

科技传播 2012年15期




Mathematician.Born in Nantong, Jiangsu Province.Graduated from Peking University and enrolled in the Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences as a graduated in 1962.Research professor and director, Institute of Mathematics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,

Yang is mainly engaged in the research on complex analysis.In the 1970s, he made further study on the relation between deficient values and Borel directions of entire and meromorphic functions.Cooperated with Zhang Guanghou , he first discovered and established the detailed relation between these two basic concepts.He made further study on singular directions of meromorphic functions, introduced a new kind of singular directions and gave the perfect solution to the distribution of singular directions.He systematically studied the normality for families of holomorphic or meromorphic functions and established the relationship between the normality and fixed point.He and a British mathematician solved a conjecture posed by the exact estimation on the total deficiency of derivatives of meromorphic functions and the number of deficient values of entire functions.

He was elected Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980.




Nuclear physicist.Born in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province.Graduated from the Department of Physics, Central University in 1937.Received Ph.D.from the University of Liverpool, UK in 1950.Research professor, director and honorary director, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Yang was mainly engaged in the development of static accelerator, Cockcrost-Walton and heavy ion accelerator and the research on experimental nuclear physics and he obtained many important results.From the 1950s, he and Zhao Zhongyao led the development of China’s first static accelerator.He took charge of instructing the preparation of the flashing crystals of NaⅠ(T1)and other compounds and developing China’s first Cockroft-Walton accelerator.He organized and led the construction of Lanzhou heavy ion accelerator and the experimental research of heavy ion nuclear physics.He got many original results in the above-mentioned work.

He was elected Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980.




Physicist.Female.Mongolian nationality.Born in Beijing.Graduated from Gguangxi University in 1944.Received Ph.D.from Cambridge University, UK in 1951.Research professor, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Li is mainly engaged in the research on materials science.In the 1950s,she conducted research on nodular iron, substitution of minute quantity of B in the Ni and Cr structural steels, the corrosion of fine bricks of Baotou iron ore.From the 1960s to 1970s, she did a lot of work for the construction of nuclear reactors conducted and transmission electron microscopy.After 1973, she did research on superconducting materials and obtained the A15 Nb3Ge film with 23K of critical temperature in 1980.She proposed a phase formation mechanism and was supported by wellknown foreign scientists.Since 1987, she has worked on high temperature superconducting films and devices which has reached the international standard and promoted the research and technology of Chinese superconductors.

He was elected Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980.




Physicist.Born in Dongyang, Zhejing Province.Graduated from Tsinghua University in 1938.Received Ph.D.from California Institute of Technology, USA in 1951.Research professor and honorary director, Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chinese Nuclear Industry.

Li has been engaged in research on nuclear physics, plasma physics controlled fusion, etc, for a long time and has led the solution of a number of important key technological problems.From the 1940s to 1950s, he completed a series of experimental research on light nuclear reactions and made experimental determination of the Einstein mass and energy conversion relation, which was the most precise direct measurement at that time.He was one of the main designers of China’s first 2.5 MeV proton electrostatic accelerator and first electron electrostatic accelerator and was one of the chief originators of the early plans for high energy accelerator in China.In 1955, he made the program proposal to embark controlled thermonuclear reaction research in our country.In the early 1980s, he led the successful development of the fusion experimental device, “National Toroidal Circulator-1”.

He was elected Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980.


我国首台自主研发的重离子治疗装置 有望年内开展临床试验