

外语学刊 2012年3期

高 云 苗兴伟

(山东大学,济南 250100; 北京师范大学,北京 100875)



高 云 苗兴伟

(山东大学,济南 250100; 北京师范大学,北京 100875)



1 引言


2 信息组织与语篇连贯

语篇的连贯性常常被解释为语篇各组成部分在意义上的连接关系。(Brown & Yule 1983, Östman & Virtanen 1995)语言学家通常从语义、语用和认知等角度来探讨语篇在意义上的连贯性,如van Dijk(1977)的宏观结构理论、Mann和Thompson(1988)的修辞结构理论以及Beaugrande和Dressler(1981)的程序操作模式等等。但是,从信息传递的角度看,语篇不只是意义的载体,同时也是信息的载体,因此,一个合格的语篇在信息上也必须是连贯的。

语言学所说的信息指的是以语言为载体所传输的消息内容。那么,信息与意义有何区别?一般说来,句子的意义是句子内部语言成分之间相互作用的结果,并且是保持稳定的,而句子的信息价值取决于交际者的认知状态。某一命题意义是否具有信息价值完全取决于该命题意义能否改变受话者对世界的心理表征。(Lambrecht 1994:43)一方面,同一个句子所表达的意义是相对固定的,但其信息价值则是因人而异的。例如:

① John bought the car yesterday.



② a. The rain destroyed the crops.

b. The crops were destroyed by the rain. (Widdowson 1978: 2)

在例②中,②a和②b具有相同的深层结构,因而表达了相同的命题意义。但两个句子在表层结构上的差异导致了两个句子在信息价值上的差别。在回答“What did the rain do?”时,②a比②b更合适。根据信息组织的一般原则,说话者通常将已知信息置于句首位置,把新信息置于句尾。这也说明为什么在回答“What happened to the crops?”时,②b比②a更合适。


③ Dear Joan,

Me, I’m sitting here at my desk writing to you. What’s outside my window is a big lawn surrounded by trees and it’s a flower bed that’s in the middle of the lawn. When it was full of daffodils and tulips, it was in the spring. Here you’d love it. It’s you who must come and stay sometime. What we’ve got is plenty of room.

Love, Sally

④ Dear Joan,

I’m sitting here at my desk writing to you. Outside my window is a big lawn surrounded by trees, and in the middle of the lawn is a flower bed. It was full of daffodils and tulips in the spring. You’d love it here. You must come and stay sometime. We’ve got plenty of room.

Love, Sally


— What’s outside your window?

— What’s outside my window is a big lawn surrounded by trees.

— Isn’t it a pond that’s in the middle of the lawn?

— No, it’s a flower bed that’s in the middle of the lawn.



3 英语写作中的前景信息与背景信息

对信息组织方式的研究主要包括三种不同的理论和视角:旧信息-新信息、预设-焦点、背景化-前景化。旧信息-新信息把信息组织方式看做是信息单元中的新信息与旧信息的互动。(Chafe 1992,Halliday 1994)预设-焦点把信息组织方式看做是命题层面上预设命题与断言或焦点的选择。(Gundel 1988, Lambrecht 1994)前景化-背景化把信息组织方式看做是通过句法结构的选择和小句的组合对信息的显著性做出的调整,即有的信息被处理为前景信息,有的信息则被处理为背景信息。(Tomlin 1985)

在语篇层面上,有些信息构成语篇发展的主线,此类信息为前景信息;有些信息只是为语篇的发展设定情景或提供预设信息,服务于前景信息的表达,此类信息为背景信息。前景信息对语篇的展开起关键的主导作用;背景信息对语篇的发展和情节的展开起铺垫作用,有助于前景信息的表达。前景信息是交际过程中满足受话者的交际期待的信息,往往与新信息或信息焦点重合;背景信息既可以是旧信息或预设信息,也可以是交际双方想当然的信息。语篇中的前景信息和背景信息与语法系统之间存在着密切的联系,在主从结构中,前景信息往往与主句相吻合,背景信息往往与从句相吻合。(Tomlin 1985,Chafe 1992) 例如:

⑤ John got up early. He didn’t catch the early bus.

⑥ John got up early, but didn’t catch the early bus.

⑦ Although John got up early, he didn’t catch the early bus.

⑧ John got up early, although he didn’t catch the early bus.

