是“职业”更是“表白”——Mrs. Warren's Profession 中“Profession”的双关性
(大连大学 英语学院,辽宁 大连116622)
萧伯纳(George Bernard Shaw,1856—1950)创作的《华伦夫人的职业》(Mrs. Warren's Profession),被作家收录在《不愉快的戏剧集》(Plays Unpleasant)中。这些戏剧被命名为“不愉快”是因为它们不像传统戏剧只是为了搞笑、娱乐,而是探讨一些现实而严肃的社会问题,比如社会下层人的苦难生活、卖淫等等,引导读者认真严肃地思考社会的本质问题[1]。在《华伦夫人的职业》中,萧伯纳成功地刻画了主人公华伦夫人(Mrs. Warren)及其女儿薇薇(Vivie)的形象。作品批判不讲道德、贪婪、腐朽的资产阶级生活,揭发上层社会中那些披着华贵外衣者的堕落,同时给予类似华伦夫人这些卖淫从业者以深切同情,因为作者认为,逼良为娼在本质上是社会的罪恶。Mrs. Warren's Profession 这部戏剧在被翻译成汉语时,一直以来都是将profession 一词翻译成“职业”,然而如果细究该词的含义及其在该戏剧标题这个语境中的使用,完全可以大胆推测,profession 一词不应仅仅只是要表达“职业”的意思,应该有其深层次含义。本文试图通过分析华伦夫人在剧中的一些话语来阐释这一词汇的双重含义。
一、Profession 一词的双关性
在Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 中,“profession”一词的释义为“1. paid occupation,esp one that requires advanced education and training,eg architecture,law of medicine;2. public statement or claim of sth,eg a profession of belief,faith,loyalty,etc”[2]。华伦夫人从事的妓女行业[3],无论如何都不会是需要“高等教育或培训”的职业。那么,作家选用这个名词,毫无疑问会有他自己独特的考虑。我们来看看华伦夫人在整个四幕剧中,分别有怎样的言辞表现,这些言辞又是怎样表白了她的个人信仰及人生观,以及华伦夫人是如何为自己进入经营妓院这一行业辩护的。
在第二幕剧中,华伦夫人试图安排她女儿的人生,而这是薇薇不愿意接受的。当薇薇对华伦夫人作为母亲的权威表示异议时,她愤怒地喊道:“You boast of what you are to me—to me,who gave you a chance of being what you are. What chance had I?Shame on you for a bad daughter and a stuck-up prude!”[4]言辞中透露出她当年无路可走的绝境。接下来华伦夫人又进一步解释自己当年人生选择的无奈:“Do you think I was brought up like you?able to pick and choose my own way of life?Do you think I did what I did because I liked it,or thought it right,or wouldn't rather have gone to college and been a lady if I'd had the chance?”[4]当薇薇听到这儿的时候,很是不服气,于是顶嘴道,“The poorest girl alive may not be able to choose between being Queen of England or Principal of Newnham;but she can choose between ragpicking and flowerselling,according to her taste. People are always blaming circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want,and,if they can't find them,make them.”[4]事实上,这样的言辞可以算得上是受过良好高等教育的新时代女性的女权宣言。在薇薇话语的刺激下,华伦夫人终于下决心说出往事。事实上,华伦夫人和她的姐姐莉兹当时一同在一所教会学校上学,是华伦夫人的姐姐莉兹先行入了那个行当的。当教会学校的牧师警告华伦夫人不要效仿莉兹,否则下场只能是跳河自尽时,华伦夫人说道,“Poor fool:that was all he knew about it!But I was more afraid of the whitelead factory than I was of the river;and so would you have been in my place.”[4]在华伦夫人的概念里,妓院要远远好于让她的姊妹中毒身亡的铅厂,所以她才会选择前者。这样的价值观无可厚非,因为人的生存渴望是最基本的本能,当铅厂恶劣的工作环境对人的生存造成严重威胁的时候,远离它自然成为首选:“The house in Brussels was real high class:a much better place for a woman to be in than the factory where Anne Jane got poisoned.”[4]后来华伦夫人一度被介绍到当地的一家禁酒饭店做洗碗工。华伦夫人把这家禁酒饭店描述为“a temperance restaurant where they sent out for anything you liked”[4],也即,这家酒店本身虽然出于政府监管的原因不销售酒类,但提供一种服务,那就是客户想买什么(当然包括酒类),可以派服务生出去买回来。这从一个角度反映了当时社会的虚伪。当薇薇提出质疑说,“but why did you choose that business?Saving money and good management will succeed in any business.”