

质量与标准化 2013年9期


Standing on a New Starting Point of Vigorous Development

新中国第一项标准the first standard of New China标准体系建设construction of standard system


“As long as the chance is certain,we shall make our action decisive,our working procedures simplified,and the pace of development accelerated,so as to create new prospects of China's standards work rapidly.”


If the petition of adopting standard railway gauge made by Zhan Tianyou was one of the attempts to promote standardization in modern history of China,the series of work carried out by Industrial Standards Commission of Nanjing National Government and National Bureau of Standards in the 1930s and 1940s could be rated as the beginning of modern China's official standardization activities.


Unfortunately,the attempts of promoting standardization turned out to be swallowed by the weak national power and chaotic wars at that time,despite the fact that the above-mentioned organizations collected and compiled more than 10,000 foreign standards,attended the inaugural meeting of International Standardization Organization(ISO),and turned China into one of the permanentmembersofISO.Standardization work at that time usually stopped at the plans, and failed to influence Chinese society.Indeed, China was forfeited the ISO membership due to arrears in contribution.





Until October 1949,the founding of People's Republic of China turned a new page in Chinese his-tory,starting a new era with the people becoming the masters of their own country.Chinese standardization enterprise therefore stood on the starting point of vigorous development.In the same year,the Central Technical Authority of New China was established and began to organize the development of standards.The first standard of New China--Engineering Drawing was published afterwards.Focusing on improving the standardization of industrial production and engineering construction,the government reversed the chaotic situation of“product marks of nations”which was the hangover from the old China where the equipments were diverse,management was confused and the local standard systems were separate.



In 1957,the basic guidelines of national standardization were released and the first national standards(GB)were published.In 1963,with the first ten-year development plan of standardization promulgated,thetechnicalstandardssystem matching the planned economic system was gradually improved.In 1978,China rejoined ISO. In 1989,the Standardization Law of People's Republic of China came into force.A historic breakthrough was achieved when China became a permanent member of ISO in 2008 and of IEC in 2011,when Chinese people were first elected to the ISO Chairman in 2013 and so on.Now,our national standards have amounted to more than 24,000.A national standard system which adapts to the market economy and covers the economic and social fields has basically come into existence.


While time flies,the aspiration remains ever strong.We have reasons to believe that,with the joint efforts of the new generation of standardization practitioners,the standardization enterprise in China in the new century will surely enter a highly scientific and flourishing historical period,and will become a strong holding power for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

(支持单位:上海市标准化研究院 整理:杨超 叶笑欣)


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