例⑤-⑧都包括两个小句。在例⑤和例⑥中,两个小句构成并列关系,即两个小句所传递的信息都是前景信息。在例⑦中,由although引导的从属小句将John got up early处理为背景信息,he didn’t catch the early bus成为前景信息。例⑧的情况正好相反,John got up early为前景信息,he didn’t catch the early bus则为背景信息。


下面,我们用Ostrom和Cook(1988:58-59) 的例子来说明英语写作中小句的组合方式与信息组织之间的密切关系。

⑨ a. His first volume of poems was published in 1827.

b. Very few people bought copies.

c. He successfully gained admission to West Point in the summer of 1830.

d. He was expelled from the Academy the following spring.

e. He became a successful magazine editor in Richmond, Virginia.

f. The owner of the magazine in time objected to his habits.

g. The owner fired him in 1837.

h. Later in New York he wrote his famous poem, “The Raven”.

i. It brought him much publicity.

k. It failed to bring him much money.

l. For years he struggled to become proprietor of a magazine.

m. He hoped the magazine would make him rich.

n. He finally became owner of theBroadwayJournal.

o. It went bankrupt in three months.

上述14个句子描述了美国著名作家Edgar Allan Poe的生活经历。这些句子所表达的信息并不是同等重要的,而且有些信息涉及积极的生活经历,有些则涉及消极的或不如意的经历。在语篇的组织过程中,有些信息须要处理为前景信息,有些信息需要处理为背景信息。以例⑨中的a和b为例,这两个句子可以有如下的组合方式:His first volume of poems was published in 1827, but very few people bought copies; His first volume of poems was published in 1827, although very few people bought copies; When his first volume of poems was published in 1827, very few people bought copies.

如果我们把例⑨中的14个句子组织为一个语义连贯的语篇,首先必须考虑语篇的宏观主题是什么。如果语篇强调的是Edgar Allan Poe生活中的不幸或消极的一面,那么我们就可以用“Throughout his life Edgar Allan Poe faced a series of disappointments”作为主题句来概括语篇的宏观主题。这样,我们可以对例⑨中的14个句子进行分工和组合(见文后分析表)。

句b, d, f, g, k, o因为都涉及Edgar Allan Poe生活中消极的一面,所以用来表达前景信息;句a, c, e, h, i, l, m, n因为都涉及Edgar Allan Poe生活中积极的一面,所以用来表达背景信息,除句i和m可以组织为定语从句外,其余都是状语或状语从句。基于以上分析,例⑨中的14个句子根据宏观主题可以组织为如下的语篇:Throughout his life Edgar Allan Poe faced a series of disappointments. When his first volume of poems was published in 1827, very few people bought copies. After successfully gaining admission to West Point in the summer of 1830, he was expelled from the Academy the following spring. Even though he became a successful magazine editor in Richmond, Virgi-nia, the owner of the magazine in time objected to his habits and fired him in 1837. Although later in New York he wrote his famous poem “The Raven”which brought him much publicity, it failed to bring him much money. When he became proprietor of theBroadwayJournal, after years of struggle to own a magazine that would make him rich, it went bankrupt in three months.(Ostrom & Cook 1988:62,有改动)


4 结束语



Beaugrande, R. de & Dressler, W.IntroductiontoTextLinguistics[M]. London: Longman, 1981.

Brown, G. & Yule, G.DiscourseAnalysis[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.

Chafe, W. Information Flow[A]. In W. Bright(ed.).InternationalEncyclopediaofLinguistics[C]. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Gundel, J. K.TheRoleofTopicandCommentinLinguisticTheory[M]. New York: Garland, 1988.

Halliday, M. A. K.AnIntroductiontoFunctionalGrammar[M]. London: Edward Arnold, 1994.

Lambrecht, K.InformationStructureandSentenceForm:Topic,Focus,andtheMentalRepresentationsofDiscourseReferents[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Mann, W. C. & Thompson, Sandra A. Rhetorical Structure Theory: Toward a Functional Theory of Text Organization[J].Text, 1988(3).

McCarthy, M.DiscourseAnalysisforLanguageTeachers[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Östman, J. O. & Virtanen, T. Discourse Analysis[A]. In J.Verschueren, J. O. Östman & J.Blommaert(eds.).HandbookofPragmatics[C]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1995.

Ostrom, J. & Cook, W.BetterParagraphsPlus[M]. New York: Harper & Row, 1988.

Tomlin, R. S. Foreground-background Information and the Syntax of Subordination[J].Text, 1985(5).

van Dijk, T. A.TextandContext:SemanticsandPragmaticsofDiscourse[M]. London: Longman, 1977.

Widdowson, H. G.TeachingLanguageasCommunication[M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978.



Gao Yun Miao Xing-wei

(Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China; Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)

In the process of discourse unfolding, the addresser is supposed to manage and package information according to the progre-ssion of information flow so as to guarantee the informational coherence of discourse. If the English writing process is regarded as a process of information management, the writer needs to organize information adequately according to the reader’s assumed cognitive status, and in so doing enables the reader to get the desired information with the least effort. This requires the writer to adjust linguistic structures with regard to the needs of information flow and the intentions of writing in the process of managing information so as to package foreground information and background information appropriately.

English writing; information management; foreground information; background information







四种作物 北方种植有前景