

传动技术 2013年1期



ZF (China)Investment Co.,Ltd.











In an automatic transmission,electronic and hydraulic components have to take over the tasks of a driver to shift from one gear to another.In order to have a smooth transition in shifting from one gear to another,parameters in the control software have to be adjusted accordingly,so that best of all,the driver and the passengers in the car do not even recognize this shifting process.In addition,it is necessary that a proper shifting strategy has to be implemented.It is the task of a calibration engineer to adjust the parameters in the control software to achieve an optimum performance.

Definition of automatic transmission calibration

Automatic transmission calibration is adjusting parameters of functions in the transmission control software,which are not fixed in their values,to make the control suitable for a vehicle to perform well in all driving and environments conditions.

The automatic transmission calibration in prototype vehicles is a very important phase during application development,and it also lasts the longest.All the parameters must be properly adjusted for the specific engine,vehicle mass,final drive ratio,torque converter characteristics,requirements of drivability and etc.

For the calibration of an automatic transmission in ZF,the shift process control (named HPSYS)and the shift strategy control (named ASIS)are mainly calibrated.

图1 三档的动力传递Fig.1 Power flow of 3rd gear




Calibration of the Hydraulic Planet Gear System(HPSYS)

ZF 6HP transmissions have one single planetary gear set,one double planetary gear set and 5 shift elements(clutches and brakes),which transfer the torque from engine output to power train with different combinations.Task of HPSYS is the controlling of shift elements by electronic-hydraulic system,gear shifting is mechanically realized via clutches engaging and disengaging.

图2 四档的动力传递Fig.2 Power flow of 4th gear

图3 典型的三四动力升档Fig.3 Typical graph for a power up shifting from 3rd to 4th gear







图4 动力升档三四中,离合器B过早分离Fig.4 Power up shifting from 3rd to 4th gear with clutch B disengaged too fast

图5 动力升档三四中,增加离合器E的换挡压力Fig.5 Power up shifting from 3rd to 4th gear with increased shifting pressure to clutch E

For example,in the 3rdgear,the turbine drives the ring gear of the front,the single planetary gear set and the outer plate carrier of clutch E.Ring gear 1 drives the planetary gears,which roll round fixed sun wheel 1.This drives the planetary gear spider 1and at the same time the outer plate carrier A and the inner plate carrier of clutch B.with engaging of clutch A.The sun wheel 3in the double planetary gear set is driven;this meshes with the short planetary gears.Sun wheel 2is driven via engaged clutch B.The long planetary gears,which are in engagement with short ones,cannot roll round fixed sun wheel 2and drive the blocked double planetary gear carrier in the direction of engine rotation.

Similarly in the 4thgear,a different ratio is realized via the engagement of A and E.

A power up shifting from 3rdto 4thgear requires the engaged clutches from A and B switch to A and E,meaning the clutch A stays engaged and the clutch E need to be engaged,while the clutch B is disengaging.HPSYS calibration allows the calibration engineer to control how the shifting process from one gear into the next is performed.The calibration is done by driving the vehicle and monitoring different system parameters,such as engine speed and torque,transmission clutch pressure etc.An example for a typical simplified display is shown in Fig.3.

For the power up shifting from 3rdto 4thgear,a shifting command is released by the ASIS software dependent upon current accelerator pedal and output shaft speed.Once the HPSYS software accepts the shifting command,the shifting element B will be disengaged by decreasing oil pressure;meanwhile shifting element E will be engaged by increasing oil pressure.The torque will be transferred by an overlapping process from clutch B to clutch E.When clutch B is totally disengaged,the turbine speed and engine speed should be able to pull down to synchronous speed by engaging of clutch E.A calibrated torque intervention value will be sent to the engine control module to request an engine torque reduction at the same time.With proper engine torque decreasing and pressure of clutch E,the automatic transmission pulls down turbine speed to synchronous speed and finishes the shifting.

Shifting timing(reaction time and slipping time)must be within a certain range to achieve shift comfort and keep the clutches from wearing.Shift comfort can be judged from oscillations of output shaft.

The following examples show settings that should be avoided,as they are decreasing shifting comfort or increasing clutch wear:

图6 动力升档三四中减少发动机降扭请求Fig.6 Power up shifting from 3rd to 4th gear with decreasing torque intervention






图7 换挡曲线Fig.7 ASIS shift map

According to the observed curves,the calibration engineer adjusts parameters and monitors again the values.This is done iteratively,until the desired performance is achieved.

In the HPSYS calibration,mainly the following functions will be calibrated.

All the functions above are calibrated and verified at different temperatures

Calibration of Adaptive Shifting Strategy(ASIS)

While calibration of the HPSYS deals with how the change from one gear to the next is performed smoothly,the shifting strategy decides in general when the shifting process from one gear to the next is performed.In general the target for this is requested by the customer,who for example prefers a sportier,a more comfortable or an economical behavior.

A basic shift map is a map of shifting proposal which depends on the current accelerator pedal value and the output shaft speed.An example is shown in fig.7.

Fig.7 shows a typical basic shift map.The xaxis presents the output shaft speed/velocity of the vehicle;the y-axis presents the accelerator pedal value from 0to 100%.The solid lines are the up shifting lines;When the driving point(related to x and y)goes cross an up shifting line from left to right or from up to down or the mixture of these two directions,the shift map will release an up shifting command accordingly.For example,in case 1launching from stand still in 1st gear with 38%throttle,once the output shaft speed reaches 500rpm,1-2up shifting line is crossed,and 1-2up shifting will be proposed.

The dashed lines are the down shifting lines.When the driving point goes cross a down shifting line from the right to left or from down to up or the mixture of these two directions,the shift map will release a down shifting command accordingly.For example,in case 2driving with130kmh with 30%of accelerator pedal constantly,once the accelerator pedal is pressed up to 93%,a 6-5down shifting will be proposed.

The shift map is of significant importance for the ASIS calibration and therefore the comfort and drivability.This basic ASIS shift map is used for general driving conditions.Nevertheless,if certain special driving situations are detected,gear proposals from the shift map will be limited to release,earlier released etc.To do this,the calibration engineer calibrates special functions for improved dynamic drivability,some examples are the follow-




Some other special driving situations are summarized in Fig.8.保证传动系的稳定性。.


图8 特殊驾驶工况Fig.8 Special driving situations









Environmental Conditions

It has to be made sure that the system performs well in any kind of driving condition and in any kind of environmental conditions,such as cold climate,hot climate and driving at high attitudes.Therefore,the calibration work needs to include ride work in these conditions as well.

Cold climate trip:The transmission control is realized by hydraulic system.At cold temperature,the viscosity of the hydraulic oil changes and therefore impacts the shifting process strongly.To achieve good driving performance in a low temperature environment,winter tests and calibration work are carried out in cold places during winter.Some special ASIS functions like ESP shift inhibition,warm up model will be also calibrated and verified during this winter test.

In a hot climate,transmissions will be heated up over 100°C and the engine performances will be different as well.During summer test,the calibration engineer adjusts the control parameters to account for these changes.

During driving at high attitude the output torque and power will be less.Transmission control in high attitude places must be adapted against less engine performances in lower ambient pressure.

Summary and conclusion

Automatic transmission calibration requires knowledge about power train,mechanics,hydraulics and electric/electronic.As the calibration phase requires also driving in cold &hot climate,and at high altitude,a long term development is required for calibration projects.During that time calibration engineer supports the PIO (put in operation),calibrates shifting processes for every different shifting situation,calibrates shifting strategies to get best drivability,and goes to extreme environments tests.The target is clear:to provide the best shifting behavior and drivability to the end customer.

