1 前言
对于工程机械而言,不断增加的燃油价格和环保要求使得降低油耗日趋重要。此外,排放法规Tier 4的引入将导致车辆做出重大改进,因为需进行废气后处理。车辆的变动在部分程度上会对油耗起负面影响。目前正在开发的变速器和驱动桥将是今后机动车传动系统的重要基础。这些系统通过不断提高效率和优化与内燃机、变速器和液压系统的协同工作可明显地降低油耗。在提高性能的同时进一步降低油耗和排放,则必须采用其他途径。这就可以看出电力驱动和混合动力在机动车方面应用的巨大潜力。但是,从这些技术的应用经济性考虑,必须抓住在机动车各个分支方面的应用可能性,例如商用车辆。
2 ZF的混合动力系统
在ZF公司,各种形式的商用车辆混合动力系统正处于产品开发阶段。它们包括适用于城市公交的EcoLife-Hybrid和适用于货车的Hy-Tronic。上述两系统使用的电动机为120和60 kW,并具有强混合动力系统的功能。
1 Introduction
Increasing fuel prices and increased environmental requirements lead,for construction machinery,to an increased importance of measures to reduce fuel consumption.Also,the introduction of the exhaust regulation Tier 4 leads,for meeting the regulation,to drastic changes on the vehicle because of the required exhaust gas after-treatment.These changes on the vehicle partly affect the fuel consumption in a negative w ay.An important basis for future drivetrains of mobile machinery is provided by the currently developed transmissions and axle systems.These systems lead,through their continuous optimisation with regards to efficiency and an optimalcooperation ofcombustion engine,transmission and hydraulics,to clear fuel savings.To further reduce fuel consumption and exhaust emissions,whilst increasing the performance,additional degrees of freedom have to be created.This is where an electrification and hybridisation can show a great potential for application to mobile machinery.However,for an economic application of these technologies,despite the relatively low production volumes,one has to seize all possible synergies with other vehicle branches,e.g.commercial vehicles.
用于工程机械和农业机械的Hy-tronic的电机功率提高到85 kW,此外EColife的电机功率为120 kW;而且采用了较小的法兰直径(SAE2/3).持续功率依据电机尺寸不同在50 kW到70 kW之间。
2 Hybrid Systems at ZF
At ZF,various hybrid systems for commercial vehicles are in production development.These include amongst others,the EcoLife-Hybrid for city buses and the Hy-Tronic for trucks.The electric machines,used on these tw o systems have a power of 120 and 60 kW respectively and offer the functionalities of a full-hybrid system[1].
The scope of supply of ZF includes not only the,in the transmission integrated,electric machine,but also all other necessary hybrid components ranging from the Li-Ion battery over to the power inverter and a hybrid control unit.The system can be furthermore equipped with a dc/dc con verter for onboard power supply to replace the alternator.The software on the hybrid control unit provided by ZF can include functions for component control,operative hybrid functions and strategic vehicle functions.
图1 各种用途的混合动力系统功能Fig.1 Functions of hybrid systems for different applications
图2 ZF开发的并联式混合动力产品Fig.2 ZF-Components in parallel hybrid architecture
图4显示了当辅助动力为5 kW电动机、车辆处于静止状态时内燃机的间隙工作状况。这里,辅助动力由蓄电池供电,一旦SOC(储电量状态)过低则继续充电。随后,内燃机必须工作一小段时间用于向蓄电池充电。在短时充电期间如果伴随高负载,内燃机将在燃油消耗率较低的点上工作。这样可平均节省22%的油耗。静止状态时性能规格越低,节能潜力越高。由于储存在蓄电池中的能量可在较长的时间内向辅助动力供能,因此内燃机的起动频率降低。根据文献[2],在一辆轮式装载机的负载周期内,怠速工况可达14%。
Figure 1 shows an overview over theimportant hybrid functions out of the ZF modular software system for different production projects for passenger cars and commercial vehicles.This includes typical hybrid functions like stop/start of the engine,recovery of brake energy,shift of engine operating point,electric driving and a hybrid strategy for a power management between combustion engine and electric machine.
This modular system of hardware-and software components serves as a basis for the hybrid system for mobile machinery.Additional functions like shift of operation point for improved exhaust emissions,stabilization of the engine and power on demand operation of vehicle auxiliaries are developed focussing on the requirements of construction and agricultural machinery.
ZF has experience with the development of electric drives for over 15 years.In May 2008 the ZF production facility for hybrid modules for supply of the Mercedes S-class hybrid was opened.The electricmachines used in the hybrid systems are of permanent magnet synchronous type with single coils.These excel through their no-wear behaviour,robustness,high torque and powerdensity and through their high efficiencies.
The power of the electric machine from the Hy-tronic was increased to 85 kW for use in construction and agricultural machinery,thus represents,besides the bigger electric machine from the EColife with 120 kW,a powerful variant for smaller flange diameters(SAE2/3).The permanent power depends on the size of the electric machine and amounts to either 50 kW or 70 kW.
