历时12天的“2013年中国文化行——雅居乐重庆巴渝文化体验”夏令营活动在暨华中学顺利闭营 中国华文教育基金会副秘书长李先国、重庆市外侨办副主任唐文、渝北区教委主任谢钢出席闭营仪式。
本次活动由中国华文教育基金会主办 重庆市外事侨务办公室和重庆市暨华中学承办 中国地产集团雅居乐公司赞助 来自印度尼西亚、巴拿马、泰国、南非、韩国等地近50位华裔少年参加。
活动期间 营员们饱览了重庆武隆鬼斧秀灵的山山水水 欣赏了博大精深的中国书法与武术 学习了精湛巧妙的民间手编技艺 品尝了麻辣鲜香的重庆火锅……所有这些 无不让大家流连忘返。
中国华文教育基金会副秘书长李先国希望广大华裔青少年 以这次活动为契机 积极争当中国文化的传播者 争当中国与自己国家友好交往的使者。
闭营仪式结束后 营员们与暨华中学志愿者同台表演了丰富多彩的文艺节目。
2013 Agile Experience Bayu Culture Summer Camp Closed
The 12-day "2013 Agile Experience Bayu Culture" summer camp recently successfully closed in Jihua middle school, Deputy Secretary General of China Chinese Education Foundation Li Xianguo, Deputy Director of Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office Tang Wen, Director of Yubei District Education Commission Xie Gang attended the closed-camp rituals.
This event was sponsored by the Chinese- language education in China, hosted by Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and Jihua middle school in Chongqing, sponsorship from China Real Estate Group Agile company, nearly 50 ethnic Chinese youth from Indonesia, Panama, Thailand, South Africa, and Korea attended.
During the event, campers toured Wulong, enjoyed the profoundness of Chinese calligraphy and martial arts, studied superb folk art of hand-knitted, tasted the spicy hot pot in Chongqing ... ... the captain of the team Lei Dan said, this summer camp activity let these ethnic Chinese young people have a whole new appreciation and understanding of Chinese culture, having a deep impression of Chongqing, Yubei District, they are proud of themselves being descendants of the Dragon, they will always remember China, remember Chongqing!
Li Xianguo Hoped that the majority of Chinese youth would take the event as an opportunity to actively strive to be a disseminator of Chinese culture, strive to be a Messenger of the friendly exchanges between China and their own countries.