1 外景/Exterior view(摄影/Photo: Margherita Spiluttini)
该设计一方面呈现了一个略高于地面的扁平矩形体量;另一方面又展示出两个垂直要素,它们彼此略微交错,通过类似隧道的要素与第一个体块及楼梯部分相连。建筑周围环绕着大量树木,因此,夏日里会有经绿叶过滤的阳光透过所有的窗户射入室内。小组讨论室是简洁的矩形空间,并且可以分隔为独立的小间。建筑与外界的关系呈现出与理性、极简的内部空间不同的风格:从扁平元素抬高的底层地面向外望去,视线将越过未形成遮挡的矮墙而被引向毗邻建筑的草坪;而在较高的体块中,法式落地长窗以窗—墙—窗—墙的序列,展现了一个“开敞”与“封闭”如棋盘般对等的组合。□(徐知兰 译)
This design presents on the one hand a flat,rectangular volume that is raised slightly above the ground, and on the other two more vertical volumes, slightly staggered in relation to each other,that are connected to the first block by a channellike link and the staircase block. As the building is surrounded by a number of trees in summer a green filtered light enters the building through all the windows. The group rooms are clear rectangles in shape and can be individually fitted out. The relationship to the outside world differs from the rational bareness of the internal spaces as the view from the elevated ground floor of the flat element,uninterrupted by a parapet, is directed towards the lawn adjoining the building and, in the taller blocks,French windows in a serial order window-wallwindow-wall present a chequerboard-like equality of "open" and "closed". □
业主/Client: 新学校,维也纳/Neue Welt, Vienna
合作者/Collaborators: Marc Gilbert, Eric Red
色彩与材料概念/Colour and Material Concept:Helmut Federle
2 外景/Exterior view(摄影/Photo: Margherita Spiluttini)
3 平面/Plan
4 外景/Exterior view(摄影/Photo: Margherita Spiluttini)
5 立面/Elevations
6 立面/Elevations
7 立面/Elevations
8 内景/Interior view(摄影/Photo: Margherita Spiluttini)
9 内景/Interior view(摄影/Photo: Margherita Spiluttini)