How To Be A Happy Teacher


中学教学参考·语英版 2013年8期

【作者简介】 封乔周,贵州省盘县第一中学校长,1962年10月出生,贵州盘县人,大学本科学历,中学高级教师,贵州省特级教师,全国外语教学名师,贵州省教学名师,六盘水市十大教育精英之一,中国中小学外语教学研究会会员,贵州省教育学会中小学英语专业委员会常务理事,六盘水市教育学会英语专业委员会副理事长,盘县教育学会常务副会长、秘书长,盘县教育学会英语专业委员会理事长。获第五届全国中小学外语教师园丁奖,被评为第五届全国三“十佳”英语教师。主要研究领域为:教育教学管理、课堂教学方法、教师专业发展、中小学英语教育教学。

Many teachers want to be a happy teacher. But how can we? Here are some ideas to share with you.

First, do our work well. I think if we want to be a happy teacher, we should work hard. We should love our work and do our work well. Here is a story. There was a student, who, even though he was in Senior Three, still wet the bed. Nobody knew his secret, because every morning after he got up, he covered the wet sheet with the quilt. This secret was finally discovered by Mr. Wang, his Chinese teacher. However, Mr. Wang didnt tell anyone about the situation. What he did was, every day after the student went to class, he would take the wet sheet off the boys bed and hang it in the sun to dry. Possibly the boy who wet the bed knew what was going on but no one else knew. Nobody knew how long Mr. Wang continued to dry the boys bed sheet. In a word, Mr Wang continued to dry the boys sheet for however long the boy continued to wet his bed.

Several decades later, Mr. Wang had his 60th birthday. Many students came back to celebrate their teachers birthday. The student came too. By that time, he was a very successful man, who was a Chinese Ambassador to some distant country. At the birthday party, he let his secret out. When he finished it, he turned to face Mr. Wang and made a deep bow to his teacher. When he lifted his head, all could see the tears of gratitude falling down his face. Mr. Wang was not very welleducated. He graduated from a kindergarten teachers training school and because there were few qualified teachers at that time, he was asked to teach in senior high school.

Although Mr. Wang was not highly educated, he loved his work, and loved his students. His students liked and respected him very much. All the students in his class were very good. They all worked hard and every single one enjoyed studying. They were moved by Mr. Wangs ethics and his commitment to teaching.

I think, as a teacher, we should be responsible. We should be full of love for what we do. If we work diligently, show kindness to our students, we will be respected by them. We will have a happy life. We will become a happy teacher.

Secondly, we should have a good attitude. Some people like to compete against each other, to compare themselves with others. Who is more beautiful? Who is richer? And so on. They envy each other so they are unhappy. When their heart is full of this, they may not have a happy life, they may not become a successful teacher, and they may not become a happy teacher.

I think we should learn to respect each other, appreciate each other, like in TIP(an English training institute). In TIP everyone is good. Everybody is a winner. There is no loser. If a teacher is successful, we should congratulate him. If he is in a bad mood, we should encourage him and help him. If we have a good attitude, we will feel happy. We will find that life is meaningful. We will have a happy life. We will become younger and younger. We will become a happy teacher.

Thirdly, it is important to have a good health. I have a friend who worked hard. He was a good teacher, but he didnt know how to take care of himself. Many years ago he was seriously ill and could not work any more. He had to retire. What a pity!

So we should learn to look after ourselves. Go to sleep early and get up early. Take enough exercise, such as running, playing basketball, dancing and so on.

Only if we have a good health, can we have a happy life. Only if we have a good health, can we have a meaningful life! Only if we have a good health, can we become a happy teacher!

So, here are my final words of wisdom for you:

Work hard! Do our work well!

Have a good attitude!

Enjoy life and fill our life with joy!

(责任编辑 周侯辰)


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