阿道夫·克利尚尼兹 徐知兰
1 阿道夫·克利尚尼兹/Adolf Krischanitz(摄影/Photo: Elfie Semotan)
“动词‘bricoler’在旧的词义上指球戏、玩台球、狩猎和骑马,然而它总是涉及到某种附带的运动时使用:球的弹跳,狗的游荡或马的绕避障碍。……正像技术平面上的‘修补术’一样,神话思考可以在理智平面上获得出色的、意想不到的结果。反过来说,所谓‘粗糙的’或‘朴实的’艺术平面上的‘修补术’所具有的神话诗意性,常常引起人们的注意。”(克劳德·列维-斯特劳斯,《野性的思维》,译者注——译文引自:克劳德·列维-斯特劳斯.野性的思维. 李幼蒸译. 北京:商务印书馆,1987:22-23.)
Adolf Krischanitz (born in 1946 in Schwarzach/Pongau) co-founded the architects' group"Missing Link" toward the end of his studies at the Technische Universität (Technical University) in Vienna 1970, together with Angela Hareiter and Otto Kapfinger. In 1979 he was a co-founder of the magazineUmBauof the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur (Austrian Society for Architecture)and in 1982 assumed the chair of that organization. As a member and then president of the Vienna Secession (1991-1995) he was responsible for the design and organization of many exhibitions of contemporary art. He was active as a visiting professor in 1989 at the Technische Universität (Technical University)in Munich as well as at the Sommerakademie(Summer Academy) in Karlsruhe (1990), Naples(1994-1995), and Vienna (1996). Since 1992 he is Professor for Urban Renewal and Design at the Universität der Künste (University of the Arts) in Berlin. Krischanitz has worked since 1979 as a free-lance architect with studios in Vienna, Berlin, and Zurich. □
Architecture is not only thinking, feeling, or use. It is much more the establishment of a consciousness by means of doing. It is an extended rehearsal put to the test.
Architecture is an activity, which can be characterized by the expression "bricolage" (handicraft). The meaning of the word the term bricolage is derived from processes and activities which perform a precise,but not prescribed movement.
"In its original sense, the verbbricolercan be applied to billiards and ball games, or hunting and riding,but never in the sense of emphasizing a prescribed movement: that of the ball that bounces back, the dog that makes a detour, or the horse that diverges from the straight path in order to avoid an obstacle. Just like the mythical thinking on the intellectual level, handicraft work can bring about dazzling and unforeseen results on the technical field. Conversely one often notices the mythopoetic character of the bricolage." (Claude Lévi-Strauss,The Savage Mind)
Architecture is a system within movable boundaries, with a quiet searching for an external structural authority, which keeps watch over the unity (middle). The coagulating of the architectonic consciousness by the time factor changes the point of view. The directed, future bearing principle of the avant-gardistic is then transposed into the ephemeral.
The interplay of change and continuity, introspection and extrospection, art and every day speech as unlimited play of the differences is a pluralistic lesson. Architecture is always transformation of other architectures. Which authority determines the free play of relations? In differential systems there is no ultimate authority. The definition of absolute architecture is neither necessary nor interesting. What is decisive is the perception of the sameness and thereby the difference, or as Paul Valéry formulated it in theCahiers: "Time is also measurement of energy through the body…I conclude from that, that the perception of equality is fundamental. There is something in me, that the before and after, as well as the interval defines."
Architecture is the difference between architecture. □ (本文首次出版于/This text was first published in: "Adolf Krischanitz: Architecture is the difference between Architecture", edited by Uta Graff, published by Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern, Germany, 2009)