华伦夫人的回答从商业的角度说是完全站得住脚的,“Yes,saving money. But where can a woman get the money to save in any other business?Could you save out of four shillings a week and keep yourself dressed as well?Not you. Of course,if you’re a plain woman and can't earn anything more;or if you have a turn for music,or the stage,or newspaper - writing:that’s different. But neither Liz nor I had any turn for such things at all:all we had was our appearance and our turn for pleasing men. Do you think we were such fools as to let other people trade in our good looks by employing us as shop girls,or barmaids,or waitresses,when we could trade in them ourselves and get all the profits instead of starvation wages?Not likely.”[4]这个回答完整地道出了华伦夫人的世界观与人生观。不仅如此,华伦夫人还进一步阐释道,“What is any respectable girl brought up to do but to catch some rich man's fancy and get the benefit of his money by marrying him?—as if a marriage ceremony could make any difference in the right or wrong of the thing!Oh,the hypocrisy of theworld makes me sick!…I despise such people:they’ve no character;and if there’s a thing I hate in a woman,it's want of character.”[4]看吧,在华伦夫人的世界观里,这个世界是颠倒的:妓女是有品格的女人,而通过正常婚姻出嫁的女人反倒成了没有人格的人了。能够做到从如此深刻的层面来揭露资本主义社会对人经济上的剥削和人性上的扭曲,这样的作家屈指可数。在第四幕剧中,当薇薇得知她母亲依然在靠经营妓院谋取暴利时,她决意永远与华伦夫人断绝关系。这时的华伦夫人依然不妥协,坚持认为薇薇的观点是错的,接受的教育都是误导:“…you were taught wrong on purpose:you don't know what the world is really like…You think that people are what they pretend to be:that the way you were taught at school and college to think right and proper is the way things really are.But it's not:it's all only a pretence,to keep the cowardly slavish common run of people quiet….If I didn't do it somebody else would;so I don't do any real harm by it. And then it brings in money;and I like making money.”[4]就这样,母女两人终于分道扬镳了。
一部四幕的戏剧,几乎绝大篇幅都是华伦夫人在用语言表白自己的人生观、价值观与世界观,并为自己当初的选择辩护。由此看来,萧伯纳在题目措辞上选用了一个从语用学角度看来是个“大词”的“profession”,可谓用心良苦,绝非通常的汉译“职业”所能表达其深刻的内涵:它不仅要表达华伦夫人的内心思想的表白,更要传达这样一个信息,那就是,在华伦夫人看来,她所经营的连锁妓院是“real high class”,等同于受尊敬的那些社会职业,比如律师、建筑师、教师等需要以良好教育为背景才可以从事的行业。华伦夫人从一个最下层的妇女摇身一变成为富有的“上层”名流,她的表白表面上看似乎是为了解释一切的缘由,为了让别人理解一个处于绝境中的女子的无奈的选择,但深层次上作者更希望读者或观众在她身上看到这个世界颠倒的价值观和扭曲的人性。
二、结 语
华伦夫人这一人物形象是萧伯纳成功刻画的若干人物之一,而这一形象的成功刻画在很大程度上要归功于华伦夫人无时无刻不在女儿薇薇面前进行的滔滔不绝的辩护。这种貌似为了个人的行为选择进行的大篇幅辩白,实则是对资本主义社会的虚伪、腐朽、堕落的深刻批判。Profession一词在这个语境中使用,很显然绝不是仅仅为了表达“职业”的意思,更有其深层次含义。华伦夫人的“表白”实则是滴血的控诉,而Profession 一词在题目中被采用,让这种控诉变得尤为深刻和意义深远。
[1]张伯香. 英美文学选读[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999:322.
[2]Hornby,A. S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary[M]. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1974:1179.
[3]吴伟仁. 英国文学史及选读[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1988:388.
[4]GEORGE BERNARD SHAW. The Complete Plays of Bernard Shaw [M]. London:Constable & Robinson Ltd.,1931:45 -89.