

新东方英语 2013年8期

from 译/卫偲


In order for people to be able to travel economically to space, for space tourism and for other purposes, we need reusable launch vehicles. All commercial transport industries use reusable vehicles—and so will the commercial space transport industry. Luckily research aimed at developing low-cost reusable launch vehicles has increased recently. The following is a list of projects under way today.

Winner of the $10m Ansari X-Prize1), this suborbital2) passenger-carrying spaceplane was designed by Burt Rutan3)s Scaled Composites, famous for graphite4) composite and also the integrating contractor for the former Roton5). Following their successful bid6) to win the X-Prize, Scaled Composites are now turning their eyes to the next step: the development of a commercially viable passenger-carrying suborbital space vehicle.

SpaceShipOne features a rubber-nitrous oxide7) hybrid rocket engine and cold gas attitude8) control thrusters9); a graphite/epoxy10) primary structure; 3-place, sea-level, shirt-sleeve cabin environment; a low maintenance thermal protection system; and a unique feathered reentry system.

The spaceplane is carried under the belly of Scaled Composites White Knight carrier aircraft. The White Knight is a piloted, twin-turbojet11) research aircraft derived from the Proteus12) intended for high-altitude missions. Its first flight was on August 1, 2002. It provides a high-altitude airborne launch of SpaceShipOne. The White Knight is also equipped to flight-qualify13) all the SpaceShipOne systems except rocket propulsion. The aircrafts cockpit14), avionics15), life support systems, pneumatics16), trim servos, data system and electrical system components are identical to those installed in SpaceShipOne.

A passenger-carrying reusable SSTO17) VTOL18) rocket designed to carry 50 passengers to 200 km Earth orbit started as part of a study program by the Japanese Rocket Society. Since none of the space agencies of the world were studying how to make launch services available to the general public, the JRS started a Space Tourism Study Program in 1993, with the objective of getting the price of a flight to orbit down to around $10,000 per passenger. Work on Kankoh-maru has grown steadily in depth and breadth ever since, and has helped to accelerate the acceptance of space tourism as the direction for space development work today.

Spacebus is a design for a 2-stage passenger-carrying HTOL19) spaceplane by the company Bristol Spaceplanes in Britain. The first stage uses jet engines for take-off, followed by rocket engines to climb to high altitude for separation, after which the upper stage uses rocket engines to reach orbit. Using existing jet and rocket engines is very attractive in reducing initial development costs. And though new air-breathing rocket engines might be more efficient, theyre not needed initially.

Spacecab is a scaled-down version of Spacebus designed to carry 6 passengers. Its attractive as a first step to HTOL launch services since it uses only existing technology, and could start passenger operations much earlier than a vehicle requiring new engines to be developed.

SpaceXs Dragon is a small orbital spacecraft designed for transporting people and goods to and from the ISS20). It has two configurations21): an unmanned cargo configuration and a crew/passenger configuration capable of transporting up to seven people. It is built by a consortium22) led by SpaceX under NASAs Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) initiative. Dragon is also equipped with an ISS-compatible dock23) that is exposed through a removable nosecone24). Return to the Earths surface is achieved through a parachute-assisted splashdown25) and recovery.

Dragon is delivered into orbit on top of the Falcon 9 two-stage launch vehicle, an expanded version of the Falcon 1 rocket that completed a successful test launch to orbit on 28 September 2008 (after three prior failures). Both stages of the Falcon 9 are intended to be reusable.

The intended use for the combined vehicle is primarily to serve as a replacement for the shuttle fleet after their retirement, so space tourism is not an overt goal. Unlike vehicles aimed explicitly at the space tourism market, the Dragon/Falcon 9 combination is not fully reusable, and so is unlikely to withstand competition from a fully reusable orbital vehicle. However, until such time as such vehicles become available it may be the first privately financed space vehicle to be capable of delivering people, space tourists or otherwise, to orbit.

Xerus is a two-person reusable spaceplane proposed by XCOR Aerospace, which takes off and lands like a conventional aircraft. It is capable of climbing suborbitally to 100 km using a cluster of reusable rocket engines developed by XCOR. After a short period of weightless free fall the vehicle then re-enters the atmosphere. While the primary market for Xerus is space tourism, the vehicle is also being targeted at microsatellite delivery and suborbital science payloads.