The power inverter employed to produce the rotating magnetic field and to control the electric machine is build up with spring contacted IGBT's(insulated gate bipolar transistor)and diodes in order to achieve the required durability and has a high power density.The power electronics are optimised for the control of the electricmachine and offer a high efficiency.It was developed by ZF specifically for the mechanical and electric requirements of commercial vehicles and thus features a rugged construction and high durability.
图3 需求和功能Fig.3 Requirements and functions
图4 带起停系统和不带起停系统的对比Fig.4 Comparison of a system with and without stop/start
The hybrid battery was developed together with Continental specifically for the high durability demands of commercial vehicles and is of water cooled Li-Ion type with integrated battery management system.The design of the battery is modular and can hence be built up in tw o different sizes with different energy contents.
The components depicted in Figure 2 form the basis for a parallel hybrid architecture,which is also favoured for most applications for mobile machinery.Specifically,for the hybridisation of the drivetrain,which requires operation at relatively high vehicle speeds and tractive efforts(e.g.commercial vehicles or wheel loader,material handling machinery,etc.),this system layout provides clear advantages.However,the available components can also beemployed for a serial hybrid system,for application in,e.g.an excavator swing drive or for small fork lifts.
ZF-System Functions
Figure 3 shows the most important requirements for future powertrain concepts for mobile machinery.Every one of these requirements can be covered by a function of an electric hybrid.
Specifically the supply of auxiliaries,like e.g.the climate(a/c-)compressor,during engine stop,has a high importance for mobile machinery.With electric hybrids a fast cranking of the engine can be carried out comfortably through the electric machine.
Figure 4 shows the intermittent operation of the internal combustion engine when the auxiliaries must be supplied with 5 kW electrical power during standstill.Here,the auxiliaries are fed from the battery until the lower SOC(state-of-charge)-is reached.Subsequently,the internal combustion engine must be operated again for a short period of time in order to charge the battery.During this short recharge period with high load,the operating point of the combustion engine can be raised to a point with lower specific fuel consumption.Doing this,an advantage of 22%can result in fuel consumption reduction.The lower the performance requirement is during standstill,the higher the reduction potential will be.The frequency of combustion engine starts decreases,because the energy stored in the battery can supply the auxiliaries for a longer time period.According to[2],the timeshare in idling lies at 14%for the load cycle of a wheel loader.
图5 转矩突变时颗粒物排放峰值(左图)和发动机稳定工作的颗粒物排放(右图)Fig.5 Particulate matter emission peak during sudden torque step(left)and principle of engine stabilization(right)
In roading conditions of construction and agricultural applications,i.e.during transport w ork or steadily recurring work cycles with braking opera-tions,the recovery of brake energy is interesting.Such recovered energy can be stored in the battery in order to operate the electrical auxiliaries or to support the combustion engine(boost)with the electric machine.An increase of overall performance can be achieved by this additional active boost.Furthermore,the overall performance can be increased by smart power management of the electrified auxiliaries.Electrified auxiliaries have an advantage over hydraulically or mechanically fixed ones in the ability to be operated on-demand.By switching the auxiliaries off for a short period of time,a so-called passive boost becomes possible,when drivetrain and working hydraulics need more power than the combustion engine could supply in auxiliary loaded condition.
图6 液力和电力系统效率对比Fig.6 Comparison of Efficiencies of the hydraulic and electric system
With the stop-start function and by stabilizing the combustion engine,exhaust emissions can be reduced during engine idle and transient operating conditions.In Figure 5,the increase of raw emissions of particulate matter can be seen,as caused by a sudden torque rise.Avoiding sudden torque steps by slowly guiding the combustion engine torque(stabilization),eliminates emission peaks of particulate matter.The hybrid drivetrain compensates for the reduced engine dynamics and keeps the overall vehicle dynamics unaffected during dynamic torque steps.
图7 工程机械用并联式混合系统Fig.7 Parallel hybrid system for construction machinery
Besides the advantages of engine stabilization,a shift of the operating point of the combustion engine is also possible,thus influencing the regeneration behaviour(active and passive)of the particle filter and the required free-burning power to regenerate the particle filter in a positive way.
An additional approach to reduce fuel consumption and exhaust emissions is to reduce combustion engine power by downsizing the engine.The power reduction of such a smaller combustion engine will be compensated by the electric machine and boost pow er from stored energy in the battery.This is a specifically viable option in applications that need full engine power for only short periods of time or be operated in low load conditions frequently.The usage of smaller combustion engines reduces cost and partially compensates for the higher cost of a hybrid system.Due to reduction of emissions,exhaust gas after-treatment can be simplified,w hich will in turn again positively affect overall cost.Additionally these simplifications can lead to advantages in the packaging of complex exhaust gas after-treatment systems.
Electric driving appears to be less interesting for mobile construction machinery at first glance.
电动机(85或120 kW)通过功率逆变器和650V直流连接器与锂电池相连接。ZF公司的混合系统不仅包括硬件,也包括用于控制混合系统组件(起停系统、能量回收等重要功能)的软件和混合驱动策略软件(动力管理)。并联式混合系统具有多种应用场合,例如轮式装载机、集装箱起重机、伸缩臂叉车、升降式叉车、自卸货车和拖拉机等。
图9 开凿机混合驱动系统Fig.9 Hybrid system for excavators
However,the possibility of zero-emission operation can be of particular importance for some applications(material handling),particularly on sites with highly restricted emission limits or even zero-emission requirements(ports,airports or similar).Partial electric driving could also be useful e.g.over short distances,launch assist drive,turning around(field end),short-term operation in buildings,etc.
