广义Ferm at商中的平方数和立方数
(西安理工大学理学院,陕西 西安 710048)
广义Ferm at商中的平方数和立方数
(西安理工大学理学院,陕西 西安 710048)
1 引言及结论
2 若干引理
3 定理1.1的证明
4 定理1.2的证明
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The squares and cubes in generalized Ferm at quotients
Li Jianghua
(College of Science,X i′an University of Technology,X i′an 710048,China)
Let p be an odd prim e,and let a,b be positive integers such that a>b,gcd(a,b)=1 and pab.In this paper we discussed the generalized Ferm at quotient problem s under these conditions.Using the elem entary method and some recent results on ternary Diophantine equations.Proved that if p>13,then(ap−1−bp−1)/p is not a square,and if p>7,then it is not an odd cube.It hasm ade som e p rogress for the generalized Ferm at quotient prob lem s.
generalized Fermat quotient,square,cube,ternary Diophantine equation
陕西省自然科学基金(2012K 06-43);陕西省教育厅专项计划基金(12JK 0874).
2010 M SC:11D 61