the plan form at each f oor.

The tower is linked to a retail podium and incorporates highly ef f cient and f exible spaces. Its use of human scale volumes, landscape and natural light will provide a pleasant and enjoyable working and living environment of the highest quality. The floors of the tower are divided into three major functions. The lower f oors from level 4 to 72 will be Grade-A off ce space, 7 levels of trading f oors evenly distributed throughout the main body of the of f ce portion. The uppermost f oors from level 75 to 98 will be occupied by a 6-star Luxury Hotel and will include approximately 250 rooms including 25 executive suites, restaurants, f tness club, business centre and other luxury hotel support facilities.

In terms of the building pro f le, the design of the Kingkey 100 resembles a fountain and waterfall in the city, alluding to the unprecedented economic growth currently being experienced in China. It is a unique masterpiece that will become the new landmark in Shenzhen and no.8 tallest building in the world. The tower prof le is gently curved giving a slight dimensional difference between adjacent f oors.The plan of the tower is basically a rectangle with two longer sides curved outwards. A rectangular central core accommodates all vertical transportation, E&M openings and service rooms.

The external expression of the development embodies and emphasizes the identity , stability and stature of the Kingkey Group and combines a modern technologically advanced building form. The tower’s elegant shape is married with a rational and pragmatic foot-print. This allows for the highest level of eff ciencies and offers optimized operation of its components. Its orientation maximized open park and city views. The cladding is a sophisticated environmental skin which allows the tower to maintain an optimum interior environment whilst minimizing potential solar heat gain. The modular approach of the system ensures a cost effective solution.

The ample f oor-to-f oor height of 4.2 metres allows daylight to penetrate deep into each f oor plate.The perimeter column arrangement of the of f ce will provide each f oor with an unobstructed working environment and stunning views out toward Lizhi Park in addition to panoramic views of all Shenzhen and beyond. The core allows for multi tenancy opportunities by providing access corridors leading to escape stairs on all four sides of the core.

Situated on Hong Kong’s doorstep with a population of over 6 million Shenzhen is perhaps the fastest growing city in the world and China’s biggest port. Located in the city’s prime district of Luohu, the tower’s position and orientation will give panoramic views over all of Shenzhen as well as views to Hong Kong. The tower’s f uid, elegant shape and re f ective skin is an allusion to a fountain and connotes the wealth and prosperity springing forth from the economic success zone that is Shenzhen.It is believed that the design and development of the Kingkey 100 in Luohu’s business district will form a key urban landmark of exceptional architectural quality bef tting Shenzhen’s key role in China’s economic and cultural development. It will also significantly improve the fabric of the surrounding neighbourhoods by stimulating economic growth and prosperity.

总平面图 masterplan

立面图 elevations

设计草图 sketches


打造永久“大粮仓” 助推粮食核心区建设