XCORs Lynx, announced in March of 2008, is a follow-on design based on Xerus. Like Xerus, Lynx is a two-person suborbital spaceplane designed for the space tourism market but also aimed at science and research applications.

Thunderbird is a low cost fully reusable VTOL rocket from UK-based Starchaser Industries, which has an established track record26) in unmanned rocketry. It is an X-Prize contender, and is designed to carry three people on short suborbital pleasure flights into space.

The vehicle uses existing off-the-shelf27) components wherever possible to minimize development cost, combined with an advanced composite for the airframe. The primary propulsion is provided by LOX/kerosene engines28) which carry the vehicle to a maximum altitude of 100 km after burnout before re-entering tail-first using a steerable parasail29). Reaction control is handled independently by cold gas thrusters.

The Thunderbird is a single stage vehicle, but composed of two discrete and separable units: a command module, which includes the cabin, life support and reaction control system, and a propulsion module comprising the fuel tanks, engines and landing gear. In an emergency the command module is detachable from the rest of the vehicle, allowing the crew to be brought down independently.

Nova is a scaled-down version of Thunderbird designed to bridge the gap between previously flown unmanned rockets and Thunderbird. Standing at roughly two thirds of the height of its 52 feet larger sibling, Nova is designed to carry a single person into space to a maximum altitude of approximately 100 km. Although not an X-Prize contender due to its less than three-person capacity, Nova is intended to be the worlds first privately developed spaceship.

















1. Ansari X-Prize: 安萨里X奖,原名为X奖(X Prize),设立于1996年5月,是为促进私人载人航天技术的创新而设立的总额为一千万美元的航天大奖。

2. suborbital [s??b??b?tl] adj. 亚轨道的

3. Burt Rutan:伯特·鲁坦(1943~),美国著名的飞行学家和设计师,太空船一号的设计师,他于1982年创立了缩尺复合材料公司。

4. graphite [?ɡr?fa?t] n. [矿]石墨

5. Roton:罗顿,一款单级入轨、可重复使用和垂直降落的载人航天器,由一家名为“滚动火箭”(Rotary Rocket)的公司设计与制造。该公司后来因为资金短缺于2001年初倒闭。

6. bid [b?d] n. 努力,争取

7. oxide [??ksa?d] n. [化]氧化物

8. attitude [??t?tju?d] n. [空] (飞行时的)姿态

9. thruster [?θr?st?(r)] n. 推进器

10. epoxy [??p?ksi] n. [化]环氧树脂,热固树脂的一种,尤用为表面涂料和黏合剂。

11. turbojet [?t??b??d?et] n. [空]涡轮喷气飞机

12. Proteus:海神号飞机,由缩尺复合材料公司推出的长航时高空飞机

13. flight-qualify:对……进行飞行资格测试,即对某一产品、过程或材料进行测试,从而证明它能够适应太空飞行环境。

14. cockpit [?k?kp?t] n. 驾驶员座舱

15. avionics [?e?vi??n?ks] n. 航空电子设备

16. pneumatic [nju??m?t?k] n. 气体力学设备

17. SSTO:单级入轨,single stage to orbit的缩写

18. VTOL:垂直起飞与着陆,vertical take-off and landing的缩写

19. HTOL:水平起飞与着陆,horizontal take-off and landing的缩写

20. ISS:国际空间站,International Space Station的缩写

21. configuration [k?n?f?ɡ??re??n] n. 构造

22. consortium [k?n?s??ti?m] n. 联营企业,联盟

23. dock [d?k] n. 空间对接

24. nosecone [?n??zk??n] n. (火箭或导弹的)头锥

25. splashdown [?spl??da?n] n. [空] (宇宙飞船的)溅落

26. track record:以往的记录

27. off-the-shelf:(军用产品等)现成的,非专门设计(或定制)的

28. LOX/kerosene engine:液氧/煤油发动机

29. parasail [?p?r?se?l] n. 滑翔伞