Comparison of hydraulic and electric hybrid
Hydraulic hybrids are able to recover high power and quickly supply it back into the drivetrain when boosting.However,electric hybrids have advantages over the hydraulic hybrids,such as efficiency,amount of storable energy,suitability for long-term storage as well as system dynamics and controllability.Therefore,functions like shift of engine operation point,stabilization and energy recovery can be utilized ideally.Figure 6 shows the recovery of energy and boosting from 20 km/h and the difference in efficiency between the hydraulic and electric system.In the simulation of this recovery of braking energy the hydraulic hybrid showed an efficiency of only 59%,whereas theelectric system showed an efficiency of 73%.Therefore more boosting energy is available in the electric system.This efficiency advantage of the electric hybrid system,together with the negligible drag losses of the electric hybrid,leads to significantly higher fuel consumption advantages for functions like energy recovery and boosting.
Also,the additional potentials through an electrification of auxiliaries and implements cannot be obtained with a hydraulic hybrid system.Theoretically,a stop-start function can be realized with a hybrid system as well.However,when the supply of auxiliaries(like an air conditioning compressor)is required during engine standstill,this can not be achieved in an optimal way with a hydraulic system,because of losses in the drives and the low-er long-term storability of a hydraulic accumulator.Furthermore,when using highly dynamic functions(e.g.stabilization)the electric hybrid system has advantages regarding dynamics and controllability during sudden torque step demands,despite the lower max.power capability.Based on the significant higher reduction of fuel consumption and because of significantly increased functional possibilities,ZF pursues simple electric crankshaft-starter systems with and without additional battery already in the first step.In all construction and agricultural applications ZF sees significant advantages for the electric hybrid system on a mid-and long-term basis.
Hybrid System for Construction Machinery
The layout of an electric hybrid system for construction machinery is show n in Figure 7.Looking at hybrid systems for the drivetrain,ZF focuses on the parallel architecture,in which the electric machine sits betw een combustion engine and transmission,supplying the power additional(parallel)to the combustion engine or alone by itself.This system can be implemented in two ways:
1. As an integrated layout,which means that the electric machine is integrated in the transmission housing(see Figure 8)
2. As a modular layout,which means that the electric machine is located in its own housing,being mounted either on the combustion engine or the transmission?
The electric machine(85 or 120 kW)is connected to the Li-Ion battery through a power inverter and a 650 V DC linkage.TheZF hybrid system comprises not only the hardware,but also the software for the control of the hybrid components(operative functions like stop-start,energy recovery,etc.)and the hybrid strategy software(power management).
This parallel hybrid system can be utilized in multiple applications,such as wheel loaders,reachstacker,tele-handler,forklift trucks,dump trucks and tractors.
Figure 8 show s the hybrid system with the Ergopower transmission in an integrated setup with a hybrid module housing the electric machine,individual rotor bearings and torsional vibration damper being situated in front of the hydraulic torque converter(including lock-up clutch).This layout is very compact.By possible usage of the transmission oil circuit,a simple enhancement with a planetary gearset to gain higher power from the electric machine or with a clutch to disconnect the combustion engine is feasible.The hybrid module can indeed also be w ell combined with different ZF transmission systems,like the newly developed hydrostatic mechanicalpowersplitCVT transmission cPOWER.
Figure 9 show s the layout of a hybrid system for excavators.The depicted system combines a parallel hybrid for the drivetrain and w orking hydraulics with a serial hybrid for the swing drive.In this layout the same hybrid module can be utilized like in the above mentioned parallel hybrid for e.g.wheel loaders.With the hybrid module being situated between combustion engine and pump drive,also typical functions of a parallel hybrid(i.e.stop-start,boost)can be realized for pump drive and drivetrain.The electric machines and inverters,which are installed in the hybrid module,can also be utilized for the electrified swing drive.Combined e.g.with the Li-Ion battery,the energy of the swing movement can be recovered and can be boosted back into the system.Figure 9 show s the excavator hybrid system,which can be installed in tracked and w heeled excavators.
[1]Vahlensieck,B.;Gruhle,W.-D.;Grad,K.;Rebholz,W.:Elektrische Antriebe fü r mobile Arbeitsmaschinen– Ein methodischer Ansatz zur übertragung existierender Lösungen.VDMA-TagungHybridantriebe fü r mobile Arbeitsmaschinen 2009,pp.79-94.
[2]Burow,W.;Brun,M.;Schoulen,K.:Hybridantrieb für mobileArbeitsmaschinen.ATZ-OffhighwayMärz 2009.
[3]Gö tz;M.;Gruhle,W.-D.;Mohr,M.;Grad,K.:E-lectrically Assisted Powertrains for Agricultural Machinery,in particularTractors.VDI-Berichte Nr.2060,2009.